Rip flamelash

But why would horde transfer? It’s fun to win all the time. X

This is not getting the game back. This is much closer to a paid version of what private servers provided, except instead of blizzlike keyring they had blizzlike item progression. They had major changes like no batching and much less leeway, lower respec costs and harder difficulty on raids.

I don’t think anyone expected there to not be any changes but the implementation they are doing is extremely questionable. They have noticed a faction imbalance over 15 years of the games time and did not do anything this time. They could have easily made a WoW 2.0 with this Classic release, and not walk into the same mines as they did the last time, but they’ve screwed it up.

Its not a dad idea. If its 1 fraction realm they could give option to flag team1 or team2 and pvp

people wondering why alliance do not want to fight when its 1 v 1, well its because as alliance player you are sure that in next few seconds another horde will appear (places are so crowded with horde) , for example im playing druid i need to have time to kill my opponent , when i 1v1 i sacrifice my chance of winning since i have to BURST someone down ASAP, so i dont have to 1v2 or more

and btw
im not whining, just telling how it is


Yeah but asking them to use means for fixing faction balance that absolutely were never part of Vanilla is not any different from, say, asking them to retune raid bosses to account for player’s better knowledge. Which, again, is a practice more befitting of scummy pservers than an official Blizzard server.

XXXX no, we are happy that the allys left :smiley: we won the war and no we dont have to deal with them QQ all the time

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Alliance left behind on flamelash could use some help!!!

Well wroten!

This is the truth that comes from the fact that servers are overpopulated.
An example of this happened right now: on my hunter i’m sitting no mana reccing and a rogue incs me (STV) good riddance, start to kite but no mana, the battle is harsh and even if i’ve no mana manage nearly to distance and to kill him… then another horde comes into and kills me.


So I go back, rec full, track hidden, shadowmeld, see the very same rogue wandering stealthed, inc it.
I’m killing it and… another horde joins the fray, but gladly I manage to kill the rogue fecker in time before the 48 kills me (my hunter: 41).

So now i’m gonna sit my rogue 60 in there, because reskilling is like slapping very hardly some HBC in the face over and over. In the end they learn. Or logout.

all of above not to say that got ganked blablah cry, but that our server is overpopulated, day by day less ally plays. The very same for me. I’m levelling an alt, not conceding horde enemies at lv 60. Over that I use my hunter to kill rogues in IF.

If horde won’t wake up from their metally diseased status, they will get another Flamelash.


Actually, look at history of retail wow. There was no balanced server for a long time, people dont really want balanced, they want to be on winning side.
Do you know any balanced server existed for more than 6 months? I dont…

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Very true. Even Earthshaker whilst balanced now will not remain that way.

As more and more people hear about it then more and more people will want in thereby causing the population to tip once again.

You saw what happens to the “winning side”

The “losing side” all ups and leaves, leaving the “winning side” with nothing to do but be bored and sad and leave too. That’s what imbalance gets you.

Not quite. Along all PvE content, winning side has incoming BGs, there can farm real honor there.
For wpvp, its their own fault.
Although, they arent interested in wpvp, only honor. If they were really interested in wpvp, they wouldnt make 40man raid to kill npcs and lone players above lvl 48. Rank 14 obsession did that what many confirmed here on forums.

This is a rare sight, a smart undead mage.

I mean yeah if you gank people 24/7 as soon as they get off the flypath eventually they will quit, reroll or transfer. Enjoy your pve server hordes, you built it yourself.

Has it ocurred to you why it is so? Every FP, all raid entrances, IF completely exploited by honor crazy and bloodlusting horde idiots. I have always tried playing a fair game - not taking advantage of lev and numbers but you horde have killed the server yourselves.

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Wasn’t this thread discussion ower? - and like spammed with 1000 different directions and nonsense?

Glad to see someone bought that to live again. Cheers mate

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