Massive FPS Drops.. game's stuttering, nothing works

I finally managed to fix my stuttering issue today.
I’ve had the same issue as everyone else - the game freezing / stuttering for months now. Seemed fine, then one day bam - stutters for no reason.

I’m on windows 11, which doesn’t help. But, i found a program running in Task Manager named Widgets. I closed all those, and like magic the game works.

May not work for everyone, but posting it here in case it helps someone.

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I don’t usually write, but I’ve been unable to play instanced content for 3 days now because the game runs and stops randomly and I can’t risk losing more rating than I already lost due to this bug :slight_smile:

I encourage everyone who has come to read this post to leave your complaint, with some luck it will serve for some influencer to put it in a video, the only way that persuades Blizzard to act.

Same issues,the game is practically unplayable now and Valdrakken is now a no go area as my Mage nearly got stuck there :frowning:

My FPS drops are not as bad as for some people but the mini freezes in combat are annoying af (fps drops from 100 to ~60 and back to 100 in half a sec).

Especially when using Bladestorm as warrior on 3+ targets with Mortal Strike talent. Minifreezes with every MS hit. Turned off any nameplates, turned off damage numbers, turned off any addons, turned off UI at all. Bare screen and still mini freezes in combat.

My game’s performance suffered a lot in the pre-patch and it was unplayable. First day of expansion everything went away but thousands of other people started experiencing worse things than me. Since Wednesday, although the problem with unresponsive character screen which took a whole minute to load sometimes has been fixed after a month, my game is now freezing up for several seconds at a time and not for severe fps drops.

After the latest patch game is stuttering hard for me as well. For a few minutes it runs fine then it goes down more and more, combat makes it worse.
I hope this will be addressed soon. I’m genuinely enjoying this expansion.

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Gonna paste it here from the otehr topic.

Its just unplayable. It keeps stuttering when i come into new zone, when i mount on, when i fly… before this patch i had -NO- issue with this game. All my drivers were perfectly up to date, internet connection beautiful, and cache wtf and interface just cool. Now i have feeling i play this game with use of calculator! And it doesnt matter if i have my addons on or off! Whether i have cache wtf and interface new or old. IT KEEPS STUTTERING! IN OPEN WORLD TOO!

There is simply no point to buy subscription and log on beacuse i cannot do the content. I cant even come to the next zone to pick herbs without troubles and freezes.


Opened ticket again and once more asked about stutters and it’s the answer I got. I think Customer Support we used to know is gone forever. They sound like politicians to me. Looks like no one care anymore starting from GM’s and ending on the Devs. Last replay here and on US forums was Dec. 22. I think I lost my hope that stutters will ever be fixed. They to busy adding fancy stuff to the game and to the shop instead focus on the stability and prerformance.


So, long story short:

  • CM on Forum : Make a request and contact the support.
  • CS : Post on the forum. Back to square 1.

So … uhhh? :arrows_counterclockwise:

Pong, or ping-pong much?
:crazy_face: :woman_facepalming:


Does the stuttering also happen on linux for Nvidia users ?

i like it when i have 144fps and then turn the camera a few degrees and it goes down to 40fps, very nice optimisation


Yes. AMD/Intel/Nvidia GPU on Linux same thing, also on macOS.

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Hi , I actually had the same issue, but before the latest patch?! More exactly, since Dragonflight oficially launched.

Info: I am a laptop user and i have an older modell with gtx965 video card.

But somehow the latest patch fixed my insane fps drop and lag spikes.

Hopefully in the future they release a patch that offers balance between laptop and PC users… :confused:

game was almost stutter-free until 10.0.5. instanced pvp regularly lags and frameskips and stutters, but raids do not seem to have this effect on me. though others in my raid groups have claimed they’ve had frameskipping in raids, i have not. a /reload sometimes (key: sometimes) helps, as does a relog, but this should not be happening at all. this problem is seemingly independent of hardware strength, addons, and graphical settings.

The game is unplayable. Didn’t play for a week and when I came back frame rate is even worse than before. I get 10fps in pvp and now open world is having issues too. Fix the game already.

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It’s really getting worse…
Stuttering is a lot more aggressive this patch; happens when I also hover my mouse over the system icon to check FPS.

You mean the question mark? That has always stuttered tbh.

Anyways, raids/dungeons are terrible now when using aoe abilities such a whirlwind, stutter every time it hits mobs.

Unplayable. Random DCs, unable to sigh in to BT, can’t connect, when I do so the lag is huge … and my PC is nt low at all

Oh yikes. I am just noticing it now.
But yeah, stuttering is getting worse. Just tonight I was in Duskwood doing some RP and every time some player would walk by on the road, the game would briefly stutter. Insane.