Petition to hear a blue post for updates and a solution to the Flamelash & overall horde:alliance issues

After getting nothing but snotty copy paste denial from GM’s and being told to voice my concerns on this post that has been closed for 15 hours (Free Character Moves Close at 1:00 a.m. on 6 December - #55 by Decaye-ravencrest). I am here to ask for some communication from the devs on what they play to do to solve this.
Even if their plan is to do nothing, we deserve to know what is going on.

Are free faction transfers going to be opened?
Is flamelash going to be dissolved into other servers?
Are ally transfers to flamelash going to be opened?

This issue hits more than just flamelash, almost every pvp realm is horde dominated and we can’t keep blaming all horde players for choosing a prefered faction when blizzard has given us no official statistics on faction ratio or any incentive to swap over.


Yes Blizzard what have you got to say for yourself?

-Blizzard: …

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Well, I’m not a GM, but I can tell you what will happen.
Nothing. And it is right that nothing will happen.


Nothing will happen, nor should it happen. If you’ve played WoW for long enough, you will know these extreme 99:1 H:A (or A:H) servers have always existed, blizz has never done anything.

And do they need to…?
Sure it sucks not having players on the opposite faction. It’s more boring. But it doesn’t actually harm you.
You can still do all of the content in the game including all the PVP content ranks and rewards, you just have to do your pvp in battlegrounds rather than in the world.


I love common sense - thank you

these extreme 99:1 H:A (or A:H) servers have always existed

please remind me of a time where blizzard allowed the underdog faction to leave en masse less than 24 hours before the deadline cutoff for realm transfers?

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Uh… every single time there’s been FCMs available? (Free character migration)

Your comment doesn’t make any sense, “Since when have people been allowed to use the transfer function before transfers closed”. I don’t understand?
Any server where both factions had transfer option, by their nature the faction is allowed to transfer away.


nothing has happened before, great

doesnt mean nothing should happen though does it

improving the game for everyone is not a bad thing, only a select few special people enjoy the imbalance

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so please do tell us, O Wise One, what measures can be taken to “improve” your server?

literally constant posts spam the forum about easy ways to fix the imbalance

faction queues, and faction changes from high to low only

horde cant logon for 2h a day on my server until they change faction

easy fix, and this is coming from a horde player on 70:30 horde majority server

This server is maybe 95:5, say 20:1 Horde:Alliance.

Alliance seems to be completely dead. So your proposing that Horde can’t login unless they change faction…
Changing faction is hardly an easy fix. It requires you to DELETE ALL of your characters.
Do you think 45% of the Horde population are going to delete their level 60s and start from scratch?

The other option - free faction change. But who’s going to take it up? Who in their right mind would change from a stable Horde population to a completely dead Alliance population?

Another option: free transfers away from the server. What happens? Thousands of people take it up and then you’re left with a completely dead server on both Horde side and Alliance side.

That would make several horde players unable to log on, on 70-30% servers. Like forever.

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yes, hence the faction swap option :slight_smile:

swap all characters at once i guess

im horde on shazrah, 70 30, and i would swap in a heartbeat because this ratio is fun for noone

free faction change is what i meant

and yes youre right noone would take it, unless they had to queue 2h a day

thats my point

edit: im on 70 30 and this would work, 95 5 server maybe have to merge it first idk, before flamelash shazzrah was worst ratio EU at 70 30 so i wouldnt worry about 95 5 servers happening just yet, people are super exaggerating ratios all the time

No one want to play Alliance willingly, so now we should make Horde reroll?


private servers of multiple expansions show that people always roll whats most OP, you have to give an incentive or force balance or people will ruin it, human nature im afraid

faction queues from launch are common on private server and work great

edit: not saying reroll just faction swap existing characters, or reroll another server, or sit in queue daily while ally have no queue

so where’s the petition?

so where’s the petition?

This is it, your comment is the vote.

Thank you : ]

oh, well in that case here’s my vote, would be great to get a blue post with a in depth take on the matter from Blizzard’s side

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I entirely agree. This isn’t like the old days when players had limited avenues to make themselves heard.

We have already noticed that the GM’s are extremely restricted in the things they are allowed to do, so I would enjoy a blue post telling us what the WoW Classic team is planning to do to balance this situation, because it cannot stand if the game is to thrive. We are paying customers, after all.