I like oldschool PvP videos like Pat, Dugi, Mayday, Vurtne, Drakedog and many more. I finally managed to make my own PvP video and I hope you’ll enjoy it.
I’m not sure how sharing a YouTube link works here but please, if you are intrested in the video type on Youtube:
Linking is easy, paste your link and put ` on either side of it. That’s the top left of the keyboard. But don’t bother if it’s the same as millions of others on there.
Edit: Just looked and I can’t find it.
But let me guess, you running around killing people to metal music.
Unfortunately it looks like your video was taken down. You might have more luck making it available if you change the music. Try searching “royalty free music.” Looking forward to seeing it!
Can you maybe do your job and reply to more important matters, like a completely fkd server called Firemaw, instead of replying to a scuffed PVP Video. Thanks.
Nice to see blizzard got time to answer broken PvP videos. When the real issue is the worldwide crisis. But your silent as fk on server issues and people locked in quarantine that wants to get by with playing your game… Oke thanks.