Please allow those stuck on Flamelash Alliance a Transfer!

If they do paid transfers on flamelash, it sets a precedent. Other realms will start crying even more. Its not worth it for blizzard to deal with that for 10 subs

Flamelash is the first (and as of yet only) realm to actually die. I hope Blizzard learn from their mistakes and never handle the situation like this again. As this is a unique situation currently, Blizzard opening up paid transfers for the relatively small number of victims of this terribly sad situation should not set a precedent for other “alive” realms (i.e. please do it Blizzard).

Flamelash died because of transfers. No transfers no problem

they also destroying earhshaker that they moved over to. tranfsers=problem

I agree with you, Flamelash died because of thousands of transfers out.

That being said, now we want justice for the handful of people who are remaining. Allowing this to them changes nothing for Flamelash, it is already dead - those people will quit the game if they do not get transfers. So, opening transfers for the remaining handful of people does not cause any additional" problems. It just helps out a few really desperate people. What has happened has already happened, please at least help the victims.

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The only form of transfer i would be remotly ok with is dominant faction only transfers to a fresh new realm

You speak as if Flamelash has a possibility of not dying. I am afraid it is beyond that. For all other servers I agree that transfers should be dominant-side only. But, for the currently completely dead realm this cannot be an argument. Just open up transfers for those stuck there (on both sides) to save people months of gameplay and a lot of frustration/sadness.

And risk ruining balance on another server?

The small number of people remaining here will not in all probability even be transferring to the same servers. Considering that thousands have already migrated, why would a handful of extra transfers (spread across whatever realms they choose to go to) change anything at all?


What about the horde?

Once again, we are talking about ~10 people left after suboptimal choices made by Blizzard. Is there another server with remotely similiar situation? No. Will these 10 people ruin another servers balance? No.

This is a pretty unique situation. This is no US, we are not running on precedence.


In the greater scheme of things, these 10 people are irrelevent and most certainly not worth blizzard setting a precedent for a potential futur wave of transfers

What you are implying is that every single time Blizzard makes a mistake, they should never attempt to fix it, because simple minded individuals who cannot gouge an event while taking its specific circumstances into account would shout “precedence” like it’s a US court?

Well, worst case scenario you are at least bumping this thread. Thank you.


Thank you for calling our dear friends irrelevant, I do not think there is any further input we can provide each other at this point. Nonetheless, good to hear your views my friend.

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On a side note, the situation will get exponentialy better with bgs, because wpvp honor will be so low for horde compared to bgs (even with long queues) that they simply wont bother with it. So you should be able to do stuff in outside world/ ironforge just fine

I dont think those players are irrelevent. Im saying that looking at it from blizzards pov, they are irrelevent

If anything horde have it worse than alliance

Opening up transfers for a few people on a long-dead realm would not create sudden mass demand for further migration beyond the already existing demand. And if it did, well, Blizzard always rules with an iron fist, they could just ignore it. Because wanting to escape a 75-25 realm is not the same as a 99-1 realm, or where the total number of Alliance level 60’s is about 20. The second situation is far, far worse, and completely unplayable.

Secondly, and more importantly, these people were victims of Blizzard specifically setting a 48 hour deadline for migrations on the forums only and on a weekday. These are people who have been left behind by their guilds due to having children/jobs etc. This is NOT THE SAME as the potential problem of people demanding migration from a server where this problem has not occurred!

You must realize that this is a unique situation at the moment, and, hence, technically cannot create future precedents.

Just like for every corporation out there a single customer is irrelevant. That is absolutely, undeniably true. Yet at the same time, just because it is true right now, it should not be accepted. Going around stating that an action is fine, because that’s what organizations of this size generally do, does not help. It gives these actions legitimacy they dont deserve.

In this specific scenario, we have a faction on a server that is de-facto dead. Unable to run dungeons, unable to raid. Not because of server imbalance. Because of mass exodus of players caused by blizzard.

All Blizzard has to do is approach the situation formally. State that in this specific scenario the situation got out of hand. Damn, blame it on players even. Just allow these individual to transfer to their guilds as an exception.

Because the alternative is setting in stone the “we don’t care about our customers and their time” statement. However close to the truth behind close doors, we are not yet living in times where this is acceptable PR-wise.

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If you have 10 players online at any given time, then you have enough playerbase to raid. I did a /who earlier, 19 60s. 38 50+. Not like horde is going to be roaming world to pvp when bgs come out with so few alliance. Going to dungeons should be trivial. Farming open world should be trivial