Please fix premades

BabyRage BabyRage xDDD

You are in queue with whole faction not just 40 people in the world.

As ali killed by outnumber raids in world pvp would fixed it by roling Horde.
You fix this by roling Alliance !


And if you even out as whoel population who does pvp to 50 and 50% for each faction to represetn both side will have same chances to join same bg.

playing with ‘friends’ so you think the x-realm pre mades are friends? Even though they try and recruit openly on the forums?

I have x realm friends in BFA nothing special about it.

And horde guys you BabyRage like alliance crybabies i am horde main you weaklings.

Let’s for the sake of this discussion say both are exploits. Exploit is just a catch-them-all term that allows Blizzard to take measurements against arbitrary situations that suits them. Realistically a player can never know the intent behind any game design choice unless the game designer properly communicates with its playebase.

If let’s say that your case is an exploit, you have no leverage because there is no strong voice in the community that asks for proper communication regarding it. Frankly nobody cares about it because your mentioned “exploit” is so ridiculous you see no threads about it where the player express doubts about it working as intended or not.

Besides, your exploit is that you are assuming that the intent behind that function was to prevent more than 40 men to cooperate. We will never know that unless blizzad says the intention behind 40 man raids, the same way I cant know why exactly BLIZZARD left out the “join as grp” button for AV. I am however 99% sure that the intention behind leaving out the join as grp button is more clear and obvious than your example.

Why? Tell me then, any kind of other intention behind leaving it out.
While you can name none, I can name several for your example where the line for an exploit thus gets more fogged out.


There is voice chat in game join in AV coordinate all together and be “premade” so many excuses everywhere kinda hard to believe you could tell difference betwen coordinate group and preamde when both do same.

So using the built in voice chat function in bgs is exploit because blizzard didn’t want us to organize.
Got it.

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HOW DARE YOU being social and play and talk/chat with people in MMORPG how dare yOU!

Tell me difference Horde crybabies.

And that voice chat is great!
Try it guys it has its own servers.

In the meta of the game are no exploits, organzing yourself is not an exploit. It is the way you join the queue that is the exploit.

While i can name several features of having voice chat in game i have yet not seen you name a single reason as to why blizzard left out the join as grp button for av.

Are you even alliance at this point? It feels like your narrative is in favor of horde av bots or in general are afraid of getting outfarmed by horde premades.

It feels more like you are against ppl organizing, you do know that my narrstive is to allow both to premade, not to remove premades.

you are classic forum troll main

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I am not against!
#no changes!

Then i would not be able to post since you both do not take just facts #no changes lowbie who is stucked at 68 you are troll you did nothign above your level neither have any char in classic!

Go to retail or face the queue. I guess you simply don’t get, that alliance has less players in the game :slight_smile: face it


Horde take your words bunch of hypocrites.

AV premades is literally nothing like that, by extension you should be considered “exploiting” if you gather two full raids and lead them together at once through discord, cause you would be bypassing the 40 man limit in raid size set by the game design

GL reporting these idiocies to Blizzard without getting giggled at

EDIT: nvm i just realized Fasul said the same thing lol

The analogy makes sense given that you ‘exploit’ faction imbalance to your favor (having more people online than alliance) the same way AV premades exploit the aforementioned imbalance to alliance’s favor (instant queues)

Im not reporting anybody for doing it, i dont care. The discussion i had with him is nothing but autism regarding terminology. All i want is to be able to premade as horde.

EDIT: As a respone to your edit, i have made myself clear. It all boils down to blizzard revealing their intention behind the game design choices but what most likely will happen is that they will go with #nochanges which is fair, but in the long term bad.

All alliance wanted was to live in searing gorge without spending 1 min alive for every 30 mins in ghost. Good riddance

Nochanges meme was never a thing, several non-vanilla features impacted the game enough already since launch to render irrelevant most further changes

Ok then, why doesnt AV have a join as grp button the same way wsg and ab has? Technical reasons? Doubt it. Tell me what intent blizzard had back then by leaving it out besides preventing premades?


Probably their intention, yes.
Same can be said by limiting 40 man in raid, even outdoors. Have you ever seen anyone getting banned for such “offenses”? Russians do AV premades on retail on every expansion

Premades dont need fixed.

It’s annoying that it is very frequent, it seems in my eyes that some people just always go up against premades but it’s not a bad thing.

Queue dodging is bad, people giving up just because its a premade is bad…

The issue seems specific for AV and its because horde don’t have the option.

In BGs that matter, like WSG or AB* if you are extremely competitive you will premade yourself and if not you will accept the fun of random queues or just not have fun I guess:p