Please allow those stuck on Flamelash Alliance a Transfer!

They said it few days before!

And if you can not read without ,.,.,., shame on you.

Do not tell me bunch of adults can not make simple decision and log in for few min like 3 to do it.

Are you are so incapable bunch of adults?

What consequences?

The server we moved to is now pretty much 50-50 perfect balance, just a shame a few ppl got left behind is all, poor doods.

But they can re level if they need to

This board has been full of Flamelash and Earthshaker drama for the past two days. How can you say “what consequences”?

The 2 days of notice they gave was not enough time. More than 90 percent of our guild did transfer, as we reached out to everyone through discord etc. But, a few members, were unable to check the game, forums or discord due to having demanding jobs/children etc. - meaning they are ‘offline’ during weekdays. I think this is totally normal, and should not lead to their games being completely destroyed.

I have no idea who you are calling incapable here. We, as a guild, did our best to reach everyone given the extremely limited time frame in which the migration decision was made. Which was a decision that was not going to be made had they not closed migrations suddenly, thus causing mass panic, and thus inducing every single Alliance guild to leave. We did not have any choice once it got to that stage, we were forced to make a snap decision and then try to frantically reach all of our members (like many other guilds did too).

Ye posting notice on guild discor for example etc so hard move simple an who did not look for it their bad.

Now you are like kids in school who forgot about homework …

Your grammar is so terrible I am confused as to what you are even saying. But, of course we did post announcements on discord, spammed our member’s discord PM and every other avenue we knew of. Nonetheless, some people who actually have lives and responsibilities outside of WoW, missed these attempts. I am still amazed at the overwhelming majority of people that we DID actually reach. But, it is very sad for those who did not make it in time. We are merely asking for paid transfers for these poor souls.

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Doubt you are capable adults who can not make simple decision lack time management skill and do transfer which takes less then few min to do.

Blame XYZ literally for own self made decisions and you call yourself adult…

Didnt you all yell #nochanges ?

OH NO people are complaining on the forums !!! this NEVER happens !!!

I’ve been playing on earthshaker and everything is fine, it’s even more balanced than it was before

I have literally spent the last few posts explaining the reason for this.

I have not blamed anyone ever, at any point. Whatever has happened, has happened, we only want a solution now. Not blaming anyone.


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So the people complaining are actually wrong, there was no consequence to this mass migration and the players of both servers are living happily ever after?


The amount of different threads being opened on this topic by different people indicates that it is a growing cause of frustration for the few who are stuck on Flamelash. Please open paid transfers from the server Blizzard! We want to believe that you care about your customers!


I suppose you really were not witnessing the situation by your own eyes, since you are calling this decision a simple one.

You are correct Zanthia. It comes down to the fact that a server dying, is something no one wants. It makes you think that the server deadline announcement could have caused the same chain reaction as what happened for us at Flamelash.

So the worry becomes: Does blizzard have a plan for this sort of situation? Do the devs care?
(Of course they do, but the question is if they are allowed to tell us with the current policies on player communication.)

This time around, we basically want them to do it right with classic. It is that glimmer of hope we all hold on to in wait for a response of any kind.

I hope both our sides get a solution. World of Warcraft with just one faction, is not World of Warcract.

I will be never read by a blue or a dev, but simple solution is to turn Flamelash into PVE server.
There are a lot of posts on this forum to ask a new one.
Mirage and pyrewood are very overcrowded and heavy ally i m sure some ally would come.

And for wpvp i noticed there are better wpvp on pve servers ! I mean great battles , no ganking. And with bgs incoming it wouldn’t matter a lot.
Flamelash saved.

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Oh the horde population is still big. Its not an issue of having the player base. But I dont think alot of the horde are happy to have a pvp server without any opposing force. As for a number im not sure but a fair amount, some in panic at what was happening.

Dont blame anyone that left on the last two days. Specially the ally that saw their population drop to such a low. They didnt rly have a choice by the end. :frowning:

As for the ranting, and people stating that becouse u played horde on flamelash ur a piece of trash and are to blame for the ally leaving the server, I just feel sad that people are so quick to throw accusations at people for what they rolled when they started playing classic.


Oh I get it, you were just being finicky, “ah this 1% of people proves that were WERE some downsides!”

Yes, anomalies exist, my point was never that it was perfect and there were no downsides at ALL but rather than it was exceptionally well for the majority of players on all servers involved.

You cannot have something perfect for every person, hence the reason we have classic in the first place, is that the current game was not what most players throughout wows history wanted.

Too bad, you cannot appease every person, you can only decide you want to do either A, what you want to do, or B, try to do what the majority wants or needs.

People all decided to do the same thing. That was their choice, they face the consequences. It wasn’t Blizzard’s fault that a bunch of you abused their features and services.


That really is hilarious.

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I too, am stuck there with character I played since calssic relaunch. With children and job now, I was glad too have hit 60 and find great guild. After 2 days offline, because I simply cant play all days, I found my guild had changed minds about moving because indeed all other alliance was leaving. I was a few hours late. So yes I managed to get to high level and play with great people and now I face a complete releveling journey. Please allow transfers from flamelash. There’s nothing left. I don’t have all the time in the world to relevel.

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I too was away when the Flamelash migration happened. People blaming Horde for their aggressive PvP and Alliance for running away. Not helpful. We’re stuck here now because we weren’t online when it happened. Unlucky.

Blizzard, please provide some solution for those of us stranded on Flamelash :frowning:

You are completely right in your plea. We all sincerely hope that Blizzard will hear our voices!