PvP Rank Pools Hotfix Coming 14 October

Activision…You do realise this game was/is and will always be considered a master piece right?The thing is this game was made by BLIZZARD,once a company that created this game out of pasion,out of love for what they do.All you had to do was to leave the game as it is but somehow you managed to destroy something that other people managed to build together.You are beyond imagining and im doing my best not to insult you.There are so many of us,so many dedicated players that wanted to rank,and now you took that away from us .We worked as a huge team,as a community and now we are going to fight amongst ourselves.

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Please do not go through with this change. It does not make the game better in any way. It’s completely unnecesary and just makes the weeks rankers spend on pvp double if not triple.

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This is a sad day for pvp…

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Great change totally supporting it. Enough with this wintrading bull shi


Bracket Mafia have been exploiting and manipulating the pvp system in ways it was never intended and for far too long, this was well needed and over due, they bully people and try and control people, well done blizz, only people crying are those who cheat at the game, they cry no changes while exploiting to change the game.


You clearly have no ideea about what’s going on mate


What are you talking about? Did you ever try to rank up above rank 10?

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Rank 14 mate, i know, as i played vanilla, it was far to easy. it ruined the game.


Any proof of that blatantly false claim? Since you have so little understanding of the ranking system. Bracket “mafias” will control the bracket spots no matter what because they can play for them. By increasing the pool size they increase the number of bracket slots in EVERY bracket which helps EVERYONE rank up.

Pointless change blizz, will easily kill off a lot of the pvp community for absolutely no reason. A player driven fix to attempt to circumvent the terrible ranking system. No reason to make people quit when this has been a part of classic since the start.


Where is it? I don’t see any kind of achievement on level 20 lightforged draenei… Just stop trolling and be constructive.

So the bracket mafia can troll, i think not, btw my lightforged draenei achievement is one so get on your bike, troll.

Oh I see… Very nice and constructive post.
Just FYI when i played Vanila i did 15 GM chars after a month ranking just because I can.

Time to stop the game.

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Yeah, time to play something else till TBC.

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Problem was probably the few people that sold services to increase pool size for real money.

So, picture me “somewhat” taking part in the race at the start of Phase 2.
Doing world pvp for 12+ hours a day before bgs are even out.
Then AV and WSG happen, so I farm these for 16-21 hours every day, for months.
Trying my best at getting 800k+ honor each week and reaching rank 11.
BUT then real life happens and I drop wow for half a year (thanks pandemic).
Half a year passes and I return, to find out that my server has somewhat friendly brackets, pools and you can actually rank up while getting less than 600k each week. Fantastic right? Maybe I can give it a try, without a need to have power naps in between queues?
I farm 300k in 3 days (obviously solo because people are done farming already) to get into the casual pool with everyone before the next week starts. I tell my friends about how friendly and not toxic ranking is now! A new week starts and I see this post.

Nice. Back to farming BGs for the entire day every day? No thanks.


This is beyond stupid. The natural pools in most servers are so small we are waiting for a spot in B14 to even get to R14. After months of grinding you will now will have to grind just to maintain your rank before even trying to go for R14. This doesn’t help the PvP community is anyway.

It is mind-blowing to me how you almost always manage to miss opportunities to solve issues that actually HURT the community, but always find a way to change things that benefits everyone. This is a horrible decision all around. I guess we dropping the idea of #nochanges again.


I can’t beleive this post… This is such a BAD change… This is going to kill the entire pvp aspect of the game on the low pop servers. For the server that will still have 1 or 2 slot in br14, this is going to drive the community to be so toxic…
I finished my ranking on my main char, and i was ranking an alt because pvp is fun and progress felt good week after week. Now we won’t see any bR14 on my server and this is very sad.
WHY are you performing this change ? What BENEFITS does that have on the players and the wow community ?
I hope that you will change your mind and never release this hotfix.


You “fixed” your communities fix to your horrific Honor System. Congratulations. This is no hotfix, it’s hot garbage.