Please allow those stuck on Flamelash Alliance a Transfer!

I hope not this would set precedence.

And every alliance would go REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE you did it for these so we are same people we want it too REEEEEEEEEEEE.

This would not happen, because contrary to what you are representing here, most people are, in fact, not 5 years old.

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And now we are past the weekend and back to the work week, with all Blizzard devs being back in the office. Letā€™s see if we can get a statement on plans. And if in doubt, twitter users can always query that route. As this seems to have a more consistent response ratio than the forums, these days.

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Blue post on this matter is apreciated /thumbs up

What the hell is your character wearing?

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Wait, Horde isnā€™t entitled to HK targets. Alliance could massively reroll away from a server and that wouldnā€™t be a reason for Blizz to do anything whatsoever.

At least they get half a game to play. The leftover Alliances donā€™t.

Also, stop acting like youā€™re entitled to world PvP HKs by paying your sub. Youā€™re not. The game can be completed without getting one HK.

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No, only for Alliance.

What did Horde think about while forming death squads all over the place and farming FL killing everything they saw? I have 0 pity for those who did it.

Enjoy monoserver now. Horde got what they deserved. Fair enough


It really would be appreciated indeed!

Edit: I am hoping that this announcements by Blizzard is a step in the right diretion:

ā€œThis patch includes client support for the Paid Character Transfer service, which may be enabled at a future date.ā€

Need blue post on this. Im stuck to. :frowning:

I am also stuck! My brother did the migration before me, I was suppose to do it the day after, but got stuck on Flamelash :frowning:

Heads up :frowning:

I never experienced a queue on Flamelash and didnā€™t even know of the free character transfer let alone the idea of all alliance leaving the server (because how would I know as horde?). Personally I think the communication of Blizzard side is poor.

But first of all, why was there a free character transfer in the first place? We never had a queue and the population seemed healthy. I see horde players getting blamed due to fp camping, but each time I landed at Kargath or Gadgezan or any other town around that level there were always some alliance players waiting for horde players to land. Also, in ferelas there were numerous times where a group between 10 to 20 alliance were killing every horde leaving camp Mojache. So also alliance was ganking horde. So why allowing free character transfers?

I think the main reason for having a dead server now is because Blizzard allowed this free character transfer and causing panic with the short notice on the forums. Otherwise, the problem (if there was any) could have been prevented in other ways.

Currently, I think they should force all players on this realm to opt for a free character transfer as I do not see any other way out of this inbalance. However, on servers where they currently observe a tendency towards inbalance, they should introduce measures. An example of these measures could be to temporarily limit the character creation on one faction for accounts that do not yet have a character on that server until the inbalance is within 10 percentage point (e.g. 45% vs 55%). This limit could be the max creation of one character so that people can still play with friends but do see a warning that the server is currently limit to faction horde/alliance so they are aware that there is currently an inbalance. Antother example is to offer free character transfers away from the server to the faction that currently dominates and free character transfers on other servers towards the server with inbalance only to the faction that gets dominated. Imo these measures are relative easy while also allowing people to choose themselves.

I hope that these paid transfers are enabled soon! Blizzard there are so many people counting on you here! Hear us!

There they are :slight_smile:

Blizzard used execute on Flamelash

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Yes, thank you blizzard :slight_smile:

As of now, based on, the Alliance population on Flamelash is 3%. Cheers to the people that are too poor or unwilling to pay 25-50 euros to fix a problem that is 100% Blizzardā€™s fault. (yes it is Blizzardā€™s fault, itā€™s their game, they should make sure that the game is balanced and playable for everyone)

Why are you still moaning then? You can literally move to any server you want. Your server was ruined weeks ago, should be rejoicing about transfers. Itā€™s obvious that a lot of people wonā€™t choose to go to that s**t show of a realm.