Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

While I do think multiboxers have an unfair advantage in PvP like 5x pom pyros on the same target at the same time no counterplay and they do have an easier time bringing gold into the economy, they are a minority of the player base and their impact is minimal.

If blizzard wanted to do such a hard-line change they should have done it at the start of the release instead of ruining the amount of time invested these players have put into the game their main focus should be botters and hackers and gold buyers and fixing glitches within the game the 1 button 1 action was fine for most of the activities multi boxers since it is not automated


See, now these comments above perfectly shows the disgusting side to playing the martyr.

YOU ARE NOT VICTIMS. Get it through your head.

Multiboxers did cause damage to the economy and supply quantities. Multiboxers did do disgusting things in WPvP.

You’re not victimized in the slightest by them shutting down the automation of it.

You just haven’t played the game it was meant to be played. End of story.

And yes, people buying gold should be banned as well. But that’s some really weak whataboutism failure right there.


While getting rid of all the gold buyers would be nice, it wouldn’t solve many people’s main issue with multiboxers. Most people don’t care about someone running 5 man dungeons solo just for fun. They do however care about people with 15+ accounts waiting as ghosts outside raid entrances to ress and wipe large parts of their raid in less than a gcd. It detracts from their enjoyment, and there is no realistic counter to it apart from using exploits to place summoners in “safe spots” (which aren’t really safe).

You can complain all you want about this not achieving any of blizzards claimed goal of this policy change, and you may very well be right, but I doubt you’ll ever get much sympathy from many non-multiboxers. You can thank a minority of multiboxers for that.

Thank you blizzard.
im so happy
this is right decision.
we are with u!


Don’t fool yourself, no one except multiboxers think what they are doing is fair in any way. It’s weird, it’s pay2win, it’s even weirder that it was even allowed in the first place. Most multiboxers I have ran into have been nice, helped me out, buffed me, but that doesn’t change the fact that what they are doing has no place in an MMO. Go play a single player game if you want to cheese content like that.

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A dude being a numpty and griefing others is a differnt matter entirely, you annoyed because it’s one dude doing this, would you not be equally annoyed if an entire raid group of individuals pitchedup and didt it.

No excuse to behave like a jerk and bully others, I agree that is terrible behaviour.

I myslef fall into the category of the guy with 3 Toons running a dungeon and trying to “solo” a raid.

I’m not trying to call the victim, and I can understand why a lot of the community don’t like multi boxes, and that’s fine, we’re all welcome to dislike certain things and we don’t have to agree with it. Just like I don’t agree with Blizz stance on this.

Again there is blame on the multi boxer damaging an economy, let’s not confuse a multi boxer, with a botter/gold farmer.

Multiboxers generally are 3 to 5 man teams and while they could farm a significant amount of resource materials it wouldn’t be enough to ruin an economy as you say. God Farmers with 10 to 15 druids each flying around herbing/mining Star Firing and skinning probably do. They only do it to feed the gold buyers/ PvP side of it I wouldn’t know to be honest I’m not much of a PvP’er, but I can imagine the impact it may have.

HOWEVER, on a PVP aspect, in all the PVP I did ( which is not a lot) I did not run into a single Multiboxing team. My grievance with W’PvP was the 110 Twink in legion mythic raiding gear and maxed out azerite sets griefing highly geared level 120’s doing world quests :smiley: not run into them since level squish but then I’m happy about that :stuck_out_tongue:


Scroll up. Already explained it. Because you have no clue what you’re talking about.

And you going back to talking about bots and gold buyers is yet again a pathetic attempt at whataboutism. You should all be banned. They don’t exonerate you.

Blizzards stance was

“we’ve seen an increasingly negative impact to the game as multi-boxing broadcasting software is used to support botting and automated gameplay”

What this change REALLY means though:

  1. Some legitimate MB players will quit the game (me)
  2. Some legitimate MB players will reduce accounts down to 1
  3. Some legitimate MB players will go to private servers
  4. Some bots/gold sellers will get banned, but understand this, most don’t use multi-boxing software, they use fully automated software packages that control a single WoW instance, practically un-detectable
  5. Bots/gold sellers that got banned will get better software and remake new accounts
  6. A lot of bot/gold sellers will continue in the game undetected

The majority of the WoW community see’s the change as a positive one but in 6 months time you will all still have the same issues you always had (with bots/economy), you will have just lost a bunch of legit subscribers to an ever dying player base (think its under 1 million now).


No, that’s to be expected on a pvp server. It’s also alot harder to organise and time perfectly. Therefore doesn’t happen as often. On earthshaker I can remember it happening once. Multiboxers on the other hand have been having their fun pretty much every week since the release of bwl (February).

If the software used for either botting, gold farming (with the intent of selling) or gold laundering is the same as the software being used for “normal” multiboxing, there is no good reason not to ban it.

Do you play classic? This thread is in the classic part of the forums, and I suspect the impact of multiboxers in classic and retail is quite different.

Nobody said the problems would be solved. It will however be mitigated. Since the multiboxers will be gone, so the impact they do have on the economy will disappear.
Everyone has an impact on the economy. Multiboxers just have a slightly larger one than the average Joe Player though.

You still keep going with your whataboutism to try and deflect the blame for what you’ve done, eh?

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You’re boring me.

Your misinformation campaign (and martyr act) is disgusting.


Apparently I don’t so thank you for your input and educating me accordingly.

You’re pissed at Multioxer’s it shows, whatever your reasons they are legitimate to you and that’s your opinion.

I don’t know your experience there so I don’t know the extent of the problem, with Multibox griefing in BWL

Arguing the software is bannable regardless of who is using it, is like arguing with someone about gun control in the US, All guns kill so should they not all be banned? Same as drink driving, Alcohol is the problem, should alcohol be banned?

Yes I play classic, and tbh I do see a lot more multiboxers here in classic than I do on my retail realms, I also referenced my experience in Retail, as this is where I have spent more time playing recently. Waiting for Naxx.

This is just a topic we can all agree to not agree with each other. We all have different opinions and experiences and we don’t have to like it.

I honestly don’t get how my girlfriend and me doing ZG and Aq20 raids by ourselves has hurt anybody’s playing experience.

We would greatly appreciate if multiboxing was still allowed in wow classic, as multiboxing has provided us with the most fun raiding experience we ever had in WoW. Even though the bat boss in ZG still resists our kill attempts :stuck_out_tongue:

Can we have our account white-listed anywhere?

Normal raiding und multiboxed raiding are NOT the same experience, getting rid of either one takes away an integral part of the game (WoW Classic) for us. The complete and utter chaos a simple AoE Fear causes to a group of multiboxed characters is amazingly stressful and fun at the same time.

And i don’t even understand what this change improves for your cheat detection mechanic, there’s still programs (overlays etc.) hooking into your executable left and right, is there not?


And here we go with the ad hominems and straw man fallacies.

Fine, you want to keep it going and I am taking that away from you and ending it.

Feel free to reply to this message if it helps with “closure” or something, but know that it will never be read by myself.

I wish you all the best in the future, and I hope you are able to work out your issues.


Aaand more deflecting. Sorry, but you’re the one refusing to acknowledge the issues multiboxing has caused, and instead rely on whataboutism to distract people with bots and gold sellers/buyers, like it would somehow exonerate multiboxing.

That isn’t how it works.

You feeling the need to write that out is seriously weird though.

Also, your misinformation campaign and martyr act is still just as disgusting.

YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM. Disgusting multiboxers.


@Exëqtr: Ummm
 EU alone has more than a million players, US adds a similar amount, then Russia, Taiwan, Korea and China on top of those. You have to keep in mind that Shadowlands has already sold over three million copies and there are pure Classic players on top of that figure.

@All: As for the primary topic
 Software is being banned, but small amounts of characters are multiboxable by just alt tabbing between different windows and those people, who are honest multiboxers will retain that option.

To quote what Blizzard actually said: “We will soon begin issuing warnings to all players who are detected using input broadcasting software to mirror commands to multiple accounts at the same time (often used for multi-boxing).”

Connecting one mouse and keyboard to 5 different PCs isn’t using broadcasting software nor does it mirror commands.

It’s literally the exact same command issued to 5 separate computers. Doing this wont register under Blizzard’s anti-botting scans and each incident (if there actually are any cases of people actually using multiple computers) would require actual GM investigation.

How many have said that to you over the past year?