Please allow those stuck on Flamelash Alliance a Transfer!

Yes, you got screwed by the player base mass panicing. Blizzard could have handled the situation better; they could have opened migration for Horde only. But it was still the players that screwed you.

You chose to argue with me, not vice versa. I was arguing with Slappys and Reconwarrior. My point was people all leaving was Blizzard’s fault.

If Blizzard left the transfers open longer; people would have still left and still screwed both Flamelash and Earthshaker up.

No, I said Blizzard initially wasn’t to avoid server merges, not announcements.

I’m posting inbetween corpse runs. Apparently, Firemaw Alliance don’t want me giving beads to the Timbermaw furbolgs.

Actually you got a point there. It was a poor choice of mine, which I will now correct. Bye now :wink:


it is not possiable. atleast they had their chance.

you should think about the alliance on Shazzrah.

Does it matter who screwed us? There is literally no point in your reply. For sake of argument, lets assume it was the players who ‘screwed’ us as you so eloquently put it, so what? It changes nothing about the objective of my post. We merely want a solution offered in the form of transfers out of Flamelash, for the poor people who are stuck here - is that too much to ask after all the months of effort these people have put into the game?

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Farewell, until next you repeat your mistake.

It actually does matter, because the same thing is going to happen over and over and over. Every solution Blizzard offer is going to be abused, just as every other solution has.

Not at all, I sincerely hope that your problems get remedied. They’ll never be truly fixed, but I hope the game at least becomes playable before you.

I’m just here stating my frustration at people pointing the finger in the wrong direction.

This is not an established fact.

Only 7 seconds later you already baited me into repeating this, well played.


Whilst I may have pre-maturly posted in this thread, multiple others on the same topic were blaming Blizzard.

Not all arguments and viewpoints are baits. I gain nothing from you responding to me, for which reason I have no reason to “bait” you.

There is little reason to argue anymore. For us still here it is our server, where we raised characters to max, did our dungeon and raid grinding. We took the hours to make connections so we could enter this content with new friends.

It went both ways, there were players on the alliance side I would run into where we would have some amusing 1 vs 1 fun. Either party instigating, or on a tired evening just riding past one another.

I do not believe even for a second anyone wanted the server to end up like this. And it is not like we in the horde truly had a good option once the deadline was announced, and we witnessed panic on both factions.

There were simply too many of us to all transfer and follow the alliance to keep the, well. Family together. The larger guilds with people that could not get online within the deadline would leave friends behind if we had tried. We even had a member who was stuck in the hospital. So we stayed.

And here is the thing: If we had all jumped ship, there would have been a ghost town of a server left, with those that could not follow due to life, or did not read the forums in time.

No matter what choice we made, our server was in for a rough future once the sequence began.

So now we are left with asking Blizzard for help, it is too early in Classics life to leave our alliance friends stuck like this in silence.


They should just close the server completely and move everyone to ES. Obviously people who got stuck on FL will not be paying for long if they have nobody to play with.


The server transfers were opened because of overpopulation. If Blizzard throw the remainder of FL onto ES, then ES becomes even more overpopulated than what FL was; thereby creating even more problems.

How do you propose that issue is fixed? More server transfers?

From what I can read here there is not many people left so it wont be such a difference anyway. And if it is, well then they will get an overpopulated server… still better than dead server.

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I still have my 37 rogue there. Forgot to transfer him.

Rerolled on gehennas few weeks ago and I’m very happy now :smiley:

I support this. As long as it is Alliance transfer only.

I mean… this realm is dead anyways. If you let Alliance players save themselves, it would be nice. If you also let Horde players transfer, they would just keep chasing Alliance players wherever they go and players would keep jumping from server to server and that sucks.

So since Blizzard does not intend to fix faction imbalance, they should allow both factions to play on separate realms.

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I hope they never open server transfers again. Its just ruin other good servers, imagine when flamelash horde migrate to another server, and make that into another unbalanced server. They should have stopped the free transfers after the layers gone.

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Your entire guild had MONTHS to decide for a transfer.

It’s not Blizzs Problem that you didn’t do so.

What about the hordes though?

They’d be left with no alliance they can farm, when AQ hits they won’t be able to enter as the Alliance can’t contribute (from what I’ve read, correct me if I am wrong).

The whole situation is just fked up really, and the only thing I can think of fixing it, would be Dibanding Flamelash and force migrating people to other broken up servers or merging.

Feeling for you the leftovers.


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You’re not wrong, they did have months to decide.
However it wasn’t until day/ hours before the deadline everyone moved over quite promptly, making some of them even aware of the possibility.

It’s a problem their customers are having to face with though, making the game rather unplayable. One that only Blizzard can fix though.

With all due respect having adult life responsibilities isn’t always an ‘excuse’ for not keeping abreast of things.

I have discord on my phone so even when I can’t log in I can at least keep up with important things and maybe, just maybe, get online to do something or let people know if I can’t.

Whilst there might not have been any indication when transfer were going to close, before or after BGs release, Blizzard did always say:

We strongly suggest that any players planning to use a Free Character Move do so as soon as possible. Free Character Moves may be disabled without warning at any time.

I do feel sorry for those who never made it though.

What about them? Nothing. Leave them. They wil reroll. Hopefully Alliance this time.

If you open up the transfer again for everyone, the whole realm will transfer to Earthshaker. So we would end up with one full Horde dominated realm with huge queues and one dead realm. So much worse situation than before the transfer. And transfers are supposed to improve the situation and not to make it worse. So that´s why they shouldn´t allow Horde to transfer now. Because if they do, Alliance would be again forced to leave to another server. And Horde would follow. And this would go on and on… leaving dead servers behind.

And in the end there would be few Horde dominated servers and many dead servers as a result of people jumping from realm to realm and Horde following them.

Leaving Horde behind on Flamelash is the best thing we can do. It will not destroy faction balance on other realms and it could be an example of how all one faction dominated servers will end up eventually so other players could actually try to prevent that on their realms if they see how their server could look like in few weeks if they continue doing what they are doing…

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As I said, we were not planning on migrating initially, as we believed BGs being released might solve the situation, and there was NO indication that Blizzard would suddenly close transfers before that date. Then, when they suddenly announced they were closing transfers with only 48 hours notice, mass panic took over the server and everyone began leaving. THIS is why we, as a guild, were forced to make a sudden decision, and some of our members were unavailable during these 48 hours due to adult life responsibilities.