New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

Casuals buy gold from bots because they don’t want to or don’t have time to play while those “no-lifers” you call are farming because they don’t want to pay booters to be able to play the game.

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Yeah like botters need to pay 4x money wouldn’t hurt them right? That goes from their profit, which means botting will be less profitable, which leads to less bots, which leads to less cases to review and ban which leads to even less bots.

Not to sound rude but I don’t think you know what “Legitimately” means then…

not exactly doing it illegitimately, 6 hours in a lock down is a cute amount of free time atm

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This will not stop bots, they’ll still use several accounts, or spread their bots across several realms and dodge this.

Only people this stops are mages boosting people in dungeons and people who aoe farm dungeons.

Terrible change.

Fantastic generalisation there. I think we need citations here or your post is just trolling…

hhahaha blizzards White Knight arrived, defend blizzard more u probably be playing this even if u were alone on your server :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Boosters, Farmers, Gatherers… There’s LEGIT players out there that farm 6hours or more . Especially in the weekends. It’s not going to fix anything it’s just going to make things worse for real players forcing them to go RMT or buy more accounts.

This change is so asinine it’s unreal.

Firstly, it doesn’t affect bots. The limit is on the server only, so that means that they can bot to cap, swap server, and bot again. It also just forces some of those bots into the open world. So now even more people get to see how incompetent and lazy Blizzard are being right now with bot control.

Secondly, it hurts actual players. Some people here are saying “But who would farm this much a day” - I do. I have been farming Maraudon for the Dagger from Princess longer than anyone in the game most likely. I have 4.8k kills at this point. I do upwards of 30 kills a day on a farm day. So thanks Blizzard, first screwed me over with RNG, now screwing me over for your own greed and incompetence in dealing with bots.

I know a lot of people said that Blizzard needed to do SOMETHING and ANYTHING, to at least show they are addressing the issue rather than ignore it? But I honestly take that back. This is worse than doing nothing. Go back to nothing if your only answer is instead to screw everyone else over in favour of bots.


@Many posters: While this will not fix all problems and more needs to be done, I am genuienely amazed by one thing:

Since the biggest realms are locked and transfers in are barred. How on Azeroth / Earth / insert your favourite planet here are botters going to get more bots in? scratches head

On a second note: Did anyone say they are going stop here? Blizzard is obviously working on at least seven entirely different areas of corrections / anticheats / capacity / outright bugs and so on…

On a third note: Are there any RFC bots? WC bots? Stockade bots? Would modifying the rule help? For example only 30 dungeons or raids of level… 45+ or 50+ per / day? And unlimited number of low level ones?

Seriously, I fully realize this affects some legit players, but try to post constructive improvements. You know how you play better than anyone else…


I don’t really know what’s the hype with gold. I got an epic mount from doing leftover quests at level 60 + some dungeons income while gearing with guild. Then I made like 2K casually juggling basic goods from professions on my main and alt (mining/skinning early on, then shifting toward tailoring and alchemy/herbalism with open world harvesting).

BAN THEM. NetEasy was able to find 100k+ account in 2 damned week. You think Blizzard can’t?


Ok - having read many posts I can see that legitimate players could farm a lot and these changes probably won’t do much to stop bots.

But seriously? 4800 runs? Each to their own but personally I think that’s utterly mental.

So Blizzard no longer want us to farm in their game, where botters still reign supreme while I am getting kept from playing the game on my own terms. A video game company that don’t want people to play their video game… Disgraceful


When I die I hope the Community Management team can come to my funeral so they can let me down one last time.


Idk, maybe use the milions that you make from legit players each month to employ people who will be taking care of finding and banning bots instead of paying 30 mils to your CEO?

I legit spend more than 6 hours in dungeons sometimes i aks people to pay sometimes i do it for free, and i do it simply because i love doing aoe pulls and i love chatting with people while i do it… Not to mention that it means nothing to bots because they can just make 5 mages on 5 realms and just keep doing it anyways… If yore learing how to do pulls im 100% sure you will restart many times simply because you died after killing only few mobs and you cant keep practicing with some of mobs dead… Not to mention that it makes targeting single bosses for certain items impossible, than i dont know how you level up your characters. When i lvl up by questing it takes me around 15 days playing 8-12 hours a day with taking a break for few days because of burn out after you do it 2-3 times it gets so boring that you dont want to do it anymore so what you do is find someone to boost you, if you have friendly guildie mage he will do it for free or you find someone who will take some gold to get you your levels, which is fine. But guess what, now using your extra gold to get your alt to max lvl in few days is not possible any more.

Wtf?? Fix the bots issue by banning them and don’t punish the hardcore players who really want the best for classic! This is an awful change which will not punish the bots at all.

Yeah and do you think they banned all of the bots? How do you know EU or US Blizz didn’t ban the same number of accounts?

If there are millions of accounts how much time does it take to review them? Probably a lot.

Nope. We don’t. Blizzard have said nothing on this at all, and have shown so far no evidence that they are working on anything. You can’t say people shouldn’t assume they aren’t, and then say without any evidence what so ever that they are.

People have been giving suggestions for months. This one is bad. Simply put. And “At least it’s something” is not a good approach when that something negatively impacts the playerbase, more than it even does the botters.

They already have loads in. It’s a reason server wait times came back. Transfers being barred is true, but they have bots on the major servers already. Unbanned. Unhindered.

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Because that they stated that they banned 100k+ for botting around 4k for language and so on and so on.

So they don’t review them at all. Peak efficiency.