PvP ranks have no "ranking" anymore? How is that acceptable? Can we get Atiesh just by farming Trashmobs?

Yup, exactly. Doesn’t say “no changes” at all. Quite the opposite actually. In fact, he talks about changes and how they have to be careful when deciding whether to do them or not. Turns out, they decided to do them.

If you interpret those quotes as “NO CHANGES!” then your understanding of the English language is way off.

Source: Developer notes, June 22 2022


Did that go how you thought it would? Nope.

The developers have spoken, its their game to develop. You are a consumer…you either pay, or you don’t.

I thought his 180 on “ohh, no i dont afk anymore it was just this one time” was funny too.

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I realise you are not contradicting me, right?

You are quoting Blizzard in 2022. Yes they changed their mind. Yes they betrayed us. That’s the whole point, that is what I blame them for. No contradiction here.

Oooh u don’t afk anymore ? :stuck_out_tongue: u just stopped out of nowhere

the 180 you refer to happened when my company decided Covid was over and we had to go back to the office. No more game running in the background. It was 2 years ago. Any more question?

Don’t be stuck on the wording, but on the meaning. Let’s not have bad faith here please. Let’s look at the meaning of the words.

This is not the opposite: « authenticity as our goal. We want to create an experience that feels just like 2006 World the Warcraft

In fact, not only they were in favour of #AsLittleChangeAsTechnicallyFeasible (which is basically #NoChange but with a technical criteria of feasibility to it), but they also had the presence of mind to understand what happens when changes are done, and they correctly predicted what would happen :

Because the second we start to substitute our modern judgment to solve problems from 12 years ago, we are deviating from our goal of a historical recreation of the game as it was, and making something different… and that’s something we want to avoid.

Do you see how they are saying exactly what I am saying?
Do you see the sentence “and that’s something we want to avoid” ?
This sentence is the #No in #NoChange, the “want to avoid” means “No”.

What is it they want to avoid? …«deviating from our goal of a historical recreation of the game as it was, and making something different». In other words, they want to avoid “Change” («making something different»).

There you go. He basically said #NoChange (except for technical feasibility), but he said it in several sentences.

No one betrayed u other than yourself :stuck_out_tongue:

100% so funny man like wtf is this guy on and not only that i bet that he can’t even do a 2 button rotation :stuck_out_tongue: barely above 300 dps

Seriously, wtf are you talking about “betrayal”, you weren’t promised what you claim you were promised. There was no promise.

The multi-billion dollar corporation had a plan for their product, that pan initially was to change ‘very little’ or as little as possible. As like many their product and market is constantly changing so they have adjusted with it. They have changed an aspect of one of their products with the sole goal of continued revenue.

The only place you come into that is whether you decide to buy the product or not, you quite literally, vote with your wallet.

There is no “betrayal”, this isn’t 2 families in the desert exchanging an old camel.

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If you look in the main classic forum window he has about 3 threads of this going. Someone will articulate a post well and give good points. He then replies with “how to be wrong 101”. He, literally says “101” at the end of things like its 2003…

Imagine being this invested in something like this…

Yeah but hey he still subbed right even tho he complain that much :stuck_out_tongue:

I wouldn’t be too sure he personally pays for his sub at this point.

Probably not but again still complains :stuck_out_tongue:

They betrayed their word. They said something, did something else. It is a betrayal of their word.

No, the ones where I reply this are exactly the contrary: useless trolling comments where the only point of the comment is an argument that is false. And false in a silly useless way, like someone affirming something about my past even though they are actually entirely guessing, i.e. the author could have easily avoided to be wrong in public simply by sticking to what he knows instead of venturing into areas he ended up being wrong in.

By the way, it doesn’t go without notice that you are slowly shifting your argument to “ad hominem” … which signals to me that you know I’m right

It’s not going to be rare(it was never prestigious), because the servers have been up for 4 years. Afaik for a time people weren’t even PVPing to get ranks but delivering gas in silithus when BGs weren’t even running, the old system isn’t even necessarily harder just relative, and please understand that it was literally a competition of spending more time, you are always gonna be totally chanceless against someone either account sharing or abusing illegal stimulant drugs.

Anyway there are no doubt a lot of games that reward only crazy unhealthy amounts of time invested like this, but people to actually play them might be few and far between.


Yep, exactly, 100%, just like it should be: as it was. As they said it was supposed to be, as they said it would be.

So few… the number of players playing vanilla on private servers was so “few” that Blizzard decided to launch Classic to re-create Vanilla. And it was a huge success.

That being said, things can be different in Classic+ and S.O.D.
(But not in Classic-Era)

U still typing ?

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u guys get ur free R14. And then u’ll quit. U just want things for free and not work for it, typical casual players.

Go to Retail.

everyone quits at some point but saying that the new system is free r14 go cry me a river

u guys spend 50hours/week in AV to get rank14 and never queue warsong and arathi after this insane ridiculous timefarm because you became lobotomized…

if access to the rank is simplified, players could PLAY the game, and those who wants more stuff like naxx gear are free to go farm it, but being a forever green/blue geared against these naxx geared don’t give the will to stay in the game…

“oh i can’t play a week because of christmas or other chips, so i got to spend 2 more weeks after to catch-up”
=> most people not gonna catch-up and just leave the game = warsong/AB empty
let’s be human, ranks don’t make you notorious, let people have some gear to PLAY, share this message with your gatekeepers dumb team or maybe you want to stay 10players in the game…

#PLEASE BLIZZ no weekly cap / no decay of ranks !!! For the real PLAYERS !!! these psychos do 50hours/week in AV for “ranking”… this game is not made for this…

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Nowadays Blizz likes to cater to everyone, and strongly believe that everyone should have the chance to achieve everything from casual to hardcore.

one thing they could do to make people do WSG and AB would be to buff the “For Great Honor” 3 marks turn in to make it more comparable to just grinding these somewhat fast AVs, that way you could also get the reputation rewards from these battlegrounds.
Also it’s way to easy to turtle wsg, one small change that could fix things would be to add Free Action to the speed bots so people don’t get stranded without the pot.