Yeah, and guess what? If you were a slow player, you’d be arguing that Phase 2 should ‘wait for you’. If you were a fast player, you’d argue that Phase 2 should come sooner. I know your type. No matter the situation, if it doesn’t meet YOUR own personal pace, you deem it unfair and complain. “Players like me” is just a PC way of putting it so you don’t come across as selfish.
And calling people noobs for being slow? Go back to Runescape if that’s your attitude.
You also failed to acknowledge my other point, that Phase 2 doesn’t contain anything you’re going to miss out on by being slow. It’s literally, PvE wise, just Dire Maul and some world bosses. Missing a few weeks of those isn’t going to ruin Classic for you.
Well i dont find lvl 48 against lvl 60 farming honor a PvP… but then again i rolled PvE so i can choose when and against who i can pvp, so i kind of agree with you
It’s not a fair fight but we haven’t had warmode that long. PvP servers have always had ganking so you gotta be very optimistic or naive if you think taking your time leveling on a PvP server isn’t gonna come cost you a few ganks.
If you want opt-in fair fights go PvE servers like you said.
Wait until the demon boss’s minion bends you over the table. By the time you’ve finished paying out, you’ll look back wistfully at the time when you could sit down in comfort.
“Taking their time” are just fancy words for “being slow”.
A friend of mine has never played WoW before Classic. He’s essentially a full blown beginner without any prior knowledge of the game.
He has a full-time job and a wife who also needs attention, so he doesn’t play every day and only a few hours when he does.
He’s leveling a warrior and is currently level 38.
TLDR: If you’re not level 40+ by now, you are not average, you are SLOW!
There’s nothing wrong with only being lvl 22.
My grievance is with people who try to make it sound like being lvl 20-40 is completely average, and that those who are 50+, not to mention 60 at this point are workless no-lifers who rushed the content.
I have played since almost launch, extensive knowledge, and my warrior is only 36. That makes me glacially slow. And you know what? I really couldn’t care less. I play classic maybe once a week for an hour or two.
I love how you capitalise SLOW and italicise it as well as if it’s some kind of bad thing you have to pin on people.
Yet nobody is going to hear me complaining about P2 coming before 2020.
Being slow isn’t necessarily bad - but being slow and acting like the majority of players is as well, while wanting everyone else to wait for you to “catch up”, is.
My posts are directed at the “don’t release P2 until march, I’m only lvl 25”-crowd.