Seriously.. why didn´t you just choose PVE server?


You realise that releasing the battlegrounds earlier solves the overpopulation problem right? I mean earth is a sphere right? No flat earth bro

All the ganging is happening at 50+…guess what people seek for…

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Rankers are not interested in pvp. You will see this when bgs are out.

I bet you have no idea what I am talking about. But go ahead and call me an idiot because you missed the point.


It’s an alliance thing

If you make an intelligent and informative post that disagrees with them you are an idiot

Don’t take it too personally

But you knew that the open world would be like it is now when the honor system was added. Everybody knew that the open world would be an honour farm fest in P2 before BGs were released.

Wait it out and things will be back to normal. Rank farmers will have no choice but to do battlegrounds because the honor from them is simply better than spending ages running around looking for victims. You only have 2 weeks of this left, and then it’ll probably never happen again.

I did think about PvE, because thats what I rolled initially in Vanilla. But had dreams about heroic 1v1’s in a dynamic setting, some 3v3’s with some adds and well whatever maybe even massive PvP to happen.
Entering STV I knew this was to remain a dream, due to well, horde numbers. Such an enormous overrepresentation of horde.
Even if you get a 1v1 at some point, there will always be a horde nearby to join in and make it impossible for you.
That happened at lvl 30, wasnt sure it would last and decided to stick to char. We all know how it is now and indeed I do level an alt on PvE server.

My point? Probably none. I am also not venting, that makes it entirely useless.

Try rolling a new character on Gehennas and you’ll understand immediately.

I am rerolling on PvE server, solo outdoor questing will still be unbearable after BGs because there are just too many people on servers, I would stay on PvP server if the population cap was smaller

Go Dragonfang :wink:

Been through this content more than you appear to be able to count to but lets make this simple.

There are those who seek to exploit the system and keep others who aim for max rank at a low honor gain per week in order to do less to get more.

There are those who sit around stealthed near ships & flight paths waiting to ambush for easy honor as they lack the actual skill to fight “fair”

But still all rankers are interrested in pvp and they will participate however those aiming for ranks beyond 10 will do so in unsportsmanlike manners by forming premades, running around world pvp’ing as grp vs single targets often low level or waiting to ambush easy target as stated above.

Lowering the decay would only produce more of these people since for now they are held in check by the decay which will discourage a large amount of them, if you dislike their behavior you should be asking for higher decay past R10.

Going off topic here but if you have done this so many times, surely you remember that if you are going to go beyond rank 10 you will form premades in BGs and only BGs because the trade off in honor when running around the open world looking for helpless questing individuals or farming 60s is piss poor compared to what you will get for just leeching in an AV.
Winning the BGs and handing in marks will give you another boost.

Remember that WSG still hasn’t been gutted and so doesn’t have a timer. Stretching a WSG to 1-1.5 hour then cap that last flag, hand in marks/tokens for extra honor boost and repeat ad infinitum will blow away any honor gains made compared to weeks of open world farming.
Purely in terms of time spent/efficiency, the difference is staggering.

That is just how the game works. Blizzard created the framework and what people do with it is their own problem. If the Community manages to ruin 90% of all servers because most people went horde it is not blizzards fault. It is the players to decided to wait in hour long ques daily, forcing sharding to be up for a longer time. It was players the stuck to totally overpopulated servers and now have to deal with the fallout. It is the players who did all this. Sure blizzard could have made more servets from the beginning amd lower the server cap to a reasonable level, but it is still the players that stuck to theses servers. If we would have split more evenly over the servers and factions, we would not have 90% of the current issues.
My conclusion, Blizzard and the players are equally to blame.

Simply: Honor points.

I think many people including myself thought of going on a PvP server so they wont miss anything. The idea of playing on a PvE server and missing the pvp aspect of the game is what most people made rolling in pvp servers.
Another factor was the influence from streamers that all play in pvp servers.
Last but not least, The raids/pve content in a 14 year old game is pretty much easy and there is nothing exciting about that so i think a lot of players rolled on pvp having in mind that they will pvp when they want and not they otherway around (getting ganged or camped)
Myself i chose a less competitive pvp server so im happy about it since there is some pvp but not all those horrible things (ganged all the time,corpse camping,killing low level) or at least in very few cases.

It’s not that hard to understand. Pvp servers were not like this back then.

The end.


I’d urge everyone to wait until BGs come out to see if it has an impact on the open world… If not, PvE servers are a thing, and while I’m fairly content with the current state of being ganked (without giving in and speccing Soul Link… Yet™) I can see why having the early option to transfer from PvP to PvE might be a good compromise.

i already corrected my mistake and am leveling on a PVE server.
i went to a pvp server for 1 reason, my friends wanted to go and persuaded me to come with them and my pvp memories of vanilla told me it would be tolerable idea.
i should point out my vanilla experience was on the US servers, not the EU servers. i don’t know how the EU servers conducted themselves, but on my US server (Bleeding Hollow) pvp wasn’t this mess.
some marked differences:

  1. there were no gank raids roaming the world. level 60s played their wars in BRM, diremaul and hillsbrad, the level 50s usually took their skirmishes in badlands and tanaris and STV was the 40s and 30s fight zone.
  2. sub 60 you didn’t have that cutthroat attitude. sure, people ganked around, sometimes organized teams and even raids to kill other faction equal level players. but for the most part, if you came across a mage at 20% killing a mob, you’d leave him alone (or wait until he went back to 100% and then pounce on him)
  3. people in general respected the idea that if you want to fight someone tomorrow you should let them finish leveling today. even in the warzones of BRM and hillsbrad lowbies (players 59 or below) only got killed if they were cought in the AoE or attacked the opposing sides, otherwise both sides let them go unmolested most of the time.
  4. lowbie ganking was treated with disdain for the most part. and response to those who actually chose to pursue it was swift and extreme with a kill squad of pvpers to come deal with the ganker, and even then they usually killed him once or twice to show him the error of his ways, i can recall only one instance of a player stupid enough to keep trying to gank alliance lowbies in STV after a response team ran him off one or two times, and he was basiclly blacklisted from every horde team afterwards and vanished from the server (rerolled or quit)

Reading all this makes me think u guys dont even enjoy the game . PvP is what classic is all about sorry but playing for pve on classic is something i dont understand since retail’s pve is really good mechanics tacts etc ( the pvp is not in my opinion that’s why i play classic ) . About the horde gangs and raids u just have to be careful pick a zone u can manage get some friends i love that horde is more populated = more kills for us and alliance dont pvp that much = easier for us to take ranks so instead of whining you can try to get the best out of the situation.

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what you wrote is what classic is for YOU, for me classic is, among other things, and in no particular order. the pve raiding, the AQ gate opening, the dungeon runs, the elite chains and quests, the unique abilities of each class, and yes, some of the pvp elements and especially battlegrounds.

and it seems more people lean toward my view of what classic is then your view. otherwise the forums wouldn’t be in an uproar right now.

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So you were expecting honorable, sportsmanlike fights, where both sides would line up, wait until the numbers were equal, then have at it? Ganking has always been a thing on pvp realms. Since day 1.

You did notice that AQ is not out yet right ? Only 1 raid is out which is a dungeon level raid that required almost zero tact, brain, skill, mby some gear but thats it. So if you play classic wow for pve you picked the wrong expansion (or time atleast wait for BWL not to mention zg/aq/naxx )and that is all on you its not the other people fault that you expected something that most of us knew you will not get or atleast not anytime soon . So my point is World pvp without battlegrounds is only here in classic and when battlegrounds hit it will die off a bit enjoy what you have becouse in a few months you won’t have that you will have something else to enjoy let it be BWL/ZG/Battlegrounds/darkmoon faire the openings of AQ as u said enjoy and value what you have before u lose it :slight_smile: .