I know that the Highblood Myrmidons and the Red Venturers take Demon Hunters
The same goes for the Dirge of Teldrassil and (probably) the Sunnyglade Ratters.
The Highblood Myrmidons’ doctrine is based around the idea that the Horde now stands as the logical continuation of the elven empires of old, having recruited the two high-blooded mage cities of Silvermoon and Suramar to their cause. The Horde provides the strength and backing that is needed to achieve the goal of Highborne dominance, being an excellent tool, as well as coming to both Suramar and Quel’Thalas in their ultimate times of need. Characterised by an undying, sometimes fanatic loyalty…
The Red Venturers: A Primer (Of Sorts)
Recruitment Status: Slowed
When one pictures mercenary types, they likely imagine the sort of grizzled rogues that inhabit Booty Bay; fighting, boozing, working with vague loyalty as they perform the brutal jobs others won’t dirty their hands with.
Perhaps some more optimistically see eager wide-eyed opportunists; looking for fame and glory, seeking to put their names in the books that would be written about their deeds.
They certainly don’t picture an…
We’ve lost everything. It’s all ash, now.
The witch gave the order, but what of those who cheered as the flames rose? What about those who cut a bloody path through our sacred forests? What about those who loaded the demolishers, who pulled the levers?
They are all complicit. All collaborators. Never forget that.
Elune willing, we’ll take from them just like they took from us. Their livelihoods, their families…
To lose one home and then another by the hands of the Forsaken. What a mon…
Rat snakes. Years ago, humans introduced these reptiles into Duskwood to cull the local rat population.
Half now, half when we’re done. We’ve never gone back on a done deal. Once we’ve shaken hands here - well, these vermin of yours won’t trouble you any longer.
I’d never even been to Sunnyglade. Some town done in by the orcs way back then - what’s it matter?
Enough faffing around. We’re on the job. You can save your good cheer for when we’ve collected. Saltzwald expects us to conduct …