Please merge Classic Era Servers into their respective kind

Those people are welcome to play solo on an offline server, i don‘t get why they want to ruin the fun for the majority to feed their own will.

it‘s like wanting a football pitch all to yourself. :stuck_out_tongue:


Now you are being salty…

Nobody wants a realm for him / herself, people just dont want people from other realms with different views and gaming habbits ruin their fun.

You know, I did not even know that people must pay gold to enter a raid, because on my realm this didnt exist. There is a lot of toxicity and retail menthality out there and if there is a way to keep that from me, then I will always vote for that.

And if my realm is building a strong community, then your realm can do so as well. You just need to show some initiative and will to do so. Asking for realm merges is like asking your university for a degree before you even attended the class.

Over time players will come back and since we wont get new classic realms, ruining the ones we currently have by a potential xrealm community would be a shame.

Just like TBC realms are crowded now, classic will so again, it just wont happen overnight. On classic release my realm was called dead and over time more and more came as they realized what a great community we had.

Build a community on your realm, people will come if they like what you have to offer.

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You are not really community minded, you won’t even use Discord. You write long verbose passages but no one agrees.

this tbh, summed it up well

Bumping thread

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please merge rp-pvp with pvp clusters or allow free transfer. Or just delete the damn server.

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plz merge serv blizzard !

The “grouping” of servers was a good move for me.
But as things are looking now, it was not enough.
Please go the next step and group the groups. That should improve things even more.
Like someone said earlier, put all PVP servers into same group.
Thank you

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I agree something needs to be done, but it is early plenty of people just leveling paladins or shaman at the moment. Its just been almost a week so I’m not overly worried …yet…
I dont like xrealm, I would rather see people be moved to a new server fitting their needs, giving us all enough people to interact with to enjoy our game. We would be able to build a new community together.
My server is pretty much dead at the moment, i cant even fill up the “who” screen when im online, its probable that there are more on Alliance side, but that doesn’t help much for Horde raiding!

Like I said im not too worried now as its very early, but things cannot remain this way or this version of the game we all love may well be lost!


thats why only choice is to merge literaly everything together - both pve and pvp servers and just let people toggle on/off pvp . nothing else will really work for “old " legacy content once 'new” legacy content is coming up .

it is also proof that blizzard was correct that demend is not that high for legacy content once initial rush dies.

they did made huge disservice to fans from sheer greed - what would make game much more healthy was if people could copy their toons for free - now majority of max level toons got moved to tbc so its natural game died instantly on classic “layer”

people should have protested more.

No no no…
Having PvP in the world is what makes it WoW for a lot of us.
Being able to switch that off would just ruin the whole game.
Merging PvE and PvP servers are probably the best thing to do, but the only way that would work is to force the PvE players to have PvP activated. (I dont know how they would like that though, so merging all PvP servers is probably the first step)

game is ruined anyway because what 95% of max level toons migrated to tbc . what game you are talking about when there will be nobody around to play with .

now if people could just copy they toons to tbc for free instead 15 $ - yes then game would be much healthier.

but reality is - next to nobody will stay on classic realms - because why woudl they - you have exackly the same on tbc realm with bonus of trivialising world on level 70.

Merging PvP and PvE realms is not a good idea. Players prefer the different game styles and that should be preserved.
More relevant and effective would be to remove barriers to Classic Era realms, like the clone cost. If the cost were reduced to a nominal fee (eg, £2), or removed entirely, then that would help; such a change would certainly encourage players to swap between the games. Also, one must bear in mind that the TBC pre-patch has just launched and players are checking it out. The dust has yet to settle.

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Agree that having two separate PvP zones seems a bit pointless. Just merge all the PvP servers into one big server like you did with the PvE realms.

Zandalar and Hydraxian are both super quiet now (15 online on Hydraxian Horde and 8 online on Zandalar Tribe 10 mins ago) but there’s no real easy fix for that due to them being the only RPPvP and RP realms. They won’t merge them into non RP realms for obvious reasons.

EDIT: Did a Census scan on each PvP group on Alliance. The Gehennas group had 66 online and the Firemaw group had 98. Please just merge all the PvP realms so a larger realm is possible. There’s no real benefit to splitting the PvP servers into 2 groups.

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You’re completely on another subject right now…
For now, we should just merge all :

  • PVP / RP-PVP together
  • PVE / RP-PVE together

Once this is done, we will look at the status of the servers in several weeks AND AFTER we can eventually discuss merging all PvE and PvP servers together.

Please don’t change the subject!


if you’d like to play on dead rp-pvp server that’s fine, but give the rest that do not want that free transfers at least.

They should wait with merging until a couple of weeks after launch.

Some people might return after reaching 70.

We clearly need to merge All PVP into ONE, not TWO realms. Right now merged PVP realm is dead with around 20 lvl 60 online on the weekend.

I’m just basing it off of history. In retail Blizzard never merged the dead RP realms with non RP ones. I doubt they’d do the same here. My personal feelings on it don’t really matter.

I agree free transfers off would be a good middle ground for people that aren’t interested in the RP part enough.

@Ellori: This is actually not quite true. Spanish realms no longer have RP (or RP-PvP) format tags. If I am not mistaken, they were actually polled by Blizzard about whether they wanted to drop them to become PvE and PvP realms and get connected… but that was a LONG time ago. As you know, PvP tags are now gone, too.