Blizzard has already confirmed that they increased server cap a while ago.
I think the realms supports at least 10k concurrent players, no cap at 5 or 3k like it was in vanilla…
“It’s literally built for people who haven’t blown through all the content yet”
That’s the problem, with dire maul they wont have the opportunity to experience the phase 1 content instead they will be stuck doing DM every day because what’s the point in doing ubrs, lbrs, brd when you have dire maul with better gear and gold/h?
no, before phase 2, this garbage pretend batching system has to go… its detrimental to the pvp scene. Rogues especially suffers badly from it because its nothing like it was in vanilla.
If they end up pushing the pvp content while pvp is in such a awful state. the game will suffer.
They are just releasing DM. It’s been over a month and a half since Classic release. In 2005 DM released about a month after original WoW had launched too, so it’s a pretty concise experience.
They are not just releasing DM, they release all the content that is part of DM and class quest 50+. That mean epic mount for Paladin and Warlock, new spell book, and lot of things.
I agree with OP, i made a thread about phase 2, Game Master response was “When do you think it’s better to release it ?”. Lot of people asked for mid-December/end of December.
And what are they doing ? They release DM in 8 days … Just W T F.
DM come with ultra-massive inflation on ALL ressources because 3 class (and probably more) can solo farm this dungeon with an insane amount of gold per hours.
The player who are lvl 45/50 actually (most casual players) will have a hard time. For example, the price of “Frostband Ring” that is BiS for all Mage, will probably increase by a factor of 2 or 2.5 when DM is released, because the amount of golds in the pocket for lvl 60 players will increase massively due to DM Lasher farming / DM Tribute Hunter run.
The original plan was to release Phase 2 as Phase 2, with all content. Why are they doing to release it by small part ? This is stupid … Blizzard should rethink about this decision.
I am Hardcore, 29 days played, full pre-raid BiS with some Raid BiS, and i’m going to burnout soon probably like most hardcore player on this game. This is to fast.
I understand the hype is not the same as release week, and Blizzard want subscriptions to come back, but at this point releasing a single dungeon that change the meta-game so soon is the worst idea.
How about they schedule it to the majority of the player base? Currently I feel majority players are in the 46-56 area which is perfectly fine as those will hit 50-60 befor dire maul starts or around that time. Also there’s still a lot of confusion. Dire maul releases sooner then Actual phase 2 as far as I can tell phase 2 is near the end of this year while dire maul is 15/16th this month. So still like a month or 2 grace period for people to catch up.
Are you kidding :D. The medium populated Hydraxian Waterlords is crowded. The faction balance was like 30% horde when last checked, yet even the Barrens is full of people. Constantly multiple groups going to WC. (Maybe the ratio is not so bad anymore?) Ironforge is full of people and so is every tavern full of roleplayers. Good luck on your full servers when layering is gone. Medium is the old full.