Little things that kill the joy in Classic :)

Thanks my memory isn’t too good was 15 years ago when I had no medical issues. Ty for clearing that up for me. :blush:

I kind of figured it was a later talent or skill upgrade that you stayed in stealth when using sap, but is this how it will always be? Did not really remember from my vanilla rogue time.

My most annoying thing from classic for me so far is probably the gaps you sometime have between leveling/quests/zones. When you finished all available quests for the zone, but still not leveled enough to progress so have to mob grind, or do another same level zone to get the needed experience.

2x spellcast interrupt by dual sword mobs

It was most definitely normal at the time. In fact sometimes I think they have actually upped the droprates for some of the quest items.

TBC is absolutely boring for me…

endgame is good tho, but lorebreaking is not my kink.

Bloody stacks of 20 … totally forgot about that. :man_facepalming:

Eehmm… can we have 1 tiny change please? :grin: (just kidding)

If I am not mistaken - with talents its 90% not to break stealth, so you might still stare 1:1 with angry mobs when things fail.

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At the time it was normal to leave starting zones at 12 and a half because we were idiots who were randomly wandering about, killing mobs that we didn’t need.

If I’m not killing a SINGLE non-quest mob yet I’m still 12 and a half out of Durotar, Mulgore, and Tirisfal Glades (yes, I have that many alts on Classic), then there is a problem.

A simple comparison - the first quest in Valley of Trials requires me to kill 10 boars, while the first quest in Coldridge Valley requires me to get 8 wolf meats. I finish the quest in Valley of Trials after 10 kills, whereas it takes me upwards of 30 wolves (bringing me to 3lvl) to finish the quest in Coldridge Valley. Just read the rest of my examples in my last post and tell me if you think any of them is normal (hint: it’s not).

Before, I used to care about missing quests. With such horrible drop rates, though, I’m now casually abandoning loot quests that are not part of a chain, and I’m still able to level properly.

I’ve never had such issues on any of the dozen vanilla private servers I’ve played on. And don’t tell me “but private servers were inaccurate”. This just shows you haven’t played on any.

Improved Sap from Subtlety gives you a 90% chance to return to Stealth after Sap - an absolutely worthless talent that nobody picked.

No such gaps exist, and you never need to grind mobs for XP (at least I’ve never done it in 15 years). Zone switching is something absolutely normal for vanilla and is part of what makes it great.

The layers. What made vanilla so great was the realm community. But that isn’t happening now at all.

We can be on the same realm and have no idea we even exist.

All of those things, including being poor, are what draw most people to Classic over Retail though :man_shrugging:

With the slight correction that the storyline in Classic is extremely strong if you choose to do it. The difference between Classic and Retail regarding the storyline is that in Retail it is forced upon you, while in Classic you can choose to do it. And as with everything else in Classic, you have to put in a little more effort to do it.

Already changes to Classic are being made… Layering was not in Classic and people exploiting it as soon as they can, Can guarantee that the 2004 player would not have thought to do that.

The fact that dungeons are so easy that you can AoE faceroll them like you were doing dungeon finder in BfA, and that only a couple classes can really do AoE. Which leads to 90% of group calls to be for those classes atm.

Named mob spawn times :slight_smile:

All those resists and block parry miss is what i LOVE about the game
Those things exist. RNG in fights is what it makes interesting. As mentioned some mobs do pop up skills that enhance their defense so they block/parry a lot,some others have natural resistances like a fire elemental will be immune to fire or a frost yeti would have high resistance to frost spells. This is the good about the game difficulty. If i wanted a mindless easy button smashing game i would play bfa…
To answer the topic , the think i dislike is that there is no way to get a summon to a dungeon through stones but only with a lock. Also the 1hour CD on the hearthstone ( i d love if it would be like 30 mins ) and some really long CDs that some classes has (retaliation/lay on hands ect)

I agree I hope they remove the layering soon. I understand it was maybe necessary for launch but I think we can now ditch them since players are more spread over the world right?

They are probably kind of stuck with it now on the bigger servers. Right now the player cap is at least about 5 times larger than it was in the original. The world is just not designed for that amount of players no matter how spread out they are. So of course you would decrease the cap but unfortunately the biggest PvP servers are still seeing long queues at prime time as is.

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This spellcleave crap is killing me, I rolled a lvl 30 rogue to begin with but I got so sick of being treated like a leper for not doing any AoE damage and getting kicked out of every group so I just rerolled mage and now after doing Scarlett Monastery for the 100th time I’m beginning to think the game was clearly never intended to be played like this and if they knew about this back in vanilla they would’ve probably patched it.

It’s so methodical and efficient, I feel like a robot just running the exact same routine over and over and over. Its not the fact that its so OP that I think it should be fixed, its the fact that its so boring.


the two things that legitimately annoy me the most are the lack of sufficient enemies for all the people questing and the sorry cheapo state of the AH.

For me layering is killing the realm community right now, it make me feel like it is no difference than an average MMO where non of the names are similar after every log on session. I have made more interactions and relations in the stress test than the actual game. Stress test was fun to level up with same people with familiar names, this layering is really the worst thing happened to Classic.

The second thing killing the joy for me is that all already established guilds’ or multi-gaming guilds’ focus being on the raiding and on the end-game. This “gogogo” mentality, rushing to end-game made me feel so out of the game. I will wait a couple weeks, maybe a month till everything including community settles down. Then begin to play with regulars and casuals who plays the game the way I do, right now the trade and general chat unfortunately reflects a rushing and elitist mentality that I am all against.

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I think I will take it, since sapping without staying in stealth is pretty useless, pulling all the aggro soon as you sap a guy?

The gaps do exist, and I agree and kinda said the same, you can either mob grind to fill the gaps or do zone switching. I prefer to stay in one zone and finish it entirely, that’s why for me it’s one my (rare) annoyances. If you love the zone switching back and forth it’s not an annoyance for you.