No-RDF is about socializing, among other things

Real wotlk player here. Can confirm everybody I knew and played with including myself were positive about RDF.
Did not kill social interactions or whatever other fairy tales you people keep coming up with. And everybody was doing heroics again, not necessarily because they needed gear, but because it was so accessible, convient, and gave you something fun to do.
And that’s at max lvl, RDF was even better for the levelers.


Totally representative sample you have there. Sadly Blizz purged the forums with those old threads, but MMO-champion still have those 2009 ones with people complaining about it. The same arguments are getting brought up again after a decade. Nothing changed.

Care to provide a proof or are you just going to talk about it and how great foresight people had 13 years ago?

Positive maybe but asking for it to be on release as “it was in wrath” is wrong.
It changed the gameplay over night and everything got less social and more toxic in dungeons. Nobody gave a damn about if they ninjaed, was afk etc etc. It was a garbage inclusion to the game and it kept it’s status as a cesspool up to atleast Legion (did not play after legion so dont know what happened after that).

I know it.
But if you wasn’t blinded by your bad faith.
You will understand that it’s not a features progress but a PvE/PvP content progress and RDF was removed ONLY because of people like you, accusing RDF to destroy the social to finaly get the prove that you was wrong and finaly drown in bad faith and denial.

Argue of out its context, nice try.
I played 12 years on Wotlk, i played on MANY diferente pservs with many objectivs and design, not you, that’s why YOU are completely delusional.


No because RDF was removed because you cried all about the social, not because it wasn’t here first.
How can people be so rotten in bad faith ???


I just ignore him.
You can’t talk with this stuck brain.

By the way the author, the RDF feature was removed, not because we are on the Naxx content but because of the “social”.
Blizzard said they “heard” the “community”, but they just heard the Classic ERA players and now they are here like this troll Miylee to try to tell us that RDF was removed because of the patch content.

Obviously it’s wrong and it’s write black on white.

Dungeon Finder Removed in Wrath of the Lich King Classic - Wowhead News

I never want to see you arguing with the fact that it wasn’t here at the start.

Have fun. This is around the end of the expansion, older threads are there as well.

Ok so because the most people hated RDF back in the day you think it still right ?
This is exactly what i said many time

Stucked people with their old stuck memories.

Interesting piece of history though the pages you linked were all about Cata.

Like 5 pages in, theres dude going “I wanna tell people how they should play the game”-mentality, who sounds like most of anti-rdfers, and he instantly gets shut down as a troll xD …

Bruh, you could search around and find people from 2004 saying TBC is the worst thing to ever happen to wow and it will kill the game …

Show me those 250 pages filled up with threads about RDF instantly ruining the game overnight …

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Huh after small lecture… Didn’t know Cata early on added a requirement that you need to actually visit the dungeon first to unlock it for Dungeon Finder. That actually sounds like it would be a nice addition…

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Just wanted to quote that one xD … it would be nice solution to all those people who think “numlock on flying mount” is social interaction …

and thread named
“cata dungeons too hard?”


Another good one " Gearscore ruining the game "

“solo heigan kill”

The thread itself is about loot rules in RDF but “First id like to say that what Blizzard has down with this particular part in the game has made it almost impossible NOT to find a group. I applaud this!

another thread
“First of all I want to say the new LFG system for Dungeons works GREAT! Great job Blizzard”
(But… I was wondering if anyone has had any luck with the LF Raid system? I have Q-ed for it 5 times now and never found a raid group. Now my thoughts were Blizzard may never make this system work because imo it would kill raiding as a guild (which is almost dead on my server anyway) for the most part. Has anyone had any luck with this system or heard anything out of Blizzard about this system? Your thoughts? )

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Yea but this is Classic already regardless of RDF so that argument doesn’t hold much weight now. Not having it did not improve the above points.

I didn’t know and i think too it’s a good idea.

Most complaints about RDF from the link you yourself provided are “tanking sucks” and “oculus sucks”

(theres like 3 pages in a row about “oculus poping up too often” and “why its always oculus”)

(also gearscore sucks … oh no :smiley: )

So, today, I was sitting in SMC waiting for my random dungeon queue to…queue…and I saw in Trade someone asking for a minimum GS of 75 to run RFC with him.


That page predates the release of Cata (2010.12.07). So they are for late Wrath/Cata beta.

Well of course, things gradually went south and we, myself included, were wondering whether it’s due to RDF. We, myself included, forgot how annoying it was to spam Trade to find a party, often around midnight after the raid. Forgot how during my loremaster I ended up boosted in pretty much every dungeon by a tauren hunter - ending up in their guild raiding later -, because I didn’t find people. I forgot how /who 1-79 often listed less than 50 players.

It’s still possible RDF played a part in the mindset change, but players are different anyway and turning back is unlikely, many of them are a lot more focused (acting professional), while others like me have aged 15 years and thus our preferences changed. Plus, unlike in 2009, there are many services competing for our free time, meaning entertainment standards have increased. (Spamming LFG and watching gryphon taxi for 15 minutes doesn’t meet them.)

We have a wonderful “what if RDF didn’t happen” comparison case.
People tend to find causation in anything. Economy, pandemics, RDF. Sometimes correct, sometimes not.

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You think you do, but you don’t. Allen Brack was correct all along.

They also said “bring a player not a class” and then gave heroism to mages …

Not his best quote but he wasn’t wrong. After all isn’t classic a proof of that in the end? Isn’t fate of Jin’do a proof for that thesis? Monofaction PvP realms while we still cry about protecting wPvP?