Please allow those stuck on Flamelash Alliance a Transfer!

Tbh, I wouldn’t be suprised that Blizzard will just let you rot, given how they not dealt with these issues in the past. I hope the best for you, but doubt you are going to get a solution that your situation deserves.

Hopefully for us left on flamelash they will give us an option in the future.
Im on horde and didnt have time to move before the deadline as I had alot of people I didnt want to leave behind. see alot of people say we had months but I did not predict allmost all ally guilds rushing to leave like this and if anyone did then congrats to them for that lvl of foresight.
Feels horrible but guess we can just sit and wait for help at this point.

How much percent of the total horde have moved you think? Like 40-50?

The risk exists, but GM’s tell us to post on the forums when we make tickets in concern. So here we are. Best of luck on Earthshaker, and give our regards to Venture and the other. :slight_smile:

As for movement, as far as I know about four or five guilds moved on horde. It is still pretty populous, the vast majority stayed.

I dont doubt that its true to some extent but condemning a whole server for the acts of some people is childish…
Atleast the people that are still on flamelash didnt rush to follow the people that left.
I just want to be able to play with my friends on a server that isnt completely one sided. Not fun for the horde eighter, this s…show of a situation.

Yeah they kinda have to now thanks to those guys who killed the server.
At least they can take this opportunity to move Horde to servers where they can make up the numbers and same with Alliance.

Change it to PvE server, and allow other ally heavy PvE servers to transfer here.


Everyone is focusing on this blame issue for some reason. Whatever guys, it does not matter who is to blame here. That is beyond the point at this moment. We merely want a solution for the few people who missed transfers due to having job/family duties during weekdays. This is devastating, please allow a transfer opportunity (paid or free) for these people Blizzard! It is the fair and just thing to do at this moment.


Dropping in to put my name to this petition. Missed the transfers due to being offline for a few days (plus never seeing them advertised anywhere), plan to cancel my subscription if this doesn’t get resolved. Thoughts and prayers for all my fellow Flamelash stranded.


I couldn’t play for the last week and when I logged back in it was a dead server. It feels empty playing so I wont probably continue playing unless there is some solution.

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+1, allow people to transfer over to their guilds. There was no announcement in the Blizzard launcher, there was no announcement in game, on twitter, on the login screen or anywhere else BUT the forums. Last time I checked forums are not the primary news source and shouldn’t be. Even then the announcement was given mid-week with under 48h window.

Let’s not beat around the bush, this was done on purpose as a misguided damage control attempt which backfired beyond imagination.

To those blaming the few stranded - the last time Flamelash had login queue was back in September (at least for Ally) and for the single day honor system launched. Majority of the players didn’t even realize there’s an option to transfer (not even mentioning the bug involving parental control).

I strongly suggest for all those stranded to cancel their subs, screenshot the cancelled subs and contact the support with the screenshot attached. It’s possibly the only language they will ever understand.



You guys are legit delusional… what do you think will happen to the next server where all these people will transfer to? which server is capable to take like 2-3k horde players? especially this toxic kind?

First of all;
Statistics on Flamelash show that the overwhelming majority of Alliance have already transferred out - there are about 30-40 level 60’s in total left on the server. Therefore “all of these people” will not cause any sort of impact on a server they are allowed to transfer to. Furthermore, many of these people are the scattered remnants of different guilds, so they would not even necessarily be transferring to the same server.

I do not know who you are calling toxic or why, but you can rest assured that the 6-7 guild members that we were forced to leave behind due to this issue were some of the nicest players you could find in the game. So, please keep your completely pointless, and frankly toxic, commentary to yourself.


what you could do is to make a tiket and move back to flamelash to play with those friends that did not move. its a win win for everyone. ES gets restored and you get to play with those friends that got left behind

Flamelash should get no more transfers, nor should any other realm

I’m sorry to be breaking your bubble of innocent ignorance, but Flamelash is a dead server. Thanks for your input nonetheless.

Dead servers should remain dead

So you’d rather force people to quit playing and lose months worth of progress - because alliance side is unplayable due to Blizzard’s choices (10 players left or so) - than to allow them to transfer with the rest of players?

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10 players is irrelevent

Please stop trolling our post. Why are you even commenting things like this? Are you pure evil or something? We just want to be united with our poor members who are left over on this dead realm. The only grain of truth in your comment is that yes 10 players is so small that opening paid transfers would be fine!

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