Funny , begin of phase with av when ally won every av with premades, you didnt see em crying and now…
‘Crying’ it not a racial/faction specific thing in an mmorp and its forums. Its human. Regardless of what faction and or race you pick. People will post threads with their complaints.
Why do people give to sh1ts if a gnome or orc posted a complaint? Its irrelevant.
horde not cry
a lVL 45 prIeSt diSpeLled mY WoRldbuFf bEfOrE raIds fOr oNE MoNth noW
I thought a possible solution could be this: PvP - Alliance AV Voice Project
I try to promote this server here and in the german wow forum…
But alliance ppl dont care about. In both are ppl who told me such a thing already exists, but couldnt tell me any more details about these other servers…
The posts are just 2 hours old, but for now it seems they dont want to try it… they just want to cry.^^
Its human not orc lol ur right brorc
King of Orcs replied to me! I am not worthy.
List of Horde Advantages in AV:
- Horde cave is 30 seconds closer to Balinda than Alliance cave is to Galv
- Horde cave is a minute closer to Alliance base than Alliance cave is to Horde base
- SH bunker is located to the side near the the mid, making it very easy to avoid the archers, while IB bunker is right nex to a choke
- Aid Station flag is located right outside the entrance to Vann, making it very easy to defend while killing Marshals, while Relief Hut flag is off to the side and can be stealth capped unless you have dedicated someone to watch over it
- Balinda has less hp than Galv
- Marshals have less hp than Warmasters
- Drek comes with two dogs, whirlwinds and uses sweeping strikes, while Vann only hits the tank
- Drek’s room is smaller and it is much easier to accidentally pull Warmasters and easier to camp in without being killed, while the Marshals are positioned at the edge of the room, a very save distance away
- There is a wolf right next to FW flag that will walk over and aggro you when you’re capping the flag
List of Alliance Advantages in AV:
- Horde players might die if they run to Dun Baldar using the bridge instead of the two backdoors
- walking on snow with no shoes can get cold
Ally: check
Cry: check
It’s a simple spell, but quite unbreakable
Rallying cry, more like allying cry
( I hate myself for making that joke, im probably going to jail after this )
I might be very wrong. But I swore van had cleave? Not trolling or joking.
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