Return the Clone Service MEGATHREAD

I’ve been around since 1997 but I guess all things must come to an end.


would be nice


Nope. The whole server got upgraded to TBC, with everything on it, including all characters, automatically, same as it was back in 2007.

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Yes bring it back ! Asap !


+1 to bringing back the clones.


Clone plis <3


I wonder how many of these people begging for the comeback of the cloning service are the same ones asking for fresh servers…

Seems unlikely, the main reason I want my character back is because I don’t have the time to start again and I don’t see why I should need to, I already spent the time levelling and gearing my character, it’s not my fault that they didn’t inform players properly about the cloning service stopping.


They can create new season with faster leveling or maybe even do such an event on Era. Cloning open would flood the servers with more deck down toons and even more wealth on the top of the food chain :wink: and what’s next? Farming naxx again after Ulduar turned up to hard?

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I do not understand this reasoning at all. Either you do have time to play the game, or you don’t.

A level 1 character played for one hour costs you exactly as much time as a level 60 character played for one hour. So saying “i don’t have the time to play a level 1” does not make any sense.

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They just want the shortcut back to where they were. The copy point is so old now they won’t recognise their characters.

They didn’t clone when they had the chance and now it’s busy they want it back.

But as Blizzard have said, the data is gone forever so it won’t come back. They need that confirming again but Blizzard won’t.

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Ok so the real reason comes out why you do not want players to get their characters back.

So much toxicity revealed.

BTW I have completed every hard mode in Ulduar, I have infact completed it on the first time around and not playing WoTLK.

I play classic because its the real game I fell in love in 2004, and I took a break and now returning.

And you are toxic AF sir, but what goes around comes around sooner or later.


It was my impression that the data was gone/deleted/reduced to atoms.

At the cut off date listed in the announcement.

How are there still a possibility for clone service to return?

You never fail to brag about playing beta, do you?

What on earth are you on about? I don’t want to just play the game, I want to play my level 60 AQ40 geared character to try and do Nax or other high level raids.

Starting again would take me hundreds of hours of play to get to the same point I was at, compared to just jumping straight into a raid with my friends.


The problem lies not in our failure to clone when the opportunity arose, but rather in the lack of proper communication regarding the discontinuation of the cloning service. I made a conscious decision not to clone at the start of TBC classic BUT had I known that the cloning service had a short lifespan I would have, THAT’S the issue.


I would get my deck down mage and druid crafting cooldown alt, lots of gold…

On PvP clusters people would just go and grief the other side even more and try to sell boosts and stuff even more. Oh and everyone rushing to AQ40 and Naxx expecting loot pinata :slight_smile:

Like the power level of Era would see a big spike. This has its advantages but also disadvantages.

Show logs.

If you are so salty then it looks like you are playing for a very high stakes there. Lots of gold, lots of characters? PvP vengeance?

Also I’m in no position to decide if the clones will return or not.

You are right that they didn’t tell everyone who played the game that the cloning was being removed, most people would have seen it as spam and a lot of people have the communication emails turned off, do you?

I dont think its comming back

Congratulations on realizing that.