Rip flamelash

Which is why Blizz should open PvP-PvE transferrs. Its better to keep players (and subs) then that they quit. It will not fixx the ratios on any servers, but at least some People wont quit. And yes, this was in Vanilla so its not a change.


How naive to think a player would stop trying to advance in a game. Typical human being is selfish and doesnt think far

I think, you guys should follow karma and banish guild, they doing very well at wpvp with few numbersā€¦ everything is not about numbersā€¦ you guys need to come out from citys and try make grps for put up a fight :smiley:

We just did, its 10 times worse for us to hunt 2h to kill a single ally, I would rather be on a ally dominated server and get a chance to kill something, than not to see a single ally whole dayā€¦

Itā€™s only getting worse. Im levling on Flamelash and there are hordes levling everywhere. Crossroads is full and blooming like it was release. I doubt they are all alts, since itā€™s actually ridiculous how many hordes I meet.

What is naĆÆve it to think ppl will stay just to be ganked. Cause and Effect in pure state: you are being selfish and continue ganking, then ppl leaves.

Anyone was really expecting the outcome could be different?

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All this malicious propaganda against Flamelash must stop!

Flamelash is a thriving server with an active community on both horde and alliance sides. It would be foolish for the horde to transfer off just because one or two alliance guilds have left like the traitorous cowards they are. And after all, being a coward isnā€™t the way of the horde, is it? Donā€™t be scared into leaving a server with a bright future based solely on propaganda from a few fearmongers on the forums.
I say stay and fight brave heroes of the horde, fight for the server you love, fight for Flamelash!

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Nah I dont want to explore the new world. Americas are not guud :frowning:

Itā€™s a TROLL! Tbh more than 12 alliance guilds have transfered to Earthshakerā€¦ Horde do the same Donā€™t let Earthshaker become an alliance server!

Lies, why do you want to ruin Flamelash?

Hey, ally from Shazzrah here that enjoys PvP. Thing is, itā€™s as Shubb said, even with a 60/40 ratio the advantage is too great. Only way to PvP as ally is to have a large group and keep changing spots. You might have a couple of good fights with pretty much equal numbers but if you stay there for long enough you will just get overwhelmed. Also, I canā€™t play with random pugs with no voice else we wont survive long. You need a good group with gear, skills and communication to be able to handle larger groups than you.
So because of that itā€™s not easy to set-up a group. I see horde going around with 5-man groups and thereā€™s always more 5-mans around to join in and help if it gets tricky for them. We minimum have to be in 10-man because of so many horde going around you just get obliterated by number.
Take all that into account and you might understand why Ally said ā€œscrew thisā€ and stay in IF until BGs are up. Itā€™s just frustrating to always 101% percent get outnumbered and zerged down eventually so not many bother all the time to setup groups and tryhard for some honor until they get overwhelmed.
I donā€™t blame you because nobody knew the ratio when they chose servers. I blame Blizz for not doing anything creative to help faction balance (like faction-only queues etc) and instead made it worse when they opened transfers for everyone in P2 and the ratio got totally one-sided. Look at how much fun both Ally and Horde have on balanced servers. This is just unplayable for Ally if you dont try-hard it every single time, and even if you do, at the end its just not enough numbers.

To be honest, I have been thinking for a while now that Flamelash is a sinking ship. I have been leveling in BRM and mostly EPL for the last couple of days and I see so few Alliance it is simply shocking for a supposed ā€˜mega serverā€™. Census might show a 35/65 ratio but I believe most Alliance are avoiding the world zones, by only doing dungeons and raids or by not playing at all. So in reality it feels like there is a 1:6 ratio in world zones and this is me being optimistic. I have seen countless numbers of huge horde raids just slaughtering everything on their path. It has come to a state where I myself, a casual PvPer, feel pity for the opposite faction and have simply avoided PVP for their sake (knowing that they probably have been killed 6 times in the last 30 minutes).

So this is the state of this obnoxious ā€˜PVPā€™ server for me:
Everwhere I go there is an abundance of horde players, zerging together to milk every drop of honor out of the opposite faction. There is no feeling of a war or any danger at all for that manner. Even though this is why I had rolled a PVP server in the first place.
On the other hand do I feel pity for the Alliance for this slaughter fest and so now I am not even joining the WPvP scene as it feels just like mass murdering a group that cannot show any resistance. It feels sick to me.

This all made me realise that I am probably participating in less PvP scenarios on this ā€˜PvPā€™ server than that someone would have on a PvE serverā€¦ Because of this I would actually love to transfer to a PvE server. I have learned that I value the idea of a living world with people, on both sides, having fun as they chose more than this active but shallow war, whatever that means on this PvP server.

Now considering that I am on the lucky side, or the more skilled side as some would put it, I can actually play the game. For the Alliance that are left on this server that literally cannot play the game: For what purpose are you going through hell and back? What fun are you actually having in this mess?

My recommandation to the Alliance left is to jump ship now that you still can. Blizzard have shown that they are willing to make server-transfers faction specific, essentially locking you on this server. What has been happening to the Alliance will not stop and the A/H ratio will worsen, just as it has been for the last couple of months. You are not a playing on a PvP server, nor a PvE server. You are placing your bets on a HORDE server as honor bots based on whether or not the griefing will stop with the introduction of BGā€™s. That seems like a very high risk to takeā€¦


Just so all of you know, Flamelash used to have a difference of only 7%. World pvp and getting ganked on the way to MC must have upset them. They donā€™t know that ganking will ocure all the way to naxx?

If trans. comes to Firemaw im pretty sure most if not all alliance players will migrate as well.

Dragonfang welcomes any alliance players wishing to enjoy wow as close as possible to how it was.
One of the last alliance sanctuaries out there.

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I believe this is a great opportunity for Horde players seeking well populated ā€œPvEā€ realm. Horde community on normal servers istnā€™t so big as currently in Flamelash and now with almost no Alliance left on the realm, the danger of spontaneous wPvP is small.

Dunno how many Horde players actively seeking wPvP transfered too. In the end, the population can be even smaller than on normal realms because of this.

And the only low populated eu server

Thank the heavens.


@Wakem: Small corrections needed here. The only English support low populated EU realm.

So basically you wanted the game backā€¦ except you really didnā€™t and wanted an edited version of it to perfectly suit your needs?

Whatā€™s next? Personal loot in Diablo 2? Better pathing in Warcraft 3? You might want to look up what a legacy game is.

P.S.: this is not to say I condone Blizzard for stuff like increased server caps (at least layering was just a temporary, albeit flawed, bandaid). But to use one change as an excuse for more changes, rather than demanding for that change to be reverted, is even worse.