Regarding the Dalaraan market and a new Location. What if we turn it into a Mereldar Market?

There is a decent amount of indications that the homeland is a tad more extreme. For one, the guy you meet very early on who singles out void elves, warlocks, etcetera, and heavily scrutinizes them until they prove themselves, as well as faerin’s comment that the sort of company the horde and alliance keep would more likely than not be heavily frowned upon back in the empire.

Tbh if you never saw any of those it’s pretty surprising he didn’t attack on sight. Like those people shouldn’t even know there are non-hostile Demons/Undead.

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I think for logistics sake it’d make more sense to have a stronger pressence on the surface of the island rather then 2 layers deep into the earth

but thats just my logics when I try to think of what would make most sense
would also be neat if markets try to get some of the factions on the island represented in the market, might make it feel more current and alive and part of the narrative

That’s true. But this guy is also living in a hostile war zone fighting beings of the void on a regular basis, both of which would apply to void elves and warlocks. And he accepts them after they prove themselves.

The most extreme example of these extremists is the Prioress who speaks of subjugating the world, but her description makes it clear she considers something / someone in the wider empire her enemy, and it’s probably the common people as it is also said she hates the people of Hallowfall for their lack of faith.

Neither are really good examples of what the Empire as a whole might be like.

Why do we go after the Prioress anyway? Did she fall to corruption or it’s just another iteration of Whitemane?

It seems that she was always a bit cuckoo about the idea that everyone must follow the Emperors will, but she really went off the deep end and created her own, twisted mission when she saw that people were arriving in Hallowfall at the same time as the Nerubians were attacking. She played on the fact that most people who go to the Priory do so because they have been traumatised in some way and need the calm contemplation found there to recover. Still, the Sister states that what the Prioress did is a complete distortion of the mission the Arathi were given and goes against all they stand for.

As for the market, I feel that seen as the people actually in charge of the market have already decided its location it’s really been decided and was always up to them anyway. Yes it would make a lot more sense for it to be in Dornogal, but sadly unless we can all band together and really start being loud about getting an RP phase or just a separate empty phase it really will be phased to high heaven and full of OOCers.

Valdrakken makes some sense too, even though it’s not particularly a city designed for anyone but dragons and Dracthyr to live in, I’m sure as they rebuild their home and help the Night Elves build theirs, the Valdrakken Accord would welcome markets to drive trade, commerce and cultural learning.

So indeed another Scarlet iteration. Turning people into one’s own Light-worshipping army sounds like a pattern at this point. And during the war with the nerubians it sounds like a waste to just off them instead of putting the zealots to the frontline.

They’re seen as dangerous, seditionist heretics by the Hallowfall Expedition. Worse still; desecrating the bodies of heroes to raise as Undead - through Light - goes against everything the Arathi stand for.

At least according to the quest-giver who meets you in the Priory.

I imagine letting them roam about Hallowfall spreading their heresy would be even worse than finishing them off.

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Then I’d be delighted to see them react on Calia Menethil.

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Lmao you think Blizzard even thought about that?

Aside from the fact that the Light-Undead(I still hate it) created by the Prioresss appear to be dominated akin to how the Lich-King dominated his Undead.

Anyways I can’t wait for them to retcon the whole Light-Undead nonsense away, thank you very much.

To be honest, when TWW is over and they see this Light-revived abomination in charge of the Forsaken, the Scarlets would see a massive influx of recruits.

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They already did. That’s where the majority of the Scarlets in the Forsaken heritage and Gilneas questlines came from.

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I mean the Arathi coming to join the fray.

I imagine the main reason for their distain was the Prioress stealing and desecrating the bodies of their fallen heroes, and raising them to mindless Undeath. That’s what the focus of their ire seems to be.

Her using the Light to do that was just the cherry on top.

Calia isn’t forced to serve anyone and her corpse wasn’t dishonoured in the process. But it would be intriguing to see how Arathi react to her, if they ever will.

The Naaru sat off to one side, smiling :slight_smile:

I mean, I’d say it was. She was risen into that form without consent, using a magic we know can affect your mental state in a manner that is distinctly not a resurrection. She was altered by the experience, and never agreed to it. She can’t (reasonably) say “yes, I am happy with it” now because fundamentally altered after the fact.

Just in a different way to the Forsaken.

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The Arathi are a hybrid race of high elves and humans. The Scarlet Crusade as a human supremacist organisation would want little to do with them, and the Arathi in turn would want little to do with the spawn of the Burning Legion.

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I feel as though they’d approve given that the floating windchimes are sentient manifestations of the holy light. If anyone’s allowed to raise the dead it’s probably them.

Well yeah, that’s 'cos they did it, and actively chose to make her a Light Undead instead of resurrecting her as Anduin intended.

Alas, they seeded some hints of intrigue and duplicity there only to do nothing with it for years. Same as it ever was. Perhaps the Arathi Empire stuff will change that in 2030.

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Zealots usually don’t take orders from people with less zeal.

Not to cause too much of a stir, but I think it is very fair to warn people (especially since the market events often have a wide array of groups) that OP might not be the best to bring into future discussions as they likes to flaunt very…let’s call it ‘inappropriate’ views and vague posting about how the “left and the woke” are bad over in GD among other things.

A fresh example where they feels the need to criticize LGBTQ+ communities simply existing(There have been others over the weekend that has since been deleted in which they have been far more expressive and hostile):

(Yes I know it has nothing to do with this discussion but I feel it was worth to bring up the two-timing behavior).

Do with it what you will and apologies for bringing some drama into this discussion, but I think it is absolutely fine to warn about this behavior.

Edit: Some further context of them in general having an issue with such things existing in WoW:

Edit 2:

Apparently simply mentioning your sexual identity means that you want to be abused. Weird thing to say.