Rogues and locked chests

Why is one alike the other in this case? Lockpicking doesn’t bring anyone back from the dead. SS doesn’t give anyone stuff that is worth gold. These things are clearly not alike at all.

Why is effort to level what we care about in the first place?

This is just a statement and not a justification. Of course these professions are not class specific things but why should that matter? That is the question you need to answer and I don’t think that you can.

My current stance is, we roll, but I get priority on upgrades, even epics if I will equip them. That’s the minimum deserved for leveling LP, same with BS/Engi.

And to people outraged that a rogue might ask for a tip for AFK-ing in city to unlock boxes - just how entitled can this community get?

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As a Dwarf I can see all chests, including crates and boxes. So am I entitled to get them all?
No we always roll if there is something others can loot.
No one has a priorty.

That’s not the question you should ask. You should ask why the group IS entitled to everything, and if they are entitled to everything why aren’t you sharing your mining nodes with them too?


You dont share your mining nodes with other miners?

No I mean you should share them with everyone. Even people who don’t have mining. Just as you feel that everyone is entitled to locked chests be they rogue or not.

The time when we could play with strangers and not being a self entitled prick at the same time is apparently over. The sad fact that we even have these discussion in the first place is proof that the community is beyond repair. Even the intend of the need/greed system is up for debate, and its getting more and more obvious that the standards of socialising have diminished a great deal over the last 15 years. Its fair to say that the closer you are to 40, you are able to remember some of the code of conducts people took for granted - when mmo games first took hold in the general population. Back then we had an inherint respect for other players and a understanding that the game wasnt made to revolve around me, and that I was only a small cog in the whole machine. Im not saying that everyone was a darling back then either, but nowadays its even frowned upon to be fair and honest - if you dont directly gain anything from it …
I am disgusted by the general attitude tbh, and even though it seems that the players aged 40+ is in general not the problem here - im still very concerned where we are headed, and at the same time confused as to why 12-20 year old kids are the ones defining our morals and ethics in 2020 …

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Thats more like class vs profesion.

To be honest I haven’t been in a group were the rogue hasn’t offered to open it up for the group - I generally pass regardless.

Could the rogue have stealthed in there, killed any mobs and the retrieved the locked box by themselves?

Has the rogue in person ever benefited from Mages conjured food?

Has the rogue ever benefited from a Warlocks Soul stone?

Has the rogue ever accepted a food buff item from a kindly group member.

Has the rogue ever accepted a health potion from a kindly group member.

Has the rogue ever benefited from the reagent cost of Divine Intervention.

Im sure the list goes on and on and on

The (OPs) question stems from a retail mentality not from a classic wow mentality.


I agree, in Classic we are a community.

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“I don’t like the answer” =/= “You can’t answer”.
You’ve got your answers. Repeatedly. And counter with nothing but the same arguments that were just answered.
Simply put, you’re trying to justify that one class specific skill that benefits the whole group is for the sole benefit of that class, and that it’s not an a-hole move, while every other class specific skill that benefits the group is naturally intended for group benefit. It’s as simple as that, and you’re not interested in any other conclusion, so there’s no point in continuing to answer you.
Have a nice Sunday.

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I have leveled lockpicking by just opening lockboxes for free, as it’s beneficial for me too, but most would throw in a tip, and being shocked by a request for a tip is just stupid.

Not if it’s locked and a rogue can open it! :open_mouth:

Well, that’s all irrelevant, because it’s not lockpicking! :roll_eyes:

Justify that distinction mattering in this case.

Then you haven’t been reading or you missed the sarcasm in that reply. :laughing:

You make statements without justifying them just because you feel entitled to gold profits from chests that someone else opens. You haven’t in the slightest justified why lockpicking is more comparable to SS than it is to mining. SS doesn’t involve gold at all while both mining and lockpicking involve accessing nodes that are not accessible by default. It’s not enough to say “profession durr…” to justify that mining is not like lockpicking at all and rather SS is more like lockpicking.

Could you please list all your usernames on all platforms so i can ignore you world wide without any chance to run into you or anything you touched ever again ?


Or to put it as simple as possible:

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k, missed the sarcasm sorry, I’ve removed the post

No worries. Sarcasm doesn’t always come across well in text. ^^

Just let us know your battletag id so we can just ignore you right now.