Postive for all specs, or not? LFD

“Hi +1”
“Buff please”
“Ty all bye”

Yeah, you will. Since the dungeons are a joke, and you can steamroll through most of it.

I will, however, never invite plate dps:) or casters if my healer needs gear. Ill prob invite a bunch of hunters/rogues/ferals.

I think nobody can tell what the result will be. All we can do is speculate.

So here I give my guess:
In TBCC I’ve learned first hand how it can completely destroy your game experience if you are considered not meta. The worst thing is, that no amount of hard work can make that up. Because almost every player you interact with will immediately think: “rogue=worthless”.
Once you get invited into dungeons or raids, you can chage people’s minds and prove your worth as player and as person. But very often you will not even be given this chance.
Trying to convince the people of your worth, when the general opinion is, that you are not meta, is like fighting windmills. For every player you manage to convince you meet 10 others, that will still think you’re worthless.

So I do think WotLK will start strong. Even if people complain about no RDF or other chages, only few people will be as consequent as me and actually quit their sub. Especially since not every player that is unhappy with the chages was in the same situation as me, where the mix of playing on a low pop server as a non meta class and joining the wrong guild at the start made the game basically unplayable.

But I think after the strong start we will see a big decline, because I do predict, that the gating might become even worse because of the LFG-Tool. There will probably be addons that make it easier for you to compare players and pick only the cream of the crop.
So a lot of players will see themselves in a situation where they can’t play the game.
Some might reroll, but I think the majority will just quietly leave the game.

So in the end I do think there will be fewer non meta classes. The ones that remain will either have a good guild that supports them, a lot of friends to help them, be fast and get everything they need out of dungeon before the big run on dungeons at the beginning of the expansion starts to die or they will not do dungeons at all and just quest and do other stuff.

In WotLK every class and specc might be viable for dungeons, but TBCC showed, that people aren’t satisfied with viable. They want the best. Most players are fixated on metas, as if that’s the definitive way to play the game and every other way is wrong.
In TBCC you could have done every dungeon with every mixed group. Except maybe SH HC and BF HC, that required you to bring some CC. Still people kept building meta groups. And I don’t see why this would suddenly change in WotLK Classic.

But in the end this is just an assumption based on my experiences in TBCC, so it could turn out completely different.


Yea, this is exactly what I believe will happen.

For myself, I wont even bother with the launch.


What are these social aspects of the game you think RDF ruins?

Way back then we did not have RDF untill ICC patch. So…

Yes but 2008 is not 2022 :wink:


Then go play retail. That’s 2022.
People are playing classic to experience what the game was back then.

Yet Blizzard said it wont add RDF even in ICC…hows that the experience that used to be back then ?


Because Blizzard is not known for backpaddling on their bad decisions.
Cough pull the ripcord cough

Because sometimes they learn from their misstakes. And thus will keep RDF out of Classic as that has been one of the biggest gripes of the player base ever since it’s inception.

Thats why they backed from ruining dual talents, realising that listening to community that doesnt want to play that specific expansion isnt exactly a good idea


You can not Dual Spec anymore?

Well they planned to restrict it or even remove it :slight_smile:

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They wanted to change how it works in wotlk, allowing you to swap only in city or at trainer, making them literally worthless …

Because thats what classic community wanted, they didnt want this retail mechanic on their glorious classic




And the problem is what?

Shows how out of touch with the community Blizzard classic dev team is.

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No, they have taken in feedback for the last 14 years.

Problemses are:
#1 Lot of people defending blizz because “they know what they are doing”, which 5sec glance over the forums shows you that its clearly not the case

#2 Classic community giving feedback to stuff they dont know squigs hair about and actively try to ruin game they are not even going to play …