I don’t agree at all, i feel like every phase was twice as long as it should’ve been in the 2019 iteration. Was slow enough for me to get bored and quit between each phase.
Also, what we’ve gotten so far in phase 2 is just pvp and a few 5man dungeons.
Nothing that made any pre-existing content obsolete.
If you look at the roadmap, it’s supposed to take over a year already.
If you ask me, that is already way too long.
Even tho I am really looking forward to TBC, which I enjoy the most. I absolutely agree to slow down. I want to enjoy the classic. I want to play alts. I even switched faction after 20 years to experience classic “from the other side”.
If you play this like retail, you are …----… leave classic and go back to retail. Which is all about “i wanna ding max lvl and raid first day after DLC release! Be first!”.
This is about the journey. Not about rushing 60, heading ASAP to Naxx.
Just because you are hyperactive hamsters with far too much free time doesn’t mean that the majority of players do. If one month per phase is already too long for you, you will have to start the detoxification treatment.
How old are you? Do you have a job? Do you have a spouse and do you have kids?
Sure, spent 10hours a day playing classic and get bored quickly. I understand year of classic feels like an eternity for you. So cancel your subscription (whenever you are bored) and come back for the next “phase” . Let those how play slow-paced (who are forced to) to catch up and not to “chase” (and feel like they have to chase) the rest of the field.
I have plenty of friends from Vanilla who were “super pumped up” for Classic release in 2019. Itching to rush the game… They farmed gear relentlessly (they had their BiS list prepared couple of months before release) … to eventually have a shot at Scarab Lord (simplification). basically achieve what they didnt/coudnt in the past. Was it your case?
I started (anniversary) day one (for fun) and found myself actually enjoying it. Even tho I feel like I played a lot, I dinged 60 like 10 days ago (much slower compared to 2019). I didnt rush, did almost all of the quests (played alts). I did couple of BRD/Scholo/Strat… and DM is already here.
They “delayed” MC by 3 weeks. So let’s do the math here:
If you’re not power-leveling you need about 10 days of playtime to get to level 60. Let’s even push it more towards your view by saying the average player needs only 7 days to do that. 7 days are 168 hours. In order to reach level 60 within these 3 weeks of “delay” you’d have to play 8 hours a day on average. Who in the world is able to do that if you’re working some kind of job?
So can you please tell me, what exactly was “delayed” here? You’d have to be a total no-lifer to see any kind of delay here.
The exact same thing with your view that playing 2 hours a day on average is little. I don’t know about you and which planet you might be living on, but the average person works 8 hours and sleeps 8 hours. About 4 hours in total are spend for eating, getting groceries, bathroom, doing work around the house and going from one place to another to do all these things. That leaves us with 4 hours a day to spend on some kinds of hobbies.
If someone plays 2 hours WoW a day that’s half of his free time, which is a considerable amount. To be able to hit 60 by phase 2, which you claimed can be easily done (by the way I didn’t claim either, I was just pointing out that you’re arguing against a point I didn’t make), you’d have to play the whole 4 hours each day to get to the 168 hours within 6 weeks.
You guys clearly don’t see how out of touch with reality and the average player you are. And unfortunately, Blizzard completely caters to your views because you have the loudest mouths here in the forums and in the game.
This 100%.
You nailed it with that “out of touch with reality”.
Unfortunately though this has been Blizzard history in a nutshell: catering to the loudest minority at the expense for 99% of the player base.
In the original Classic release, there was a guild that killed Ragnaros before the first reset - before IRL week had passed.
Now it was delayed by 3 weeks, then Christmass and January is when most guilds started doing 30-40-man guild runs with fewer and fewer PUGs. We lost a few MC reset but we aren’t crying about it.
The game isn’t made for bottom-of-the-barrel or snowflakes that need 9 characters at 60 and raiding before BWL.
Right now majority of the population is 60 and only some are leveling, while part of that are alts that play only sometimes. Your “average” player does not exist on a statistical level.
I understand it is still 12 months from opening of the anniversary realms to TBC? 4 months to reach 60, then 8 months of progressive content.
Do you have some actual statistics to back that statement? Cause if you don’t have them then you simply can’t know if the majority is really already 60.
I have a serious question for you: Are you capable of understanding basic logic? Of course it was 3 weeks “delayed”. But that delay was only relevant for players who play MORE than 8 hours a day on average. Actually, significantly more, because to reach level 60 in 2 weeks you need to put in 12 hours a day on average. Would you call someone like that in any way an average player?
Who was talking about anything like that? But nevertheless, who decides what and who the game is “made for”? You?
The progression pace is not part of the game itself and can be changed arbitrarily. The game itself doesn’t make any assumptions about how much real life time should pass to achieve a certain goal in the game. Only you are making all these assumptions.
What you mean is that your PREFERENCE is a fast-paced game. That’s fine. But that doesn’t render any differing view invalid.
Based on what evidence? There’s not your and mine average player, there’s just THE average player. So what data is the basis for your assertion?
Wouldnt mind like 6 more months of Vanilla. However at the end of the day as long as I can do all the raids I will be happy.
But you don’t. Like it was announced before launch.
This version was never meant to be a long time slow-paced one.
That’s why we need a slow paced server.
But Blizzard don’t care and he need Bots for $$ sub.
People run census for a few days logging any toon online at the time. This gives population, level sand class distribution. Like this one:
I didn’t. I skipped at least a few raid resets and I still can play the game fine. If you can’t stand a lost raid reset, then either play single-player games or seek help.
Did you see the roadmap that was released before the servers? You know how it goes. If you want to change the rules by a high margin it won’t happen.
20+ days ago lots of leveling:
And now most are on 60:
but if you compare against all levels then 60 is only 41%. There are two tails: 50+ and 40+. A lot of guilds are still 30+ raiders and are seeking leveling players to have 40+ raiders later on. All those people aren’t complaining about months of lost MC/Ony.
“Delayed”, meaning not released from day 1. As simple as that. They delayed it by 3 weeks so that more players could start farming MC without losing resets. This is not complicated to understand.
And that’s okay. You don’t NEED to experience everything at the same time with the rest of the pack. The game won’t go anywhere just because you play fewer hours. All the content is still available and waiting for you.
If you truly think most players aren’t 60 by now you’re the one who is out of touch with reality. Most players have no issue with the progression speed, the loud minority complaining about it is here on the forums and on reddit crying as usual.
Quite the opposite. This “99% of the playerbase” is pulled out of your you know from where. Most players are either 60 or close to 60 and have no issues with the progression speed. The only ones crying about it are loud minorities on reddit and forums fearing like they are missing out because poor them they can only play 1 hour a day.
Neither can you about the opposite.
Anyone who can look at the game mechanics, XP progression numbers, dungeon/raid level design, gearing options can know that this game is very time consuming and clearly not for everyone. When it came out it was already considered more casual friendly than other MMOs on the market by the way. If you think you’re missing out (which you’re not) and too slow for the game’s progression (which you’re not) then find a more suitable game for your limited free time.
What data is the basis for yours about the opposite?
Well I dunno about those stats on hitting 60.
Wish it was that quick.
I started playing when fresh launched and I’m currently mid 53, figure that into your math if you can.
I do have a level 28 alt but that isn’t making up the outstanding 7.5 levels.
I’m not bothered about being behind or such, but I also don’t think things need to go any quicker, a little slower maybe (and I mean a little)
But yeah I get a few hours a day for most of the week. Chalk it up as roughly 16/17 hours a week.
I can’t believe that the majority would be 60.
It’s plausible that there are more 60s than not, but those pictures quoted still have so many low levels, 60s are like 5-10%.
Also, unless someone does constant census, they’ll miss the casuals. Those being 60 certainly had a lot of time, and they keep logging in, while characters like mine, you have to be lucky to catch them. (I have 3-5% chance to be online, while someone playing 6 hours focusing on their main has 25%.)
Casuals are thus always underrepresented in census, unless you aggregate them using websites.
I am certainly seeing level 60 characters but not many in cities. Either they’re always out doing stuff, or not that many. In fact I haven’t seen a single 60 in days during my travels to dungeons. Not that they’re likely to show up on the path, but anyway.
I don’t know how /who works with layers but if I were Blizzard I would prefab layers by assigning level ranges. The whole point of the MMO is to play with people, and nothing supports it better than bracketing. World PvP included.
I absolutely second and support the calculation about the level potential above. 2 hours a day, 100-150 hours to level, that’s 50-75 calendar days. Have just one alt for variety and you’re looking at 100-150 calendar days until level 60.
It’s a bit self correcting because playing less means more rested XP. Like I only played my druid last week so that I rebuild the gap, got a level, and then my warrior got a whole level in the first dungeon on Saturday. Considering travel takes a lot of time in Classic, it’s almost as efficient to play a single 3 hour session a week, compared to every (other) day.
Nevertheless, I’ve received 1000 minute weekly parental reports and my characters are 36 and 31.
In recent days more than 40% are 60. 20+ days ago there were under 20%.
Two characters take twice as long You want both of them at 60 then it will take time.
This 100% /10char
Which means you just refuted your own argument by showing these statistics. Or since when are 41% called “the majority?” Even if 50% of the players were at level 60, that still wouldn’t be the average player. It’s the top 50% then, the fastest players. You can say that the majority of the average player reached level 60 as soon as 50% of the playerbase around the median player are at that point.
Additionally, you still don’t understand that I’m not complaining about “lost MC/Ony resets.” That’s looking at the whole thing through your glasses. This fast pace ruins my game experience in the long run. I already told you the exact reasons several times. You and I, we play that game in a completely different manner, which is fine. I don’t invalidate your playstyle and I’d really appreciate if you didn’t do the same with mine. Just stop invalidating the arguments of us slow-paced players and stop arguing against us having a more slowly progressing server. There’s no need for you to play on that server, you know?
Why do you keep repeating yourself? A delay without an effect isn’t a delay. The effect of this 3 week “delay” is negligible, almost nonexistent, because it’s just one reset for people who put in MORE than 8 hours a day on average. If you put in less, there’s no delay, because you wouldn’t have gone into the raid prior to the 3 weeks anyway.
I explained the reasons why it degrades my experience several times but you don’t want to acknowledge it and keep trying to invalidate any argument I bring up.
“Time consuming” measured in game time doesn’t make an assumption about the real time that passes during that game time a player spent. That’s only you who is making that up because it seems to be a law of nature for you that the game has to run by your preferred pace.
Basic logic. I don’t need any game statistics to make the assumption that the average player can’t spend 8 hours a day playing. Because we know the average person works an 8 hour job, sleeps 8 hours and a day on earth is only 24 hours.