PvP ranks have no "ranking" anymore? How is that acceptable? Can we get Atiesh just by farming Trashmobs?

Here you go again… I didn’t say you can’t premade in AV. I questioned it as a surprise because I have been playing AV these days and noticed no premade. I did not notice any. not one. Maybe there were… but I did not notice them. And if premades are not noticable, then it means it probably doesn’t matter much, or not often.

Also, you used the argument about premades to say that I can’t AFK in AV.
I can, and I did (on another different BattleNet account). I went 3 ranks like this. So… I mean… …facts are facts. I don’t know how else to tell you this.

  • why are you in AV, AND AFK
  • do you know Atiesh isn’t in AV?
  • you AFK in battlegrounds

we want to PLAY battlegrounds !!!

Are you seriously admitting you AFK’d in AV to rank up?? You realise that it is against the rules right? And you can get banned for it? I swear every post you make somehow reaches a new low.

All you’re proving is that you not only know nothing about PVP but that you’re a terrible person who leaches honor in BGs to rank. Hopefully you get reported enough times for AFKing to get your account flagged for the next banwave.

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Apart from being mad, I notice you did not attempt to contradict me this time.
I’m glad you finally understood I was telling the truth.

I’m not mad, if anything I find it amusing you’d admit to violating Blizzard’s TOS on their own forums. AFKing in AV falls under ‘gameplay sabotage’ which is bannable. Why don’t you admit to some gold buying and botting while you’re at it?

I reported you and suggest others do the same.


Good. it’s now your second message where you are not contradicting anything that has to do with the original post.
Glad you finally understood that all I said was true.

(any AFK AV that I may or may not have done was on a different BattleNet account, and I am not saying which one. So you can report as much as you want.)

What is there to contradict? Your ridiculous anecdote of “i dIdN’t NoTiCe AnY aV pReMaDeS sO tHeY dOnT eXiSt” when literally the av premade discord is constantly full of people

Or your other gem of an argument of “i AfK’d iN Av AnD dIdNt GeT bAnNeD yEt, So iT iS a ViAbLe WaY tO rAnK”

Absolute clown shoe arguments. You’re clearly just trolling for attention.

The discord? Maybe that’s why you notice them in the BG, because you are in the discord with them.
I’m not in the discord with them, and without discord they are not noticeable in-game.

Not only it works but a lot of people do it. Have you seen the posts on the forum complaining about it?

If you want I can give you an example of a “dad” who can get rank14 with the new system without AFK in AV if your problem is on that specific example :slight_smile: Won’t change the conclusion though.

So being a “dad” is the answer? :rofl: These dads are broke :rofl: don’t talk for them :rofl:

Decay and weekly cap is dumb, we are not in 2005, others blizzard games don’t have that gatekeep system. why do we have to sacrifice lifetime and not miss a single hour in this game? this is ridiculous

you cryer go to naxx get your Atiesh and chips and let people have rank 14 gear, if not, you gonna be the last in a ghost game

blizz should let us have gear against naxx players…

No it is not “the” answer, there is not “one” answer. There are many… many possibilities… many people who could not have R14 before, and can now. just like Zuggor admitted a few post above.

So? Your point being?
Let me quote what Blizzard said in 2018 about the purpose of Classic. You might want to delete your last message after you read this :


We wanted to come up with a framework that would help guide us. And first and foremost, really, is authenticity as our goal.
We want to create an experience that feels just like 2006 World the Warcraft.
We understand that that is a key part of the experience and anything that might threaten to undermine those dynamics is something that we need to be very suspect about and again use authenticity as our guide.
Even if it might seem minor at a glance those small changes could have large ripple effects that would change the way players related to the world and to each other.


Finally we really had this one 1.12 data that we’ve been able to restore and we viewed that as it almost sacrosanct.
That’s everything from, you know, the world and the quest lines and the stories, to individual player abilities, creature health, tuning and so forth.
There’s some changes in code and in architecture in the way the client responds to the server and vice versa that if we let stand, using the modern structure, might have caused this data to produce a different result when it comes to things like game balance and we definitely worried that if we ever felt like the result was different in a way that compelled us to crack this open it would very much be like opening Pandora’s box.
Because the second we start to substitute our modern judgment to solve problems from 12 years ago, we are deviating from our goal of a historical recreation of the game as it was, and making something different… and that’s something we want to avoid.

source: Ion Hazzikostas’s entire segment from Blizzcon 2018 panel “Restoring History - Creating World of Warcraft: Classic”

aaaah man…

i’m a legendary Warsong player (yeah baby)

i cloned my Lamborgimli (have one in Era and the other followed in TBC/WOTLK) and was rank 11 before TBC, now im a simple soldier(rank1 with 23’000 HKs) because of old system decay (was rank 11 before TBC)
and now you tell me to do it again in an uninteresting AV farm (i’m not gonna do it) and i have others characters to rank too?

just stop bad faith and wasting people’s time
No decay / weekly cap = players keep their subscription, you understand?
this is not World of Forever AV

I am not in bad faith, on the contrary. I am telling you with good faith that I do not want other people to have what I have because having something that other people want but cannot have makes me feel happy. I cannot be more honest than that. It is embarrassingly honest.

On the other side, you are the one in bad faith. I copy pasted what Blizzard said about what Classic was supposed to be. There is no ambiguity, read it again, without bad faith this time.

This is Classic, the re-creation of vanilla Classic experience. Forever (“era”).
Anything else is a betrayal of that.

Okay enjoy your game with these

have fun little red fish turning in the jar

i see you like to write, please convert this WoW situation to a football ground

be that Mbappé and don’t afk in the battle

Don’t even waste time on Arkazar he knows nothing about the new ranking system + he is not even rank 14 in the new system or were in the old :stuck_out_tongue: he just mad that rank 14 is now reachable for more people.

  • yeah report him for afking in bgs on purpose
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How to be wrong very quickly 101
I am rank14 in the old system. So there you go, you are wrong. That was quick.

(I can prove it because I have R14 weapons yet I am rank 6, and I have 0 dishonourable kills. Which is impossible with the new system)

rank 6 only damn u suck not even rank14 with the ez system

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but makes sense since u only afk bg right

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Why would someone with R14 weapons want to be rank 14 again?
I PvP for fun now, this is not “sucking”, instead that’s the luxury of having done it already.

Are you playing the “how to be wrong quickly in public” game again?

No, not right. Not only the word “only” in your sentence is wrong when referring to back then, but also I never afked bg with the character that was R14, and I don’t afk bg anymore anyway. I guess you do enjoy saying false things and being wrong in public after-all. Kind of a sick way to get pleasure, but to each his own I guess…

If someone is wrong in public it’s u everything u say just screams blizzard give me u D and make everything back to normal so i can glory ride a rank 14 title which has 0 skill involved :stuck_out_tongue:

Oooh u don’t afk anymore ? :stuck_out_tongue: u just stopped out of nowhere

So how much gold did u buy for irl money ? :stuck_out_tongue: because u just screams like a person who swipes