Shazzrah has lost 15% of its alliance players in one week

Seems like you misunderstood this part too.
The “emotional investment” and “glue” I was referring to, doesn’t have anything to do with playing on the server per se.

It’s about playing or not playing, period.

It’s easier for a player to just up and leave a private realm than it is to leave classic altogether, on a subconscious level. Due to the investment placed in classic, both financially and emotionally, instead of just emotionally.

So the reputation is everything for a private server population, while in classic it gets thrown around more because people don’t give up permanently as easily.

Which is why private servers just died, while in classic the player base will move from server to server after enough time has passed. Classic is still in its diapers, sociologically speaking.

Give it at least a year. Right now you’re just seeing the effects of the tourists leaving, because they can’t handle punitive game design.

Also, the effects of phase releases will also affect the server populations greatly, so you’ll see different realm populations after phase 6 has been out for a year, compared to now when they release phases with just a few months inbetween.

#unblocked you.

I’m afraid that’s just not realistic. PvP factions (and PvE ones, but it doesn’t matter) will always shift to one faction.

Any broadly speaking 50/50 ish realm will shift, mostly to alliance if/when faction transfers take place. If they never come it will still come.

I get vexed, i feel like the only sighted man in a town full of blind people it will always happen.

1.Player isn’t winning - or is getting ganked etc,
2.Player tries for a bit
3a.Player looks to improve their position.
3b.When they do they make exacerbate the problem on both their former and new server.
4 - return to 1 with more/different players.

and so on and so on and so on

Shazzrah is beyond recovery, it will end up just like flamelash. We are just waiting for transfers.

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No one at Blizzard gives a damn anymore.

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I checked flamelash alliance 30 mins ago. There were 15 alliance 60s. In ironforge a total of 20 ppl 10 of which random lvl 1 who wanted to check out the mess.

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yeah i guess i agree, i find it hard to believe people will just suddenly decide to roll alliance but i do agree it wont suddenly die like private servers do, im just skeptical if anything will change over time when so much damage is done already

only time will tell i guess

Given enough time, there’ll be people coming back after having quit, as well as those seeking “new challenges” after growing bored elsewhere.

Lots of things can happen over time, it’s just a mistake to assume everyone will do it instantly.

And don’t forget the ones that’ll quit later on as well.
It’ll just go up and down in population numbers, yet people call “doom!” because of the state it’s in now.

i dont know if i believe that realms slowly shift to alliance, i would think that a faction based queue system would encourage relative balance for up until a large number of people have stopped playing altogether i guess, it would definately help in the early stages of the game like we are seeing now

also like you say it COULD shift from side to side if faction changes were introduced, would still be an improvement on what we have now though

Horde have had free transfers from shazzra a long time now, it ended yesterday.

the ratio was sat comfortably at 60:40 until very recently, naively i thought oh well hopefully it wont get any worse, i was super wrong, ye i know im also part of the problem lol

too scared to transfer to a dead server and be unable to raid in 6 months time due to population

currently levelling an alliance alt on another server

yeah tell that to people who left flamelash …

No, no you are not. Play what you want to play :+1:

I don’t see why people should just up and play something they don’t want so people on either faction feel better.

This has already covered.

Playing on an unbalaced realm is just part of PvP server

There’s no “Could” about it is a a “will”

Don’t get me wrong I sure ain’t complaining - I’m curious as hell. And I don’t understand why horde does it all the time, like when ur having a good play or game someone always go all in and destroys everything that’s (horde)

Now I PVP as often as I can. And one thing we do wonder is the way most of the horde do their ”casual” PVP.

The way we do it is 2 groups of 5 on disc.
Killing horde where 60’s needs stuff done, like brm EPL, etc.

However the last couple of days the horde brings in raid groups, not 1 but sometimes 2.

And that is fine, however, instead of letting us get back up, they sit at our corpse.
I mean fair, it is not because I cry or anything, because then we just withdraw on alts or something like that. But then the game is over, and is that the intention of this? Ofc for a while.

I’m curious don’t you want honor? In that way, you first of all ain’t getting much in a raid grp. Neither if the ally withdraws.

Let them get back up. So they can continue the fight. Therefore I think most of the horde are ”casual” pvpers there just wanna kill but are clueless about how to farm honor.

We are letting the horde go after few kills 2-3. But ur guys just keep it so personal and continue chasing.

And I think that’s why a lot of alliance players are leaving the servers. You’re having absolutely no sense of pvp’ing.

I, however, love when we get those fights 10vs10// 15vs15 and then we are reforming and letting each other gather up and start again.

So if you stop harassment those winners instead they would ent leave :joy:

But hey I’m curious why do you keep stomping them, even thou get no honor? I mean it’s pointless (it’s fun I know) but hey they are not coming back u know :see_no_evil:??
They even leave the server.

I get the feeling that it’s a bunch of pissed of boys who just wanna destroy stuff :see_no_evil: but now u got none, ye sometimes grps like ours, get beated like hell, cry in world and then he’ll is lose… But meh :joy:


This 100% this… The ‘rankers’ from horde are now in small groups ( I respect this), the rest are happy to just massively out number, sure they get 10 honor…but they get the kills. The amount of times I’ve been killed with the ‘no honor’ buff just proves it to me.

Blaming the dominant faction, blaming Blizzard is just a waste of time. Neither will give an inch…We see the situation, either live with it or quit…I doubt either will change.

You mean PVP servers will selfdestruct? If that is the case then blizzard needs to enable transfers to PVE before it is too late


going to have to agree to disagree on this one, good talk though

Yep shazzrah is next after flamelash. I have 60 alliance hunter here and now lvling new char on other server. Hope someday i can transfer this char which have 6/8 t1 gear.

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yeah im making backup alliance alt on gehennas for now incase shazzrah nosedives to flamelash levels of ratio, its super painful to reroll with 30 days played though im praying that something happens haha

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I will insta leave shazz once transfer is on. Hf hordes then.