Premade PvP will make people quit classic WoW

Is Mylee the alt of that psychology student that seemed to be wanting to work in the gaming industry?

@Mylee leave ppl their opinions (#153) since you defended that in the other thread.

People just remember bgs from tbc and later when you did it for the marks to buy gear, not for honor. Servers I played on had a lot of premades, but they were wintrading mostly, it wasn’t cross realm yet. Things change and premade wsg and ab is the new meta. Blizz isn’t going to change that I think because then allies will be able to q together again and horde won’t.

By #153, do you refer to this:

Because I didn’t say his way of having fun was wrong, I said he doesn’t get to choose how other people have fun.

And I believe in the other thread, my stance was that people can choose to play with whoever they like.

how can someone be so selfcentered and delusional as Miylee.
you are defending a flawed system cause you know that you only get honor when stomping pugs. i bet you havent won a single game against another premade. hell you probably never broken 1500 arena or rbg rating


Selfcentered? Hardly. If I were selfcentered, I’d want to change a game to suit me. A game that people worked so hard to get made in the first place.

Delusional? Hardly. I’m not under the impression that any immediate change wont have long lasting effects on the game.

False. I’m defending a flawed system because that’s the vanilla system. It’s the one we asked for and it’s one of the many things Mr Brack was referring to when he said “You think you do, but you dont”.

I assume you were one of the many “you think you do, but you dont” memers last year? How do you feel now, knowing that you’re proving Brackman right?

in vanilla we had 90% of the time pug vs pug. cause there were 1 maybe 2 max 3 premades per server per faction. nowadays thanks to battlegroups we get premades in 90% of the games.

in vanilla battlegroups were introduced only in 1.12.1 which is pretty much at the end of vanilla and that means a flawed system was made even more dumb. i dont mind playing a premade once or twice every few hours. but i dont want to be farmed all day by premades.

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Numbers based on personal memory. Not convinced. We had way more premades anyway at least 50% of wsg was premade on both sides.

That isn’t a battlegroups problems, that’s because the playerbase has changed. Classic doesn’t exactly attract “new” gamers, it attracts people familiar with the old style of Warcraft. People who know how the game is played and know how to place efficiently.

Do we even have battlegroups now though? It looks more like every Classic realm is in one big battlegroup.

Adapt to the game, join a premade. If you don’t like it, unsubscribe for a while and wait until P5 and P6. By then, PVP gear will no longer be BiS so the amount of people honor grinding for it will drop significantly.

Once the reward is worthless, people tend to play for the hell of it. I think aimlessly playing is what some of my “forum-friends” here would call fun.

yeah cause it is the easiest thing to do to join a premade as a warrior with rank 7. its not like 25% of all players on my realm are warriors. and dont worry i tried making my own premade for a few days now. first of all you need forever to find any healers, and most of the people leave after we lost 2 or 3 games to other premades. and that wasted so much time for only a few games, that i rather be playing pug and queueing non stop.

so dont come at me with the dumbass answer “fOrM yOuR OwN pRemAdE!!!”

Yes you are, drivel, mostly made up reasons as to why Casuals ‘‘quit’’ to justify your flawed argument. You do not make any sense at all.

Do everyone a favor and learn the definition of a casual before you continue to clutter up this thread with more made up none-factual nonsense.

Lol, you belong to what, a 10% (let’s be very generous and say 15%) of the classic playerbase? Blizzard are in for the money, not to appease to your selfish no’life desires.

You’re so naive i actually feel a little sorry for you,

Laughable, you’re the minority both in game and on this forum. Due to your 24/7 activity however it’s a problem for everyone that just want’s to enjoy the PvP part of the game.

Obviously the only ‘‘idiotic’’ thing is to not Fix the Premade disease in AB/WSG, why appease a vocal minority?

Is it justified to let 20ish people dictate what it correct and what isn’t, and let the rest suffer? I guess in your selfish world it must be.

My way is the classic way, as ‘‘vanilla’’ never had such a problem to this extent, not even close. In vanilla (aka what ‘‘classic’’ tries to recreate) pugs vs pugs could be enjoyed daily, one of the reasons that game was such a success, it was fun.

Now Blizzard can’t fix the life of people that are unemployed with no rea life responsibilities, thus able to farm the whole day. This is a problem in the world today & obviously beyond this topic. They can however make it an experience closer to ‘‘classic’’ where pugs vs pugs was a thing and ‘‘premades’’ something to encounter once in a while(semi premades in this case, 5 man or a seperate queue as the suggested fixes)

So you’re wrong again, you’re way is not the ‘‘classic’’ way and the only ones that needs to adept is people like YOU(Hopefully, when Blizzard does the objective correct thing and fixes Premade as the majority is now demanding that they do)

At this point you’re typing so much nonsense it’s not really worth answering back, i’ll say it one more time. NO this game isn’t made for you, get over yourself.

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Worst part about losing to highranked premades is that most them are government welfare abusers and the scum of society.

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Thats harsh dude…

I myself would prefer a queue join for premades and another public.

Make WOW PvP Great Again!

u can swich character bodiesan mate but your bull… smell same :smiley:

As written above, my bet is that it is an alt of bewarê.

out of 23 games today, I’ve had 2 pugs and 21 premades. REALLY fair, guys, I should just make my own premade, yes. Do you idiots listen to yourself?

Play a different class.

Do you not have guildies?

I’ll spell it out for you in a much more simple form then.

Casuals aren’t important. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like aspects of the game, you were told you weren’t going to like them. Classic is NOT a one size fits all game. If you dont like the game, or it’s playerbase, don’t play. Simple.

There is no accurate definition of casual. For this context, I prefer to a casual as somebody who doesn’t play often.

And somebody who doesn’t play often isn’t likely to stay long. You’ll get your kicks and then you’ll move on. Everybody with any sense expected that of most of the game’s population.

What makes you think I’m a hardcore premader? By my own definition, I’m rather casual myself. I set myself a goal, then upon completing said goal, I take a long “casual” break. I’ve been raid logging for the past 3 weeks.

No, I’m not.

If you can’t enjoy the PVP aspect of the game, you’re simply playing it wrong. Plain and simple.

You’re never going to be in a position where you join a game full of rando’s with miss-matched gear who don’t know what they’re doing: that age has long past.

The CORRECT thing to do is to not fix what isn’t broken. I do however agree that there’s no point in appeasing a vocal minority. That would be you crybabies, in this sense.

It isn’t 20 people dictating the game.

This isn’t Vanilla

People are no longer inexperienced. People are no longer adventuring. People are experienced with this game now, they’ve been playing it for 15 years.

Blizzard was never going to be able to re-create the Vanilla experience. Nobody can, because the playerbase aren’t the same. Accept that Classic isn’t Vanilla and adapt to the new playerbase, or leave.

Classic was a recreation of the old game. There’s no possible way for anybody to recreate the old feeling. If you think otherwise, you may want to stop calling me naiev.

Nor could they in the past. You knew how toxic the ranking system was when you signed up for the game, as did everybody else. That’s what people wanted when they asked for Vanilla servers for all those years.

OR better yet, they can do nothing. Changing the game to make it more “vanilla” is just plain old stupid logic.

Furthermore, you’ve completely ignored me each and every time that I’ve told you that things wont end how you want them. You’re not going to get your “fair, everyone is dumb” games like in the old days. If pugging becomes more efficient HPH than premading, you’re going to get the hardcore consumable/WB players jumping into your games and slaughtering you anyway.

AV was changed to better suit your style. What happened then? Premade WSG/AB became the meta, the thing you’re now complaining about.

False. My way is the CLASSIC way, you’re way is the Vanilla way. You’re playing classic, not vanilla.

The majority aren’t demanding changes. There’s like 15-30 of you on this board crying. That isn’t a majority. The majority consists of more people than you people have combined brain cells.

Blizzard said in multiple interviews between 2017 and 2018 that WoW classic was being made as a love letter for the fans. Did you miss all of those interviews? I know that some of you werent aboard the hype train until the game actually released.

Some of the things they said were that they dont know whether it’ll be a success or not. They said things like “preserving the original game” and things like not knowing which era of Vanilla that they’ll be working on.

They have however, worked on a solution to your premade fix. It’s called The Burning Crusade and you can probably expect it next year.

Too long to wait? Some of us waited for Classic for 12 years.

Is it really so hard for you to believe that more than one person would be opposed to change? Anybody with any brains would notice that me and Bodiesan have different ways of talking to others.

And you’d be wrong. Bewarê speaks in a more “matter-of-fact” tone than me, and is generally more friendly.

Unfortunately, years of dealing with you people; watching you ruin retail and every aspect of the game I’ve ever loved, has left me with minimal patience.

Do you listen to yourself? You’re a paladin, you can literally join any premade. It’s warriors and rogues that are struggling to find people to play with, not healers.

Not all premades are hardcore 14 hour a day grinders. Join a “casual” one.

i dont want to play another class, cause i like my warrior and i have put a lot of effort and time into him. i have guild mates, though they are not interested in pvp that much.

you are just like bodiesan, just here to mess with people and dont bring any argumentes why premade vs premade only should not happen


Then you’ll just have to pay the price for your choice, wont you? The entire basis that Classic was built on.

As I said, Bodie is more friendly than me. I’ve been on these forums for about a third of my lifetime now.

My argument is #nochanges, plain and simple. The conclusion to said argument is that your change wont fix your problem. I can tell you all time and time again that altering the honor farm will change the meta, and it wont be more fair to you.

AV premade meta was changed, then we got WSG/AB premade meta. If you change that, the meta will likely shift to high ranking players completely ignoring each other to continue farming you.

There is no way that you get your fair games, not while the honor system is how it is. Will the honor system changes? Yes. In The Burning Crusade.

I love battlegrounds, my favourite part are pug vs pug battles, everyone start with equal chance to win, lots of fun and very entartaining matches.
I’m losing interest towards classic wow because of these premades using discord against random players.
I’d rather solo queue because it is more enjoyable, listening to good music and having good battles instead of speaking in discord with some other people, it is more relaxing to me.
Unfortunately the massive presence of those premades with perfect comps (most of the time), communication and good gear stomping randoms with no coordination, sometimes with bad gear and with some weird setups (like 5 druids, 4 ret paladins etc) it is extremely bad for my tastes.
For me randoms vs randoms will always be my favourite part of the game, but it seems that I have to look to somewhere else for that.


I completely agree premades are a joke at the moment and need fixing so blizzard sort this out asap its a complete joke right now