Remove leeway + spell batching NOW

People have an issue with the delay spellbatching causes, there is a 500ms delay on every action, which there should only be a delay on some actions.

There is no need to have vendoring, looting, buying etc spellbatched as this is not like vanilla at all.

Also their implementation is crap, it causes way too many issues that aren’t fixable because it’s completely the fault of the batching and queuing.


I have only noticed the delay on vendor actions, which indeed is NOT authentic.

If I cast shadowbolt (example) it starts to cast right away however. There is a small register taht allows you to 'queue up spells" while the cast completes.
Perhaps this register is now larger than it ever was. TBH I dont remember.

Same goes for looting and sometimes the first auto attack. I used to play from Croatia on my then low speed DSL connection, NEVER had 200ms in normal situations.

Blizzard messed something up with this artificial lag!

Firstly, I played at 1024x768 - I wasn’t a peasant.

Secondly, trying to equate UI and graphical differences with core mechanical changes is a classic case of Reductio ad Absurdum and is used by people on both sides of the #nochanges line to defend their position.

Batching really need to go, wasn’t like this in vanilla at all and it makes the game sloppy and lame.


They could easily fix batching. Even the modern client uses batching but at much shorter intervals. They would just need to lower the interval to match the modern one.

Yea the beta was perfectly fine, everything felt snappy and there was batching as well. Not sure why they added so much delay

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Spell batching was never a thing in Vanilla. You are correct. Leeway however was a system to help combat feel more smooth on dial up connections (for example) so you’re wrong there.

Blizzard disagrees with you.

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I want that to continue. It whas part of the game back then and this should continue so those oldtech guys can still play it.

It wasn’t a system however. It was the cause of those days tech. No need to replicate it.

With that argument you could remove the 16 maximum DoT limit either.
But they replicated because it whas part of Classic and the bosses where balanced arround it.

Can anyone confirm this or was it made up?

1.5 seconds is probably a conservative estimate. In theory the first damage tick should happen after 1 second of channeling, only then does the server start thinking about applying the slow.

This dumb artificial stuff defo ruins the game a bit. Feels super bland and artificial


Ahh so thats what is going on! Rogues and paladins hitting me from 15 yards away! There’s a noticable delay after ability press as well, is it part of it?

Today, after 5 days of Classic only, I logged into Retail and was amazed at how snappy it is.

Did they implement lag on purpose? Lol!

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I love how people fail to see how easy it is for many players to go back to better programmed private servers. Majority of people don’t want #nochange, they just want Blizzard not to implement retail features like RDF.

It was a system used to optimize the servers, and had a profound impact on how PvP combat played out.

Removing it would completely rebalance PvP, isn’t that what people wanted to avoid?

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And not allowing one key push > several actions in macros and addons, like in vanilla, completely rebalanced pve&pvp and changed combat and healing mechanics in a very profound way.
So the blizzard #nochanges and vanilla experience thing are an example of blizzard hypocrisy.

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Yes they did. And NOBODY asked for it.