MM Hunter is too strong in PvP

there is 2 clips :smiley:

He didint press mind blast at one point,he got binding shotted behind a pillar then hit by kyrian spell then one shotted :smiley:

To be honest, I am tempted to just grab an mm buddy of mine and just duo 2v2 oneshotting to however high we can.

WW deletes mm in 1 on 1 situation like grass.You dont even need to atack clones will kill it :smiley:

Privately I’m hoping for SV to be the go-to arena spec for purely selfish reasons. Only recently discovered how hecking fun the spec is.


Dude you go not even check that post :

These 2 clips are full trolling.
it’s almost as standing in the fire and complaining the boss deal too much damage.

Even if you move out from it you still have the effect on long enough to cast doubletapped aimed shot

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hahaha you hunter players :smiley:

Man you can do same damage as ww with triple tookit :slight_smile: And yea that Kyrian wall hack should be deleted from game.

I cant press one spell and someone dies

Wow, WOW, way to downplay the complexity of MM, it’s obvious you’ve not truly delved into how hard it is to setup our kills, dude.

It’s 2 spells.


He had time to press greater fade and it was gg. That happens if you hold your defencives for next fight. And the hunter did nt pressed 1 spell. He pressed 4 and 1 was aim shot 2.3 sec cast. He had a lot of time to react. After that priest only has to dot him and its gg.

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I’m not saying that MM is the sole offender at the moment by any stretch, but I’m also not sure why people are so vehement on defending the spec’s current performance in PvP. If you have the ability to global people with relative ease, it generally indicates some form of problem one way or the other

I don’t think any sane person wants to nerf the spec and give it nothing in return (or at least I certainly don’t, even if they do cause me repeated grief in PvP at the moment), but it’s something that very obviously needs to be discussed (similarly to subtlety rogues, etc)

https ://

https ://

Geared Blood DK Dies To Global :smiley:MM Is Fine :smiley:


http ://
Arena. One Shot as a Warlock :slight_smile:

MM is fine :slight_smile:
wp on pressing that one button

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dafq, why you didn’t say 2x25k aimed shot?

SO Aimed shot was nerfed, enjoy and now stop whining on hunters forum NOW if u get one shoted its mean u have to l2p and know when to use your cd.
End of the story

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Yup, been slapped 10% less damage overall for aimed shot and 2nd shot of double tap hits for only 50%. Hope you’re all happy now. Only rogues got a slight nerf to their kyrian ability.



Where are the patch notes?

mmo-champ has them on the front page