I haven’t been playing it since 13. I didn’t play between 2007 and legion. Played legion for a short time while on leave (weeks max) and then played the classic release as I had more time.
I’m not going to list everything I’ve done in that time but all of the things I feel “passionately” about I hold in higher regard than any game ranks. I’m a grown man after all, mate.
Being passionate about things that you have no direct impact on is very much setting yourself up for future disappointment. Wait, isn’t that why you made this post? Your disappointed with something your “passionate” about yet you have no say in the matter and it’s gone and let you down hasn’t it? Well there you go. Life has much to teach you it seems.
You’re also talking about Blizzards passion like its 05’. You think Activision are that deep? Ok.
Good, so we agree, you play the game but it doesn’t make you feel much. Doesn’t give you much emotions. Not much passion.
Yet you continue playing, you continue $paying.
I guess your life sucks after all, mate, if you keep $paying for doing something that doesn’t really make you feel much. It’s sad to think you have nothing better to do.
Well (as many I’m sure) it is outside and separate from the real word and real “fights” of life. When it’s not (and it becomes the focus of life) then there’s usually or likely other issues at play.
Granted, esports for highly competitive games that generate revenue require a heavy investment and that’s understandable. That is not WoW classic, which in reality is not very competitive with its rank system being just a time sink.
They’re turning Classic Era into Retail. Too many people have been brainwashed into this communist mindset that makes them think they’re entitled to everything without putting in any work. Nothing worth having comes without effort which is why retail sucks so much.
Ask for system that measure player skill instead. It is the only logical thing to do
within a competetative invironment. Ranks were a poor excuse at best.
Is it that hard to understand?
Your superb ideas and genius suggestions are very welcome… for Classic+ or Retail or SOD
Can you please leave Classic Era in its Era? Do you even remember what was the point of Classic? Which part is so hard to understand? All players came back from private servers for this, Blizzard promised to re-create the vanilla classic experience. That’s it, that’s all, thank you.
Don’t get me wrong, your suggestions are very welcome for Classic+, SOD or Retail
Let’s not get confused here, if gold sellers are a problem then Blizzard can easily get rid of them, and in no way the Classic game mechanics need to be changed. That’s not Classic+ we’re talking about.
(Not to mention that gold sellers existed back in Vanilla… Blizzard is not getting rid of gold sellers because gold sellers pay their subscription, it’s a different discussion, don’t confuse the two problems)
People keep thinking of Classic as their little baby that they need to make grow and evolve and improve and see grow step by step… Nope. That’s Classic+ you’re thinking about. Don’t be confused. Classic, especially Classic Era, should not be changed. That’s its true reason of existence.
You are welcome to make suggestions for Classic+ and SOD.
Why do you keep saying this like you decide how a particular version of the game (“classic”) will be run. The people who made, own and run the game decide…and they have spoken.
Your making so many threads about this now, it’s not healthy.
You are confused.
You are confusing “deciding” with “asking that people keep their word”
I am not deciding anything. I am blaming those who created and advertised Classic as a re-creation of the Vanilla classic, back in time, back to the past (even the cinematic was about rewinding time) and are now betraying us.
So no, I am not “deciding”.
The decision was already made. I only ask that there be no betrayal.
Wait… is it “too much to ask” that people keep their word? Is that the kind of world you live in? A world where “keeping your word” is too much to ask?
Classic+ and SOD are open for changes. You are welcome to suggest changes and improvements for SOD and Classic+.
Classic «Era» is not supposed to change.
No, you say this in every reply in all 5 of your threads about this:
Like I said, Blizzard make the decisions when it comes to all versions of WoW. They have decided to change something. You have no control or say over what suggestions are made and implemented. People are “welcome to” suggest changes to classic as they like.
The irony here is that you yourself are actually making a suggestion because Blizzard have decided that this is how the ranking system works in Era. It’s actually you who now wants it changed, not anyone else.
Also, they never once said it was going to be exactly the same. It never came out the gate exactly the same. They used 1.12 running on the legion engine for a start…
A user-interface change, a display change, is not the same as a gameplay change and a game mechanics change and a game purpose change, and you know it.
Common can we avoid having to state the obvious please.
They had already made a decision and communicated on it. They betrayed it.
No, I am asking for #NoChange
I asked you a question earlier, you didn’t answer. Is it “too much to ask” to ask someone to keep their word? You live in a world where asking someone to keep their word is exaggerated and too much to ask?
It didnt kill only meaning of R14 rank(not that I personaly was ever after it). But it killed BG pvp itself. Wsg and AB doesnt pop outside their weekends. While WSG was popping during week days all the time before the new pvp system patch. Patch killed it due how it is designed to let people sit in AV and get their ranks by botting and half afking.
I might sound bit offensive, but I do think devs do not have more than average IQ if they dont realize results of their patches to ERA or…
I rather believe they did that on purpose for reasons that fits company and not players. I mean ofc most of players botting in AV and they are pretty happy about it, but can be they called players?
First of all if they reach easy ranks and achieve easy gear, they easier complete their goals and leave the game if they are ‘‘completionists’’.
Ofc Blizzard dont have to care as long they believe that completionists will switch to sod or cata or retail.
Despite all of that, its still Blizz and devs fault that they gave ‘‘toolset’’ for brainless grinding bots to get R14 just by playing AV as only option(not worth to play other bgs due honor lack). And made game more dead in social aspect than it was when population was at half rate.