Please buff Fury warriors by 25%

Please take a look at this, and stop comparing on mythic, almost no fury warrior is doing consistent mythic bosses.

Imagine everybody feel bad for you for playing warrior as main and asking you everyday to reroll to pala or dk.

4500 Fury warrior
4900 Arms Warrior
5600 Unholy Warrior.

ur reading that 10.5k… but u have no idea how that log happened and there is a actual Reason… i’d reeally like to see the specific Log from that player that got 10.5k.

its a Padded Meter, not a reflection of their actual DPS>

Dude, the difference between classes could be 0.5%. players will still say that stuff. Welcome to a PuG enviroment… its 100% Meta Slave.

I checked also on mythic for you, 8.3k average affliction, 8k fire mage and so on, fury is 4.8k. As i said 50-80%… you either don’t understand the logs or math or both.

It isn’t true ! in bfa, it used to be better now it is worse than before cause beside meta slave classes everybody else underperforming

ur reading Max Logs. which are Padded and Intentionally built to show their DPS Higher… by intentionally doing things to make giant Numbers.

https:// www.warcraftlogs .com/zone /rankings/26#class=DeathKnight&spec=Unholy&difficulty=4

Look at these…it lists the HIGHEST damage obtained by Classes On each boss.


ITs a padded meter that not even the Site itself Deems OFFICAL.

No dude, this was just not happening to Warriors man. lol theres a Difference.

Shadow priests and More were laughed at for trying to apply to M+ Groups.

Same as arm and fury trying to sign up for m+

Im not denying that. im simpl;y saying it was “never better”. it just wasnt happening to Warriors last expansion. EVERY Class sees the lows and highs… it just happens to be us this time.

Even if that would be true, I still see a unholy DK at 7.6k and the max fury at 5.4k. Again almost a 50% difference.

Anyways I’ll stop arguing with you cause it’s no point, we’ll wait and see if fury will ever reach those numbers after the buff. Take care!

Its not though?

the top DPS Chedcks by Warrior currently are

Boss 1: 4600
Boss 2: 8005
Boss 3: 4880
Boss 4: 7141
Boss 5: 5086
Boss 6: 6898
Boss 7: 4526
Boss 8: 5777
Boss 9: 5800
Boss 10: 6151.

Unholy DK the current top performing Melee

Boss 1 5857
Boss 2 7813
Boss 3 5932
Boss 4 7159
Boss 5 5694
Boss 6 7224
Boss 7 5683
Boss 8 7020
Boss 9 7426
Boss 10 6925

Thats taking the Number 1 Warriors Logs v the Number 1 DKs Logs. both at 99 percentile Fights… these are Equal Skilled Players.

your looking at Statistics… Something u never take Seriously… there are Buffs and More that will be channeled into a DK not a Warrior… it also includes Runs which DIDNT KILL THE BOSS. WHICH MEANS UR NUMBER 1 DPS IS THE LAST TO DIE.

it is Very obvious Unholy DK is STRONGER then warrior, i dont dispute that. but not by 50%-80%.

Looking at ur current guild run for example

ur Unholy DK was only 400 DPS Above you while Parsing 8 Percentile ahead of you in ur last Sun king Salvation run.

WoWlogs are highly Bias to the “Meta Speccs” and im afraid Word of Mouth is enoughto make the players percieve your class as a Joke, while.

While at 195 in groups with higher ilevel then myself can top a meter… i burst for 6k DPS Easily every Minute or So, while overall DPS being roughly 4.3k DPS over the M+ Dungeons Length.

Compared to Unholy DK on every boss ofcourse we’re not 50% behind. But if you take the top fury DPS and compare it with the top DPS on that boss, no matter the spec we’re way behind and on some bosses 80% if you take the top parse ever which you say it doesn’t count and on others 50%, not on every boss ofc but on some it’s like that, and that shouldn’t be acceptable on a game of this scale.

I’m not asking for a 50% buff, but I was expecting a 20% or some rework plus for pvp we’re completely useless…

Its not that i say Dont Count… its the fact u cant view the log to actually determine if it was a FAIR log.

Guilds oftenly Will massively PAD a Meter to get a Result FAR ABOVE what the class can actually do. so no they dont really count, Because if u’ve gone out ur way to INTENTIONALLY Rank 1 Player Ridiculously highly its Skewed.

as i say, im not defending Warriors current State… Arms and Fury both need Buffs. And Imho… they could knock up that % buff on fury atleast to 15-20% and It wont hurt the meta… Sadly we seem to be just getting 5-8% every month :frowning:

Good to know, I guess nobody is padding with Fury warriors then, but they still should give us a minimum of 20% dmg increase and if we’re ever ahead just nerf us accordingly. I’m paying for the game the same as a Monk, DK, Lock this is not acceptable.

Apprantly theres Certyain mobs Out of reach in some of the fights which only certain classes can pad via, apprantly its why Starfall looks broken AF in some Fights because its able to targer these monsters

Fury warrior having No DoT or Ranged DPS cannot benefit from those Situations.

BEHOLD: Class Tuning in Progress -- 13 January

(it’s not 25%, but 8% ought to do the trick :3)

Furry has now received another buff of 8% is that enough?

We have to wait for logs to be sure but I’m gonna go with no.

Depends on what ur asking.

Is it enough to compete with arms… or to compete withthe other classes xD

blizzard need to make up their minds, smaller buffs at a fast rate or larger buffs at a slow rate.

Waiting 3 weeks for a tiny buff feels bad AF. given that they keep buffing fury and arent touching arms however gives me the indication… comitting to fury maybe the wiser choice over scaling up arms until fury gets enough buffs xD