Shamans abusing spell batching mechanic

I war replaying to the to the comment that assumed my intentions. Do keep an eye on the thread and look at the full context.

This is where all your arguments fall apart. You say something you get called out on it and all you do is change the subject and deflect. No arguments just petty jabs. And if it’s a thread about shamans and spell batching why are you changing the subject and instead of defending what you say with facts and arguments you start low key insulting people?

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Spell batching is a complete joke. I mean have you ever seen it with grenades? You can be 10-15y away from the actual explosion and it still cc’s you. I can specifically recall having to lead with a grenade throw to get it to hit on a moving target. Here you just aim on target and it doesn’t matter if you kite out the way you still get hit.

They better be removing this crap in tbc PvP.

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I have been thinking the same, lol. My highest crit right now in T1/T2 gear is 4636 (on warrior in Berserker Stance). I wonder what kind of crits we get in T2.5. Will be fun (for us). The BWL Shaman trinket scale so nice also.

But in Phase 5, mages and other classes will also do crazy burst. PvP will be crazy. I predict many tears from the casuals and unprepared on the forums.

I don’t wish to flood this thread anymore with unrelated things but there would be way more to link from you backlog.

And if you had read the thread you would know that I don’t play elem and I don’t like batching which enables this to happen.

I must ask OP. How exactly is it “abusing” spell batching to click shock after a cast? It’s something we do all the time with or without Elemental Mastery. I always cast Lightning Bolt + Chain Lightning + Shock when I can and always Chain Lightning + Shock to get max burst in pvp. It’s not like we use some trick or anything, we just play like normal and Elemental Mastery is doing it’s own thing as it did in Vanilla retail until it was fixed in mid TBC.

If Blizzard changed Elemental Mastery it would not in any way change how we Shamans play pvp. It would just mean that once every 3min; 4 out 5 times, we don’t get that extra 600-700 damage from a shock crit.

It worked like this untill patch 2.3 if the patchnotes are correct. OP is aguing that it’s an expolit as the artificial lagg known as spell batching alows spells that state “next spell” in their descriptions can work on the two next spells.

Yeah I notice that also. Realistically spell batching probably didn’t effect near as many things in vanilla as this replicated version of it does in classic.

Some uses and exploit are also much widely known and used today. As example, in Vanilla the AV backdoor was barely used (also because you couldn’t really skip stuff).

Why do you still argue about this?

1.Elemental mastery works this way not because of spell batching.
2. It worked this way all the way up to patch 2.3
3. If spell batching was removed, it would benefit shamans greatly, as they are reliant on earth shock and grounding heavily.
4. You can only argue about balance at this point on elemental mastery topic, and there are way more broken things in pvp.

Patch 2.3 (so yeah second half of Tbc):
" [Elemental Mastery] It is no longer possible to get two consecutive guaranteed critical strikes from using this ability."

So if this is not fixed when 2.3 is out, then you can bring it back up. For now working as intended.

Because Blizzard addressed things that were “like that” in Vanilla and nerfed them already so I don’t see why sometihng so simple to exploit and so much game changing cannot be.

And yes I’m talking specifically of Elemental mastery if they don’t want to remove spell batching entirely.

All you do is throwing that mantras. If you guys want things back as in Vanilla then pls remove on hits internal CDs since that’s how they worked in Vanilla. This whole #SomeChanges stuff is what is making Classic frustrating.

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So #somechanges are frustrating, but you want to change how elemental mastery worked until patch 2.3, because it’s “op” ?

Either make it all as it was or change every effective exploit. Choosing to nerf only one side of the medal is unfair game design.

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Same old, same old, hypocrites refusing to acknowledge that their perception isn’t the only one that exists.

There are a millions things broken with classic, the fact that you’re obsessed with one specific element suggests you may need to take a break

I don’t think it has though. Unless very recently (like yesterday recently). Gave MT LoH this past weekend. Heal went off, I lost all my mana, he heard it go off, yet blaam… dead. On MC trash as well so not something capable of taking him from 100-0 in 1-2 seconds.

So now you are trying to sophistry about “perception” and “hypocrisy” in order to defend something that should go.

Like the guy getting arrested for stealing that tells the cop “you should care about killers and stuff, also society is the real thief!”.

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Well, not that extreme.

What I’m saying is that the thief can’t complain about having a X sentence because a killer “only” received X+2 years.

Here the problem is that the reasoning behind reckoning changes may be known but we’ll never access the complete discussion / arguments and counter arguments that the devs went through before the modification, so we can’t blindly use that example to ask for EM modifications.

Maybe the new client brought more problems and they had to do it this way for it to barely work, I have no clue and this is my point, most of us don’t as well.

This doesn’t mean trust the devs blindly but using reck to ask for EM modification isn’t the best approach

That ofc might be the case… still (even putting aside my personal bias being a Paladin player) it feels too convenient that bugs affecting negatively the Horde or giving the Alliance an advantage get instafixed even going against the “real Vanilla experience” while anything that advantages the Horde gets to stay even if proven to be extremely game changing.


Again, elemental mastery was like that until 2.3 and is not because of spell batching.
Maybe you should focus on things that are not the way they were in vanilla?
Also divine Favor was changed in 1.11, we are playing on 1.12 balance, which means Divine favor should be changed already and elemental mastery shouldn’t be changed until 2.3, which is the case, therefore we got correct version of both spells.

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AQ is our peak…
AT this moment i can global rank 14warriors as a rank 14 shaman and trinket PLUS PI… With AQ i manage to do it without PI…
. But than when naxx pops… HP Pools get to big and mages locks get insane dmg kit… Still lovely to play :slight_smile: