Shamans abusing spell batching mechanic

It effects so many things in a bad way. Rogues vanish for example being able to
“dodge” abilities and spells, vanish not dropping combat… I have seen hundreds of posts about this maybe even thousands over the course of the games existence, Blizzard even reworked vanish multiple times to try and fix it.

Yes yes and Horde racial skills are not OP we know.

I find it really funny how much animosity you carry for your fellow players who choose to play a different side than you.

It’s a recreation of an important gameplay feature from Vanilla. The main goal with Classic is to make it feel just like 2006 World of Warcraft (actual worlds use by Blizzard). Spell Batching is crucial for that.

we’ve been aware the whole time. 7 months
blizz do not care

Diamond flask abuse wasn’t known in 2006. Fury warrior wasn’t a go-to spec in 2006, it was considered a meme spec.

You are very wrong and quick to jump to conclusions. I have no hostility for Horde players. I just have no qualms about calling out disingenuous and hypocritical players. In the end the people that play Horde are the same as the people that play Alliance for the most part. People chose a faction based on aesthetics, nostalgia, story, lore, to play with friends and so on. However a lot of players especially PvP-ers will chose the faction or race with the best racial skills suited to the class. And it is a fact that the Horde has stronger racial skills. Also at this point the Horde has a higher population count and as a result a better economy, more people to group up with and control of the open world. As a result of all these benefits the Horde attracts even more people. And by virtue of numbers alone has more bad actors. The Alliance has some pretty bad eggs as well of that there is no doubt. Also you may not like what I have to say but try to counter it with an argument not a blank statement.

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So what? Classic is a recreation of 2006 World of Warcraft not 2006 player mentality… And what hell does that have to do with Shamans clicking Chain Lightning and then Shock?

Dude, this is a Shaman thread. We choose faction based on choosing a shaman. That’s literally the only reason.

And for your info. Alliance is by FAAAR the best PvP and PvE faction. Orcs and Undead have the best pvp racials but all Alliance races have strong pvp racials and Alliance have paladins and Dwarf Priests making that faction waaaay better in group pvp and raids.

So no, you are wrong. People choose Horde to get more of a challenge. Horde is the underdog. Alliance is the easy mode faction.

I find it funny how many ways you try to use to sidetrack the thread.

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I gladly give up the EM combo if it means batching gets minimized - even if it was possible to do during vanilla. Batching does so many weird stuff and makes spells act like they shouldnt. Take blink for example. It is literally a small Live Action Potion because of batching. Mage blink, warrior intercept but it’s stun isnt applied because of batching. Just says “immune”. And there is plenty of other examples. Spell batching lowers the skillcap overall and makes what else is a great game a terrible one in certain scenarios. The whole interrupt or fake casting game is so scuffed because of it.

How uncharitable can you be?

Why aren’t you call out others who i respod to that blatantly try to do what you say i do? You calling other ppl bias is really funny indeed.

And i have said this before i say it again batching and leeway can go to Hell for it adds nothing but frustration in both pvp and pve, but

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The quote is most likely what’s going to happen indeed.

This is a thread about EM talent and spellbatching, it has nothing to do witch racials. Claiming that elemental shamans can destroy someone when they are cd stacking is true but so can a mage if he were to use ArcaneP, Zerker, PI, +SP trinket and be allowed to freecast there is nothing disingenous or hypocritical about that.

On the rest of what you are saying rings pretty hollow when I reread your old posts, in in which you show nothing but animosty towards the Horde as a faction in topics that allow tribalism.

And take it from the horses mounth if Hardiness is one of the best racials in this game that’s a really sad state of affairs. I’m doing some pvp lately and i can tell you how inconsequential this racial actually is. I much prefer the WotLK incarnation of the ability, where it will always work and you can rely and build on it. Not this trash heap where it eather does something or is completely useless.

you believe yourself?


While yes, the thing is about the abuse, it’s not wrong to bring in a bit more context. Ele Shammys are by far the most controlled bursty class and the execution of such burst is easier/faster than other classes’ and if you bring in Horde facials that becomes even heavier of an exploit.

Don’t you? Raiding with palas is easy mode (Blessing Salvation and Kings) and pvp with Palas in team is better than any Horde racial by FAAAAAR.

Ye spell batching is worst.
Esspecially in the begining, when I was able to dispell myself being sheep and feared.
Tnx God they fix that, but its still stupid.
They should reduce it for 50% at least.
Rogue, shaman, hunter and warr are almost broken :frowning:

Imagen that our damage starts at AQ for real :slight_smile:


Getting beaten by the Shaman, Wombo Combo, is the same as a hunter trap and aimed shot times 2. The latter is so predictable…

If you know the combo is coming, run away, or stop the cast with a bear charge and a bash? PVP these days isnt about standing still waiting to get 1 shotted, it’s about going in and out of melee/range, los, behind the target and deadzoning (hunters/warrior intercepts) as much as you can to win the fight.

Pretty much a git gud scenario…