Name flagged for rename?

How on earth can you accuse someone on an online forum of appropriation, like you know literally nothing about him.

Then go tell Merriam Webster or the OED because they didn’t get the memo and included them in their English dictionaries. Café is an English word, a loanword, sometimes spelled without an accent (like résumé for example), and like the ones I’ve mentioned above, or like “mutton” or “beef” were loanwords one thousand years ago.

Don’t they teach anything at school these days?

This conversation is getting surreal…


Because he is appropriating a word thats why pal.

why don’t you appropriate yourself a brain.


It also explains in that dictionary the orgin of the word, origin meens where it came from incase your not familiar with word.

For all you know he could be a muslim who runs his own halal meat import company.

I personally dont give a flyer about who he is, because thays not what we are arguing about.

You’re accusing him of appropriating a word…

Your damn right i am, but for some reason you seem to think im taking a personal attack on him when im not, for all i kniw he could be an extremely nice person, but your confusing a harmless difference of opinion as a personal attack, in fact what your doing

And this guy is doing is more of a personal attack than anything ive said, as ive stated i really dont care who he is, but if my opinion differs from his how is that a personal attack?

Backpedalling to be the victim I see, how boringly generic.

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Thats because he is, the english language appropriated the word, the word itself is arabic i meen what dont you get?

Every word from their religion offends them.

I do like name Halal. All offensed people can ask for their “Safe Space” realm named Shattrath and be clowns here. What is wrong with “People” nowadays…

Yea im a victim cries please keybord warrior help me

Gtfo of here with that bs

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Wierd…over here in Holland i go to a butcher with a big sign on his shop that says.

The Turk in there is a cool dude and he has some epic tender beef…

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Sorry, confused, it’s a religiously inflammatory character name and has quite rightly been flagged


People seem to presume it’s SJW-motivations that led to the reporting, but it could also be due to extreme bigotry as well, which is on the uprise in the Western world (including Europe).

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Could you explain the inflammatory part please

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No - because I cannot for one instant - in the 2010’s - believe that anybody would need that explaining to them

As for the thread in general and some of the responses - it is sad that the concept of equality and respect has bypassed the moderators