Morning all,
Getting into classic kinda late here, but nothing to do in retail for a fair few weeks and I was wanting to put some time into classic.
I am finding it difficult to find a realm, in the sense of there dont seem to be any accurate population sites, I noticed Ironforge basically only does high end active players so it looks like each realm has about 3k active players each faction which cant be right?
I am wanting to go onto a PvP realm with the main aim to raid at 60, but would love an active social/levelling guild on the way up.
I’m in no way going to rush 1-60 I want to enjoy it like I did back in the day.
Any help picking an active realm is much appreciated, I want to play Alliance.
If you want an enjoyable experience, you should choose a pve realm on the alliance side. Pvp servers are a big mess.
Most people think levelling on a PvP Classic realm will mean proper PvP with players of their own level. It doesn’t, it’s more the occasional gank while levelling and at max level losing in a lot of BGs for Alliance.
So whats the go to PvE realm for alliance?
Pick a medium sized server… Full realy aint no fun… Specialy not for new players (verry hard to find herbs and nods at 60)
And just enjoy the game…
U never to late to start classic… Why? Its 40man raiding with few item drops… That means it takes ages to complete all the items u want annyways… And due the fact zul gurub is A catch up raid… U wil be ready in no time to raid you’reself.
Have fun mate
There is only one pve realm in europe no? Pyrewood or something.
For PvE, come and join Pyrewood Village.
High population so the economy is booming, LFG channel is always packed and plenty of great guilds to choose from to suit all types of players.
If you want you enjoy your playtime and lvl in calm environment, go on PVE definitely. There is also higher chance to do any dungeon via LFG channel, which is very living. No problem to do any dung from RFC to UBRS, there are also many pugs for raids and many guilds welcoming new socials, sometimes raiders. I could recomnend you Mirage Raceway, the another PVE Europe server.
I’m happy on Mirage Raceway, which is also a PvE realm
Oh, hey Silblade
What about Zandalar Tribe?
Its a RP PVP but its slightly more Alliance favor and seems to have a stable economy as well.
I’d prefer Mograine because it’s a big tryhard pvp realm but there’s a “pet pictures” channel in their discord, it’s so cute xD
Just FYI, if you just want to do classic to kill some time waiting for Retail content a couple of weeks, that is great. But know the grind for leveling and requirement for raiding, that might be more time than you have in mind.
There are raid pugs and lower level raids, so can always give it a go of course, just be sure you know what you are getting in to.
Play on a PvE realm, the leveling experience is far better since players more often than not have the old school mindset of enjoying the experience instead of min maxing which includes leveling, finding a dungeon group is far harder on a pvp server since most people grind gold on their 60 characters and pay someone to powerlevel them a good chunk of their leveling experience.
It is faster to do that than to level a warrior or a rogue solo to 60 but it’s not someone you should be looking for if you want the nostalgic experience.
You may be wondering if you should go Horde for TBC (Horde has an edge with racials and paladin seals), but pve content is nowhere near as hard as endgame Mythic content on live and for PvP you will have instant battleground queues with a premade, allowing you to effortlessly gear your alts compared to Horde which will have absurdly long queues because of minmaxing mindset.
(As in 45 min during peak times and 1+ outside it, AV can reach up to 1h30m for Horde on classic)
Tldr go Alliance PvE and have fun, don’t make the game your 2nd job
I’m not new but a returning player and have 2 level 55 characters and they were a pain to level due to finding groups for dungeons even for a tank.
I’m on Shazzrah, what realm do you guys recommend me to go to? I read people say here Mirage Raceway and Pyrewood Village. But not sure for which faction!
My biggest turn off in classic is the constant spam of boosts, preventing me from finding groups normally…
This happens on every big realm…
It’s literally 10% at Pyerwood Village of what you see on Shaz, you get more group requests though it’s not much compared to first few months after launch
Can you elaborate? is that good or bad?
Not sure why people saying to avoid PvP realms. I play on one and haven’t had any issues since early phase 2. Try to pick a realm with a healthy balance of alliance and horde. I couldn’t be happier playing on Zandalar Tribe.
I think all servers are suffering from a lack of levelling players so finding dungeon groups can be hard depending on the dungeon.
Isn’t Horde on Zandalar Tribe much weaker than Alliance?
Starts with…
Then later
It’s interesting to find someone who’s still at the first stage.