
is this multiboxing thing Legal? GAME MASTERS answer it clearly what we must do for legal multiboxing ? if not why there are thousands of multiboxers ?

Doesn’t your third question answer your first?


they must say it not players if its legal they must show the way of using it. We know you are earning more money with multiboxing then say it clearly and explain the conditions that we can use it. WITH this explanation all players can use it safely…

Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our Terms of Use. We do not support multiboxing tools.

If you believe someone is botting then report them to Blizzard. Botting is where a programme performs all the actions for a player (the don’t even need to be present at their pc), as opposed to multiboxing when a person is in control of their account and duplicates the commands/keystrokes being used to their ‘boxed’ accounts. Some botters are single accounts, others are multiple.

This is superficial answer. Will blizzard change the terms ? Single account botters can be banned multi accounts cant ? Is blizzard working for changing terms? Will we see clear act in the future?

You asked if it’s LEGAL.

If you are looking to get the rules changed then you may what to phrase your comments differently or join in one of the other discussions about multiboxing issues on the forum.

No I just explained that multiboxing is not against the rules. Botting is against the rules whether it is done on one account or a whole load of accounts together. Multiboxing is not automatically botting, and botting can be done on a single account. It is software on your PC that does everything for you. You do not have to be present. Multiboxing is software or other means to duplicate the commands used on the lead account to the boxed accounts.

Edit to add:-

Issues with multiboxers in PvP

Issues with multiboxers herbing

There are more but that should do :slight_smile:


Before making a new thread you might just check if there is one already:


Please use the 1000 other threads on multiboxing, Your post added nothing new. You really thought your post was the first on the forums about it?

May be we must open 1million topic 2 milion may be whole form if it change the terms of blizzard . I wont ask anything i see alot of people ve already accepted it.

Stamping your feet and spamming the forums doesn’t get you what you want, Making good valid unique points does that.


I guess it’s not problem for blizzard as those multiboxers “pay” for every account.

I think they will start doing something about it when the normal players begin to leave the game because of that, and the loss will outgrow the benefit.

Well, the high elves threads kind of did it tbh.


Sadly yes, it is legal. There are players (myself included) think that it should be regarded as cheating, but right now it is allowed.


Multiboxing is unsuported but not illegal. This means that you can do it, but blizzard will not help you do it and will not encourage you in any way.

I have seen Ion Hazzikosta, who is the game director of wow, state in an interview that they do not want to encourage people to multibox.

If you decide to start multiboxing, be aware that it can be quite difficult and you expose yourself to personal attacks from strangers. Make sure that you are in control of the characters and that only one action is performed on each character for each time you press a key. Do not use automation of any kind.

Here is a good video to watch to get started with multiboxing

Here is the official site of isboxer

This website has lots of info about multiboxing

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