Season of Discovery - Thoughts

I don’t think it’s impossible, they’ll certainly take note of what works and what doesn’t in SoD.

People like Eire, Azjax and the OP of this thread make me angry. “But when they raise the levelcap all of that BFD grinding will have been for nothing!!” Excuse me? Is this a game or your job? Are you still playing this to have fun? If not, why? Go away and play something else that actually makes you happy, because WoW doesn’t seem to be it…

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You have your opinion and I have mine, we don’t have to agree.
In fact, I think that it’s healthy that we don’t agree on everything.
After all, this is what forums are here for right? To share your view on a topic and talk about it with people who agree, disagree and those in between.

But getting angry because someone’s opinion does not align with yours doesn’t seem like a healthy behaviour.

Let’s control our emotions here and keep a civilised thread going.

Long reply for saying absolutely nothing at all.
If I had been uncivil, you could’ve pointed it out. Instead you’re offended by a simple truth: You don’t enjoy playing WoW anymore.

Who are you to tell what other people enjoy or not?
If I wasn’t passionated about the topic, I wouldn’t have done my first ever post on the official wow forums about it after playing the game since 2005.
I felt that this was my chance to make my voice heard on a topic that has been in my interest for at least the past 6 years.

You bring literally zero value to this conversation now which has gone completely off topic.
Go out, take a breath of air and a paus from the forums for a day and come back with a clear mind tomorrow.

I won’t reply or pay attention to whatever you might reply so if it isn’t related to the topic please save yourself the time and effort and move on.

Exactly u can already play what the new classic+ is on project ascension :stuck_out_tongue: like comon

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Or I can wait and play SoD?

I played Ascension back when the realms were Sargeras and Laughing Skull. Never again.

You are all baited into playing gated content, just like in retail.
Nevertheless, enjoy.

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battlemages! (exist in Stratholme live)

No, we didn’t.

Read this post I did some days ago, it sum-ups what’s the idea behind Classic+: The Classic+ thread.

And Classic+ was never intended to mean:

  • Seassonal.
  • Progressive and level capped.
  • runes” or other kind of self-empowered tool, but new classes or specs.
  • Levelling raids.
  • Forced outdoor pvp.

SoD is not classic+, is #classicLess.


To those who think Paladin > Shaman in SoD:
don’t forget that shamans have a counterspell every 6sec, spam purge to get that paladin naked, ranged spells, counterspell’s totem “(totem de glèbe” i don’t know the name in english) … shamans abusing of FAP(paladin’s spell btw) and LIP
Shaman > Paladin during all Vanilla…
Let’s see what’s gonna be new

‘Give us more raids!’ - ‘No not that one!’

‘Make levelling content matter again!’ - ‘NO! Not THAT content’

‘Make the world mean something!’ - ‘OMFG I’m literally FORCED to PVP!’

'Change classes so that the game isn’t 80% warriors! - ‘WTF runes are just retail!’

Can you people just sit back and look at yourselves for a while? ‘Seasonal’ / ‘temporary’ means that they’re dipping their toes into something instead of potentially ruining era forever.

Out of politeness I’ve actually read your thread and you know what? I wish I hadn’t. I could have wasted those 5 minutes looking at facebook memes instead.


i hope there are some players like me who don’t spoil themself too much pre-minmaxing everything from A to Z and discover Season of Discovery at the release!


That’s where you are wrong kiddo. I didn’t read your list because it doesn’t matter. Get it through your head: everyone and their dog has their own idea of the classic + they want. It does not have to include x or y. No matter how hard you yell “this is not what classic+ means!!!88”, it’s going to sound funny because there just is no factual defenition of classic+.

What does this cringe even mean?

Tl:Dr: don’t want to play it? Then don’t. The rest of us are going to have fun on the server and treat it like it is.


I agree, the general ideas and concept is great, and I am hyped, but the runes overall are way overboard. 100% mana reduction for wrath for Druids? I mean, they sure needed a way to sustain mana better to be viable, but 100%? Really?

OK I’m late to the party, but here’s what I think. When I first saw that rune, I felt the same way as you. But I think that it won’t turn out to be as bad as you think. It feels more like a “wand spec” for Balance Druids, a way to keep doing damage when the big hitter - Starfire - is unavailable due to lack of mana. Especially in the early levels with SP not featuring heavily in the equation, it shouldn’t be much more than that, though at 60 this may change.

Also, we don’t know if this “free” Wrath will or will not trigger the 5-second rule. If it does, Druids will be stuck casting Wrath until the end of the fight if they run out of mana, which will be tiresome and do a lot less damage, not to mention remove any utility they could have. If this is the case, Druids will have to plan for a reserve mana supply. This is not taking MP5 into account, which could shift the balance of course, but IMO mostly at later levels.

And of course, this stuff is always liable to change. If they see that it’s too powerful, they will balance it.

Ask me this questions:

  • What will happen with BFD raid when level cap is increased up to 40? And upcoming raids on 40 and 50 level caps?
  • What will happen with players that join #SoD servers maybe a month or two after release?
  • What will happen with players that step on crowed-pvp-Ashenvale zone bellow level 25?
  • What will happen with those players that have done all the 25-level content, even with several characters before level cap is increased?

If something is badly or poorly designed, it is, no matter if you like it or not.

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You’re both right and not at the same time.
Ok, there’s no pure or clean definition of what’s the idea of Classic+, but there’re several base lines or points.

And noone of those are within Seasson of Discovery.

I’m giving my opinion about #SoD.
Not telling you to don’t play.
Do whatever you like.

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People will run them on alts for a nice chunk of exp. They’re not hard and due to multiple classes being able to fill desired roles, finding people for them wont be hard.



They play other things? They play multiple characters? They partake int he Ashenvale PVP objectives?

What on earth are you babbling about?

That’s cute.

So, I haven’t seen if they’ve said anything about changes about XP in raids in SoD and if they have mentioned that my point is invalid. But for how it is in Classic you get about zero XP from a raid if you join at a lower level than 60.

The raid is also on a 3 day lockout, so you can’t farm it even if it did give XP.

I see that you’re in multiple threads just being ignorant and hating on peoples opinions quite a lot here and you bring up terrible points, imo.

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Originally in Classic, you could run all 5 mans in a 10man group and you’d get exp for it, the same as you would a normal dungeon run. This was nerfed when people started hard grinding dungeons in a raid group.

Who said anything about farming it? Do you farm the same dungeon multiple times while levelling? I’d usually do one run of each dungeon.

That’s cute. I’m not being ignorant or hating on people’s opinions, I’m telling them why their opinions are wrong. And their opinions are wrong for the following reason:

The server is optional. If it doesn’t appeal to you, don’t play it. Stick to Era, that’s what it’s there for.

Yeah, but 5mans isn’t classed as a RAID even if you can enter as more than 5.
This is a RAID therefore your point is invalid.

And reading your comments makes me wonder if you even play classic at all besides doing some casual gameplay 6 years ago. Farming instances is a solid way to level, spell cleave etc. Also a lot of people “farm” an instance many times for items and such. Also some instances have quests you sometimes can’t even finish in one run which forces you to do it more than once.

I for once, love instance levelling, get some friends together and cleave the **** out of it over discord for a couple of hours.

And what is it there for you to win except looking like a grumpy old forum dweller by telling people they are “wrong” on an opinion that has no right or wrong answer.

You can’t be wrong on an objective opinion but you can be wrong in information, where you excel.

Actually yes, I can take my mini L here.
I guess you could run BFD as smaller group and still get normal XP. But since XP is distributed different in raids and you can get normal XP in lets say ZG by being 3-4/20 players. That would mean by percentage you need to be 1-2 players in BFD to get normal XP. And I don’t think they will make a 10man raid in to a 1-2 man “raid” by the next content patch.