Oh, you want to talk about that now? Ok.
So, in the olden days, when Burning Crusade was Crusading and Burning, Blizzard changed Alterac Valley pretty much entirely in Patch 2.3.0.
They brought in reinforcements (still a thing in refail today), they removed Commanders/Lieutenants from the map, they increased the honor gain from destroying towers/bunkers, they reduced the time it takes to capture from 5 minutes down to 4 minutes, they removed half of the warmasters/marshals for both factions so that you couldn’t get new ones to spawn by burning a tower/bunker however you could still despawn the enemy warmasters/marshals by burning a tower/bunker.
In this patch, most importantly, they also made it so players can only resurrect in caves once ALL of the faction’s graveyards have been lost.
They also made most of the elites in faction bases into non-elites.
Ok, so you’d now imagine “how did this impact the meta?”. Well, it made it so elites weren’t slowing down players rushing, and teams that were geared enough were actually just rushing straight into the enemy boss and it became a rush war from both factions for the most part. WIth no PvP whatsoever.
Because of the reduced capture timer, as well as removal of elites and all that, as well as bringing in reinforcements, the distance to the first bunker vs. the distance to the first tower mattered a lot more as well.
So what Blizzard did in Patch 2.4.0 was reduce the health of Vanndar and Balinda to match the Horde counterparts, as well as bringing in basically an “anti-rush” mechanic.
They made it so every warmaster/marshal INCREASED the health & damage of every other warmaster/marshal AS WELL AS THE BOSS(!) by 25% for each warmaster/marshal nearby, with an aura.
THIS was the patch they moved the Horde cave in. For those reasons.