Please allow those stuck on Flamelash Alliance a Transfer!

I really hope Blizz do something for your guildmates. The first thing than i thought when i learned about the exodus is about those raid logging who would log in on an mono faction horde server because they did not know in time.

My guess is we will have paid transfer soon.


It is good to remember that not all things fall down to player responsibility. There are multiple ways things could have been handled in hindsights.

Releasing battlegrounds at the same time as honor so the heaviest honor farmers would be too busy in the queue to gank to the same extent.

Waiting until battlegrounds were out to stop the transfer window. It was the sudden ‘transfers close in just over 24 hours’ announcement that started the panic exodus.

If the transfer from Flamelash had been horde only, (as we were more numerous) things would have been mitigated in favour of the balance. Hindsight is an painful thing.

But in the end, both factions left on Flamelash are waiting on an official Blue response so the uncertainty of the future can set aside. We are all players with hundreds of hours in the game at this point, who pay to be able to play. Asking us to re-roll and start over, is not really a realistic option.

Let’s see what the coming week brings.

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Exactly this. And blizzard should start to show A/H ratio when selecting a realm for the first time. I would never have picked a horde character on a realm where 65 or 70% of the players are horde. This could have solved so much bullsh!t.

In my opinion, the sole fact of a transfer deadline only catalyzed the ruining of the server balance. Two days before the deadline, the ratio was still slowly shifting down from 35/65, then it was 18/82 four hours before the deadline, and 6/94 after the deadline. The short time window of this process did create the hysteria around the transfer thing. And of course, some guild has to make rapid decisions, and some players were left behind. I know that some guilds initially wanted to see how things would develop after BGs come out, and only suddenly decided to transfer because they had to make a decision.

Imagine that your choice is between something predictable like a new server with a “normal” A/H ratio and staying on a server nobody knows if it would be fixed and when. And while you are trying to make a decision, a lot of alliance players around you choose to transfer, making the picture of the server’s future worse and worse. Clocks ticking, make your decision.

Whatever the reason to blame, the state of the server is a problem now, which should be addressed by Blizzard.


I support you from France.
Perhaps turn Flamelash into PVE server and open transfer from other pve servers wich are very overcrowded and heavy Ally, could be a solution.
This transfers only for alliance of course from pve servers MR and PV.

Stay and fight back the horde, you will be remembered in ages, Flamelash heroes. Press F to pay respect

On every server with a waiting queue, there was literally a BUTTON, telling you that you can change the server.

And even if there weren’t: We are living in what’s become known as the "Age of Information. “but nobody told me” is no longer an excuse, sorry.

t’s a problem their customers are having to face with though

If someone faces a problem he is solely resonsible for, and the only way to solve that problem would be for me, as a company, to go out of my way, AND make the game worse for others in the process, I simply chose to not care.

At least you get a shot…how about the rest of us…like Firemaw

It really annoys me that factions slide into being one-side dominant. Wasn’t Flamelash once fairly close to 50-50, if not 45-55?

I put the blame on two groups of people:

People who leave a server when it’s 45-55 because of a little ganking are utter cowards. They should have pulled themselves up by the bootstraps and fought back, but instead they run to a server where they can be the dominant ones instead. Thus resulting in pathetic situations like Flamelash, with 90-10 faction balance - and of course, the smaller faction will have every right to want to move at that point!

The second group of people are the ones who knowingly roll on the 55 side of a faction, simply because they’d rather be on the winning side. That mentality destroys faction balance and is equally as cowardly as the one which advocates leaving a server simply because they are slightly outnumbered.

I wish people would think about what is best for the future health of a realm before rolling. But of course, selfish people will not consider that. Thus I think Blizzard should more heavily regulate population - Heavy queues for factions over 55% of the total server population, and free transfers to slightly under-populated factions.

I see your point, but this collapse happened in a window of about 28 hours. I can imagine that there are some people who can’t respond on this event in that time. It started 5 december around 19:00 ST, 28 hours later the transfer window closed, and the Alliance side was dead.

the Realm is dead, only hope is to transfer

How would that be fair?

Alright boys, we taking those last 60 alliance away, so good luck having the wow classic experience with half of the game unavailable.

We suggest to go and kill factionleaders for honor as there is no one to defend them.

And when AQ hits… well, sorry lads, flamelash gonna skip that, doors won’t open without the alliance. Gl next patch!

last 60 alliance are rerolling or quting anyways… as they can not do anything, LITERALLY!!!

Wow! I’m just devastated =(

I’m one of the people left behind. I just logged in today (weekend) and Stormwind…a ghost town…Ironforge…a ghost town, with horde running round IF trying to find one alliance player alive.

So sad… I haven’t been playing WoW since Lich King but jumped back when i heard of the classic. And i fell in love with the game again. I had a blast with my guild and loved every minute even with the imbalance of Horde/ally.

It is the first week of December, i have two kids who’s Bday is coming in the following weekend, i have work DLs to push until the end of the year. We just hosted an independence day party for our friends with my wife (6th Dec in Finland). It was the busiest week of the year. Last time i played was on Tuesday and planned to relog back on Saturday, except now the game is over for me.

I really hope the transfers will be back. I love this game and would hate to see it end like this. I cannot put enough time to relevel a character. It’s either quit or wait for a transfer sadly.



I have full support to the alliance stuck on Flamelash. Allow transfers, but not only for the alliance.

Indeed. The situation is not something anyone wants. There needs to be a solution for both factions in this case.

Be it mergers, faction specific transfers. Or a future implementation of caps on free transfers so the population only goes so far.

The Flamelash incident is almost a migration and population contrast to how the WoW was able to learn from Zul Gurub’s corrupted blood.

If a precedent and functional way of dealing with situations like this can be established. It is a boon for everyone. In many ways an opportunity for the Wow Classic team to show their ingenuity and ability.

As it is, I think all of us here are sitting and waiting and hoping for an official statement on the situation.

It’s not fair, the same way the Alliance being farmed is not fair. But it is not really our task to make things fair. Blizz should do that. The Alliance of Flamelash kinda came out as winners on this event along with the Horde that moved in time. The rest got stuck, and it is pretty awful for them.

Open migration again please, im one of the ‘‘Leftovers’’


Do not open it up again. Flamelash refuges are alredy destroying ES server with their 4chan toxicity


There are a few other upsetting things about the situation too. As players from other servers have started making ‘tourist’ alts. And asking players why they are still playing the game.

That is just cruel. This is a game we play as entertainment, and no one deserves that for any reason.

There is a pattern of people peeking in on this situation and making light of it. When it is a situation that even now involves thousands of players, and even capital. Faction be damned.

A thousand players is a max of 15,990 euro in monthly investment to the game. And even now Flamelash is still a high population server.

So you would think the situation worth more than that amount of money, would get a similar value of attention and response.

Be nice to our remaining alliance and support a solution to everyone’s benefit.