Or what is more likely there is nothing to do in endgame and thousands of people spend all that time farming . Effectively crashing markets becusse since people kill rag on quest Greens there is 0 need for profesion gear enchants or gems
Honestly at this point i start wondering why i’m still not using layering into my favor like most people are i keep seeing msges all the time asking for layers
Pretty odd to think that with Asian games, from cultures that place actual value in ‘face’, developers have no qualms whatsoever about ‘owning up’ and if need be re-booting - Final Fantasy XIV being the prime example but ArcheAge doing a B2P reboot is another recent one - yet for all the glaringly obvious issues that Classic has (basically boiling down to being completely unaware and unappreciative of how popular it would be, despite all the indicators) there is little to no communication and no indication whatsoever that exploiters have been banned on the Web (unlike has been the case with each and every other banwave).
ToS breaches regarding the Naming Policy of RP Realms are a month in still not dealt with, either, even in blatant cases like people naming their character after an English slang term for women’s genitals.
It is really, really disturbing and disheartening, as the Vanilla gameplay itself - let alone Azeroth unblighted by The Sh*ttering - is fun.
Still, already one Account lapsed and this one will follow if this (to be as friendly as possible) amateurish behaviour on part of Blizz will continue.
You are wrong, Blizzard just sweeped the whole issue and exploiters under the rug and hopes everyone will eventually forget it. Also they haven’t done anything about Devilsaur leather item dupe. Don’t know if one should cry or laugh.
Players who don’t exploit are so much behind it’s a joke.
Yep, they havent done a thing and still behave very amateurish. Lot of people kept on saying things even before they released the game, they didnt gave a damn too.
Layering and such still pretty meta and stupid, blizz doesnt give a damn about anything, Guess this emulation and the people who did it is not my kind of game.
Hopefully the recent (start of) removing layers is a first step in adressing the issues but we will have to wait and see.
Though personally I do my waiting basically here at the Forum, and am not going to add game time unless I see concrete proof of Blizz actually tackling the matter. Paying Blizz and hoping for better is not a winning strategy IMO.
Regarding the last bit of your post: yeah reassignements to other games or stronger actions seem appropriate, considering the hole they dug for themselves.
Now with the removal of layering driving home the interest in the game, if they go forward they’ll have to explain why they are apparently intending to drive off customers instead of creating new Servers (and then if need be Connect them later on). That is going to make for interesting conversations…