Question concerning non-rp players

“OOCers are beneficial to a roleplay realm. We should be welcoming.”

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Yeah, I really like that idea as well, if they can make a WM, then I don’t see why they can’t do a similar thing for RPers, it would help phase out so much traffic in the higher populated zones as well.

I like this idea too, weirdly reminds me of an episode of Black Mirror where say you blocked someone, you literally couldn’t see them and they were blurry dots.

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In the Ardenweald outdoor theatre you can buy a ticket that when used, puts your group and raid into its own phase with no mobs or other players. Wouldn’t this be wonderful for raids and dungeons, along with lifting the group size cap?


What does this have to do with:

  1. not liking OOC clowns who disrupt roleplay

  2. completely failing to realise that it might not be my RP character anymore.

Please enlighten me, o’sage.

Edit: Was it an attempt to cash in on a meme? I hope for a reply but I doubt it’ll ever happen.



Excuse you, I never. Some of us arrived from other RP mediums! (The rest have already been answered/discussed, I just wanted to protest that.)

Bloody mammouths and tauren/orc riding boars though.


I didn’t know… I need to go there… Guess it’s time to lvl one of my nelfs.


Golly, how ridiculous an idea it is that I used to play PvE content on Silvermoon (a PvE server!) and opted to switch to Argent Dawn when …

… I decided I would try roleplay on this medium.

Surely the largest intake of roleplayers is from those spamming trade chat with their heroic progression. One day they will snap and start roleplaying…


RP in your down time.
PvE can get pretty burnt out on.
Keep a profile and move through the world every so often, even if it’s only half an hour or so.
Doing a smidgen of RP next to the PvE means you still belong here, and many PvE guilds house RPers too. Try to join a guild that has RPers and you’ll likely have a better time on the realm and want to get involved more.




Aaaaaas some have said, with damn good luck people are generally nicer ingame and all that with a lack of being targeted with “BUT DO U RP”. In-game lots of people raid and RP so there’d be no issue finding a PvE guild. Just ask around! Surely you’ll find something.

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If you don’t want to role play you are not welcome

:point_right: :door:


Why is it so difficult to do content and RP?


I refer to this champion, the 1.8k hero who raids as well, and is one of my favourite RPers too.

If you’re on Argent Dawn, give RP a try, it’s a fun activity to have from time to time. What we qualify OOCers as are those who do not RP at all nor have any interest, not those who do it, even once in a blue moon.
If not, I think you’ll find better scene in other realms. PvE and PvP somewhat ‘end’ after a time of doing them, RP doesn’t. Give it a try, or else, I think there’s better luck on other realms.


OOCers have made a reputation for themselves as being disruptive and disrespectful towards RPers, griefing events, failing to address the problematic elements in their communities and just being generally toxic on the forums and in-game. Therefore, people don’t like them.

What I’ll say is that since you said it yourself you were interested in RPing before, you should give it a try. As for content, there are many RPers out there who take part in things such as raiding.


Do you have even the slightest of interest in roleplaying? Welcome.

If not, cya

Pretty simple imo


That is what happens when the company supposed to enforce rules for a specific niche (roleplay) does not enforce those rules properly. Non-roleplayers started trolling, it was brought to Blizzard, Blizzard is greedy and can’t afford to enforce their rules so people get a more and more extreme stance. Cool to know any Gmod roleplay server that has 13 year old owners has a better enforcement of roleplay rules than Blizzard. :slight_smile:

Install TRP3, make a small and very basic profile, there, that’s it. Takes 5 minutes over all.

Rightfully so as this is the last RP realm.

Don’t. Silvermoon is one of the worst toxic realms.

But… If you’re not actively roleplaying, what “community” do you mean? Hovering over SW and knowing “there are roleplayers playing” is not a good thing. Since you’re not really part of that community either. As much as people like to pretend they are, but they aren’t.

People are growing more hostile to non-rpers (especially if they are trolling). Personally when I see some person trolling I just whisper them why they do that. I get no response. Sad.

You mean if more non-roleplay guilds posted their ads in trade, they would drown out the roleplay ones which are already a minority?

Yeah, where have I seen that before? Was it… Every other roleplay realm of both retail and classic WoW that entirely killed the roleplay communities there? Or maybe the server merging of other MMOs (ESO, Star Wars The Old Republic etc) that flooded roleplayers with very funny “XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD trolling roleplayers” neckbeards? I don’t know.

If you meant that more PvE guilds should advertize their guilds in the forums then no. That would lead to even more non-roleplayers flooding.

Are you saying that the other roleplaying realms that are now completely overtaken by non-rp trolls is ok because “they were the majority”? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You see, that’s the difference. I played on a PvE realm when I first started WoW. I always had an interest in roleplay and then I was specifically looking up what MMOs had an active roleplaying community. WoW was mentioned oftenly so I gave it a go.

Here’s the reasons OOCer join AD:

“I like the community” - “My friends play there” - “Goldshire” - “I abuse the AH”

And probably a million other reasons. Do they mention “Because I was specifically looking for a place to roleplay”? No, atleast not from a pure OOCer perspective. Because roleplay is exactly that, very niche.

Am I missing something or does that make no sense logic wise? You’re saying “the public opinion can change, depending on the individuals”. So what negative attitude you speak of? Since the current “majority opinion” in the forums is that OOCers are bad for the realm. You say they “shouldn’t be met with a negative opinion”, but that makes you the minority. In which case you are wrong, according to your own words.

Usually I can put out a straight forward “Yes I agree” or “No I disagree”. Sometimes something in between, but your posts give me a big questionmark. Maybe just a clarification and/or logic issue.

As the great Blizzard man once stated: “Roleplayers should police their own realms”. Would be a shame if someone found the level 50 forsaken warlock in that video and would give a little hint to Blizzard that this person might not be in for the roleplay. :slight_smile:

Anyways, here’s two thread why we don’t want more OOCers on the realm as many of them are toxic:

There is a reason why AD is known to be “so friendly uwu”, while PURE PVP AND PVE REALMS (Silvermoon, Tarren Mill and others) are known to have awful toxic and childish communities. Because the roleplayers are keeping the community friendly. So what happens if a bunch of non-roleplayers, coming from exactly these toxic realms join? Hm… I rest my case.


I’d like to thank you for your responses positive or negative. I’ll stay here as I don’t really want to spend 25e to transfer nor spend the next 2 weeks to level again, and that when I did RP a few years back it was fun to do.

But as some of you proposed I didn’t think of doing casual RP from time to time. I’ll try to think of something for my character once I hit level 60 and choose my covenent. It’s true it was enjoyable to do some RP.

I have one last question, how do you integrate the new expand in RP, is it possible ?


Best bet is fighting remenants of unded scattered through out Azeroth, since the scourge is now off the helm’s leash.
The realm of Shadowlands best be left to lore champions.

Ol’ Emma and Griftah beg to differ, and the portals are 100% canon and accessible. It doesn’t mean everyone is obliged to go to the Shadowlands, but if your character/guild wants to, there’s no lore against it, especially when Darion speaks of going to and from the Shadowlands to recruit reinforcements. You could argue that this is only Oribos as opposed to the covenant realms, but the hand of the Arbiter does say that all mortals entering the Shadowlands need to join a covenant (implying more than one character has entered the zones).

The only zone I’d say is off-limits is the Maw itself, since we don’t know what a Maw Walker is yet.


im advertising for my guild. What part of my post makes you think i dont RP or play exclusively OOC? just another RP elitist you are what gives the realm a bad name.