Rip flamelash

The problem is that the alliance from Flamelash Don’t just want an advantage. They want to dominate the server just like horde does on Flamelash. That’s why they all decided to come and destroy the H:A ratio on Earthshaker. I actually hope the horde from Flamelash will follow them here so they Don’t succede in making Earthshaker an alliance server. They are no nettet than the horde on Flamelash…

You could be right. We did however check /who 20-25, 26-30 etc etc all the way up to /who 60 mage etc etc.

Also we performed the check during a Saturday evening if I’m not misstaken so it could be that just during that time it was the way I describe it. But I spoke to 3 different level 60’s on Alliance side and my buddy on the horde side and they confirmed the “feeling” that it was alliance favoured on Bloodfang. It could be that the alliance basically are more active on Bloodfang causing that “feeling”.

Opinions are just that so they might differ :slight_smile:

I actually think our server isn’t that bad.

Sure we are outnumbered, but our PvP groups can generally hold our own for a while until the Horde death ball overwhelms us.

I am worried about people who are levelling and mainly solo leaving and making it worse though :frowning:

As an Alliance player that Transferred from Flamelash to Earthshaker. No, that is not true. I left a couple of days before the ‘exodus’ escaping the constant ganking (a lvl 52 is free honor). When I joined the people told me that it was still Horde favoured. I still think, as shown in my other post, that the server will stay around the same ratio, unlike Flamelash.

Are you on the server discord? All the new alliance from Flamelash keep spaming that more than 500 of them transfered to ES in just a few hours more than 300 alliance from Flamelash joined the disc. So no unless some horde from Flamelash also move to ES it will be alliance dominated…

Exactly, and an amount of Horde will definitely transfer too.

ah some also went to bloodfang! That is a nice server for the horde!

People should wait for BGs. It´s just few days now. If the situation does not improve, I also think majority of Alliance players will move and create few Alliance dominated servers. And I fully support that and would most likely do the same. But for now I still hope BGs will improve the situation to the point the game will be playable and transfer won´t be needed. We´ll see in a week or so…

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“no changes” includes not making huge servers with layers, also they changed popular farming routes cause they were deemed to “lucrative”, flashfoward and people still farmed them. Blizzard changed what was convenient to them and in their minds relevant to change.

Just informing you that the realm transfers that are available now are closing in 12 hrs.

Exactly. This little change that seemed to only enhance our experience, turned out to be game ruining change. That´ s why I fully support NO CHANGES quote. Because there are some small changes that could really make the game better, but actually we never know what the consequences could be so it´s better not to take that risk…

I am sure there will be more transfers. As long as the problem persists, there will be transfers. All companies are setting fictive deadlines to motivate people to take action. It´s like X-mass sales that originally only take place by the end of November but they keep prolonging them every week until the January :smiley:

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Don’t count on that at the start of phase 2 there were 8 full pop servers now there are only 1

Pussy. Go to Earthshaker, Flamelash Horde, and please kill this shameless noob.

Ah, dwarfie QQ

Tell the same thing to your brethren on Zandalari Tribe.
There alliance will have Azeroth for themselves, and jump on one another after.

What all of this is showing, that without external rules and punishes, people become savages fast.
Keep that in mind RL too.

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Yes. On ONE server the Alliance dominates.

Earthshaker was horde heavy before, not balanced. Maybe 55/45.

Right now the server discord sits at 390 alliance, 365 horde. AH sits at 14000 listing for ally, 12,500 ish for horde. It’s not an ‘Ally server’. It might shift the other way, to be 55/45 favored to Ally.

Horde: omfg reroll PvE noobs, don’t stay on our server if you cant handle it.

Alliance starts leaving



:joy::joy::joy: Serves them right

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Not yet, but ally transfers are forbidden, guess our situation is way worse than Flamelash. People are quiting more than reroling