Heh, in an extremely loose and stretching interpretation. Problem being that when one (Premade) comes up against the other (PuG), they get stomped into the ground and spend the remainder of the game ghosting at graveyards.
48 hours ago i was in a premade with my servers top rankers and we were stomping groups repeatedly, sure, the honour was nice, but it was not fun. After 3 hours of this i grew bored.
I am fortunate to be on the faction with instant queue times. So a quick loss from a Premade isnāt so much of a sting. I feel for the horde players who pug or in low pop servers and be those long queues only to spend the majority of the match ghosting.
Thatās not playing, thatās not fun. And playing and fun is my barometer. The regularity of premading now is what i think having a detrimental effect of the health of the game. Those who wish to rank must become robotic in behaviour and attitude, and those who wish to play the odd game here and there get demoralised.
I see players sigh the moment they see itās another premade. They talk about sitting at Stables or flagroom to get a few kills then ghosting when the inevitable happens.
That is not a positive vibe for the community. For both player types. I always say i donāt mind losing against another PuG. Becuase both groups gets the chance to battle together. No one gets stomped into oblivion time after time.
Again, as someone who has premade and lead premades a fair amount now, wishes for the queues to be split. I want all to get the chance to battle and have some fun. Not one exclusively dominating the other week after week, month after month. Is not fun, it is demoralising.
Your % based suggestion is ok, but has flaws.
Lets say ur 0%-49% 50%-99% 100% brackets.
What would happen is that in WSG people would start queing as cookie cuter comps such as druid/mage/warrior/paladin. And the pug on the other side wouldnāt have a chance. While other 2 brackets would have enormous queue times.
In AB 7 people with right comp also would stomp randoms every time.
Yes I know. It sux from that point of view. But it have been like that for 16 years now. Battlegrounds have ALWAYS had premades ganking pugs and there have NEVER been a seperate queue for solo puggers in any battleground in this game. Probably because itās an MMORPG and pvp is group content so grouping up with players is something Blizzard want to reward.
So with that said. Itās absurd to ask for new unique queue system that have never existed in this game at any point, and ask for that in Classic, that is a god damn recreation of the gameplay system from 2006.
I also understand that in Vanilla retail, less people was playing premades, I get that, more people play premades in 2020. But so what? Thatās how people choose to play the game. The Gameplay system is a recreation from 2006 and thatās what matters. What we asked for. What we expected. What Blizzard said they was gonna deliver. And what they actually delivered. And what we now have. Some people canāt handle that, to bad. Deal with it.
One way to deal with it is to play in a group when you play pvp group contentā¦
You are quite a headache repeating the same stuff over and over again in every single post, do you even play the game? Or do you spend all the time at the forums spamming your no changes nonsense. Vanilla was not even the Peak of WoW , it was Wotlk in number of subscribers and guess what, premades ceased to exist because Blizzard was aware of the trash system. Changes were made and for good. Games 15 years old are being remastered now, with changes and for good.
Wow dude, the irony, last time I played in a premade was in WOTLK. There were no timer in WSG yet and you could have a raid premades gank pugs for hours. I played on an RP realm and it was fun to do after the raid sometimes.
Eh no? There have never been a solo pug queue for battlegrounds. You have always been able to enter as a premade.
No itās not. Classic is not a remaster. Itās a recreation.
Every time. You guys resort to personal attack. Why do you think that will help your cause?
No, I am saying you are a looser for sticking with and old timer mentality, you go to every single post here, you put your arguments trying to convince people of something they are against, when a majority is asking the otherwise.
Lol no, a majority is not asking for changes. Why do you think that? because you see a handful of spammers on the forum making the same thread every day on lowlvl alts?
I dont see a single post about it. What people want is Premade vs Premade only and Pug vs Pug, yet you come here and start spamming your crap saying that the game will be ruined, there has never been a system blah blah blah. They do not want to change Classic , they want to ENJOY Classic. But here you are with a closed mentality trying to convince people that only your way is right.
That have never existed in this game, ever. Itās absurd that people think it would be added now, in classic, that is a recreation of the game.
Ok, then just play it? If you donāt enjoy playing solo in battlegrounds, just join a group and play pvp group content in a group. If you donāt enjoy classic now, then you donāt enjoy classic. Thatās it. You either enjoy Classic or you donāt. If you donāt enjoy Classic, donāt play Classic.
This is what I meanā¦ again repeating stuff youāve already said 1000 times. People have changed, the way we play has changed, the quality of players HAS CHANGED so this is no recreation at allā¦ there are components missing and they have to make it FAIR for everyone.
I had the privalege of playing the game in itās original form those many years ago, premading was nowhere even near the current level. Back then it was rare to come across a premade as all the ābadā solo puggers got to play with one another. These days whenever i do solo queing the majority of games are against some uber premade and it gets tiresome to those who just wanna play a little bit of pvp and not instead be someones farming statistic.
If you are such a purist for classic, get rid of cross realms. Bring back server based battlegrounds, we want to see those hour long queues return for everyone, including those low pop and unbalanced faction serversā¦lets really go back to that shall we?
People are not asking for a change in the honour system, people are just asking to be paired with like minded people. People are tired or premade after premade and ghosting at graveyards.
Like i said, iāve done my fair share of premading. As someone that premades time to time (something which you might have missed from my posts?) even on some occassions with the servers top rankers, recognise that there is an unhealthy problem, being that people just want to play some pvp. Not get stomped into the ground and ghost. Repeatedly. Thatās the problem, the repeatitiveness of coming up against premade.
In PVE, you have the high end guilds doing speed runs, wanting to min/max and be the very best, then you have guilds which are more casual, take things easy, donāt have strict rules and loot systems. Both sets of players get a chance to play how they want too. However this is not the case with PVP. One set of player is domineering the other. People are not getting ample moments to just enjoy a bit of PVP.
Once again, this is no call to end premading, no call to alter the honour/ranking system. People just want to play and get a fair chance to play. Not end up ghosting 9/10 games just being a means to someone elses end.
The nochanges meme is dead, the game is altered. It can continue to be altered in a measured and sensible way. Why not give this idea a go on the PTR? Are we not even allowed to try and test something?
This is a change that would benefit everyone.
Those who like to play with their friends can do so as much as they want, and those who wants to play against other randoms, having a somewhat level playing field can do so.
I said this in previous posts to that guy who keeps spamming the same replies defending the state of PVP.
If it was a true recreation we wouldnāt have cross realm we would have realm v realm only where there was around 2 main premades on a realm maximum of 4 premades at prime time, rest was randoms. You would rarely encounter a premade back in Vanilla. This is what it was like for the majority of Vanilla.
People with common sense understand why they added cross realms to this version of the game. They should change the game based on how people behave if that behavior is toxic for the majority of players, they have already changed little things here and there because of people efficiently exploiting it. I think Blizzard have an obligation to do something.