PvP Weekly Honor Calculations Date and Time

Again, not the only one in that boat, i lost my chance to buy Rank12 Gear. Just pointing out, if we would make a list what is most important it would probably be:

  1. Title - cuz it stays forever,
  2. Mount - you use till you get fancier model in next expansion and
  3. Gear - it’s used till 70, then it sleeps forever in your Bank as a collection item.

I know the way you think may sound right and it probably is in a way, but let’s be honest, between those 3 things, we should be bloody grateful if we get our Ranks above all. Blizzard made a mistake and for them to rewind this whole mess just so we could buy stuff for gold would be too much work considering TBC is behind the corner.

My logic is that between Gear and Mount, one of them is going to be used far longer in TBC then the other. So if Blizzard does find a way to allow one of those two to be purchased the way they used to be before this whole mess, don’t you think it should be the one that is going to last longer?

i dont necessarily disagree with that, but i find it quite sad what this kind fo treatment spells for the game and the community (nothing really new there but hey…), they aren´t fixing their mess properly and i am expecting similar things in the future so i would at least hope they put in some effort to do something about this.

i also dont see how reanbling the mount vendor is different from the gear vendor, they could just stuff the rank/gold items on one new vendor for a few days and that would fix something, i think the riding skill might be more trickier but shouldnt be impossible, since we have something similar in tbc with paladin and warlock mounts that get skill together with the mount too

what i find even more hilarious about the whole mess is that they have made zero acknowledgement of people loosing out on their mounts/ridingskill and items

I feel ya man, hope ya didn’t get any wrong vibe from me. Let’s face reality, we ain’t seeing that happening, let’s just hope for the Ranks to be updated correctly this time. As for the Gear and Mounts, we farm it in the future as collectors. If ya wanna hope for what you said, be my guest, can’t wait for you to prove me wrong. Cheers :heart:


Back in the day a GM was infront of me, transformed into an emerald whelpling, doing a little smoke on themself and spamming my inventory with 100s of light feathers for my mage. If this was back in the day they would give you such items just like that… sadly we are in 2021 and its not going to happen that way at all :smiley:

Got updated aswell.
Thanks for that Blizz, but the icing on the cake would be to present a npc so everyone can buy their respective gear for their rank (mounts/R12 gear, and so on)

As already pointed out i posted to customer support for that issue.
Feel free to express this issue in the other thread, if the topic stays at the top long enough maybe we will be heard another time :slight_smile:

Correctly updated today on 2 characters! :smile:

Title fixed thank you Blizzard! I missed some rewards i could buy for gold instead of marks but whatever really, allready happy we got our titles.

correct updated thanks <3

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy… can’t wait to get home from work in an hour!

My title updated, we did it guys!

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anybody else still havent gotten update yet?

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On era or tbc?

Can we get an official response from blizzard if they implemented that hotfix to poolboosted level 1 characters that are deleted once they gain 15 hks? This seems to be the case for classic era since our poolboosts on Mirage Raceway have not been counted.

There was no warning of this last week either.

Please respond to us blizzard.

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General Zenlarak reporting for Alliance genocide❣️

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yeah me, still waiting for my rank update.

My honor finally update… Lost 51% instead of gaining the 70% i should have hahah i have sent email to get my character copy money back but i know they gonna bs me

Still no update. And it’s getting even worse. I just got my daily honor reset. And guess what? All my honor points that i gained yesterday is just gone. Awesome.

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So nearly a week has gone by, bit of a “tumbleweed” situation going on with regards to the actual rewards we wanted to buy from gold. I have ticketed a GM about the issue but 3 copy/paste replies in the GM told me there was no bug that they were aware of, so an exchange that has been going on since this started and we’re already at the point where the GM’s I’m speaking to didn’t know it happened.

Looks like nobody is getting their rewards without re-farming them in TBC currency.

Kinda got the same response and basically that the problems with the calculation could be expected and i was in a bad place to farm for ranks that late.

I answered that they confirmed via bluepost and they “owe” us these items.
Yeah maybe a bit overdramatic but in the end… they said it will be calculated on tuesday which didnt for some ppl so its on theirs to fix that.

No update yet. And… No more daily resets! Its “today” for three days already.

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