Soloq reminder

i agree that they should bring the old skirmishes (wod and before) back!!!

I think its pretty common for casuals like me(majority of playerbase) its so ez you just play the game and when you like the player just ask him if he want to play rated/premade with you. Worked like charm

I think with wod gearing beingback (press x to doubt) it will be much better and more chill to play stupid lfg systems. Also bring 2v2 healers for skirmishes and im fine

Not sure about rbgs since this system is more annoying for bigger group they need soloque more then arena players imo
but thats me casual. Some people want soloQ here to climb rating which is not my case u just want to play the game sometimes.

You mean you can’t win the discussion.

You base all of your ideas on your own personal hunches. While practice allready showed that a soloq system works and is very social compared to our current stalemate in wow.

Its your theory
versus practice over the course of 10 years.

Where did you get this idea? The only thing that increased was the % of boost teams.

Oh look, you ignored the question again
 Can’t say I’m surprised.

 Right. Sure. Give me what you’re smoking, man. It seems wonderful.

Not that it can’t happen that people can connect socially in a solo queue, it’s just very
 very rare. And it requires heavy countermeasures in the design to prevent toxic outbursts just to give room for it to happen enough to give people like you such a rose-tinted view of it.
Every single major rated solo queue game has had to implement huge systems to deal with toxic behavior in their solo queues. It’s because it fuels negative emotions like crazy.


You still dont get it? You dont making these deep connections in soloQ but you found players there and then make connection while playing premade with them
more games ,more people, more chance that you found someone you like to playing with
is that simple dont make it like its nuclear science.

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More games, more moving through the motions, more burnouts, more feelings of isolation, more risk of exposure to toxic behavior, so on and so forth.

Every single rated solo queue game has had to go through a lot of system revamps just to deal with the online toxicity. It’s nuclear science compared to the brainpower you spend on it.

3v3 in guild wars isnt the main gamemode. + Its like asking guys who mainly do RBGs why they have only a handfull of friends they met via 3v3. Or telling me that GW2 PvE or WvW is very antisocial since i dont have any friends that play that content. Even tho i never play PvE or WvW in that game.

Another nonsensical statement.

Classic case of dodging. You do know that your example of gw2 is useless when it can’t be compared to WoW arenas, right? If you wanna talk about RBGs then that’s a whole other wall of text for the battleground part of this forum. Here we talk arenas.

But just to throw you a hint:

pls stop. im shocked you use these arguments. This are serios mental problems people have and they arent triggered from soloq or a side effect of it.
Do you ever asked yourself how it is in your logic
 queueing every day hours in LFG noone takes you because no archivements or anyth? i mean people with 1.4k rating ask for 2k+ rating exp. this toxic bad behavior is already in the game. and it never got better in last 10 years of regular arena lfg queue.

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I can stream 6 hours of GW2 soloq. During that time youll see 99% friendly and social interactions. Ppl arent toxic since it costs them their rating. Unlike in wow with its random BGs filled with mostly toxic players. Or LFG filled with boosted players, fake elitists, ragers, ppl quitting after they get their weekly win. Etc.

It’s not even comparable in terms of toxicity.

The fact that you dont play at all atm shows enough. If it was so much fun you would play. But it isnt.

I’m not saying the current system is good. Why are you trying so hard to compare it to the current design? The current design is responsible for the social disharmony in the game itself.

Making it even more automatic isn’t the answer though.

Just wait 'til TBC arenas in phase 2 or whenever they said they were gonna bring it. There you’ll see a VERY different way of forming teams and playing together if they use the system they had back then.

In lfg people feel great without achievements gear, meta spec whatever??? They dont feel isolated because nobody want to play with them at all ?:clown_face: so you are saying that playing more games its bad ok then

Also toxic people doesnt exist at all in LFG rigth? Just report them and get them banned its pretty simple to deal with this just need blizzard to being harsh to toxic people and reguraly ban them from soloQ for like a week for simple toxicity. Np at all you think twice if you call sombody retard or whatever when you could get week ban for it. Also after experience toxic person in soloQ you just hit the join button again in LFG you have to spend another hour in lfg - what is worse? Playing 100 games and got 15 toxic people or playing 10 games and met 1?

  1. How many are silent on average?
  2. What are the rewards like in GW2? Is there a similar reward scheme like in WoW, that makes people literally identify with their rating? Because if they don’t, then the inherent value people place in it isn’t the same, thus it then won’t fuel the negative emotions the same way.

Is it a rating system as well?

Do they have seasonal rewards?

If there is a rating system, on what ratings do you get rewards? How much rating do you usually get for a win, and how much do you lose from a loss?

What kind of punishment system do they use, what kind of report system do they use, and how reliable are the admins to take action and how fast do they take action in that case?

Answer that first.

Why do you think you dont see actual numbers?

I write monhtly reports for a big insurance firm in holland. If our DSO was terrible one month and it whent down the next well make a statement about that possitive trend. Even if our numbers are still bad.

And what does actvity mean?

1] A player that has played at least 1 game this month (very likely judgign by Blizzard past history of reporting numbers).
2] Number of total games played.

It’s undefined, vaguely used to describe literal activity in the gameplay mode itself. It encompasses everything about it.

Because he was talking about insider information in an interview with/by Stoopz.

And for the record, he wasn’t even employed by Blizzard anymore during the interview. So he wasn’t exactly under “company orders” to spout propaganda.

He was talking about how there needs to be better motivation to do it, and how the current increased motivation has seen results in increased player activity.

In other words, people en masse played for the gear, and then they stopped.
Because RBGs, being so unpopular for so many years, doesn’t provide a good enough reason to do it on its own. It needs a strong carrot.

Yes it is
its 2021 not 2011 people want to play the game. I played in mop were pvp teams were a thing and i dont htink its good at all. It basicaly making things even worse when your friends arent online which is when people want to soloQ kick in
nobody want to play soloQ when they have mates online idk what you want to tell us that tbc system is better ?

 No? MoP was the expansion they removed teams in.

It’s better than the current. But yes, it has its flaws as well. Which is solved with:

^ that. That solves the problem with people “not being online”, while also providing a similar bonding experience and team creation process like TBC, WotLK and Cata did.

With WotLK often being hailed as the best PvP gameplay experience, period. Which many people fondly remember their teams from. Even to this day.

yes? They were removed in 5.4 so your point is? Still 5.4 was one of the most popular pvp patches in history.

Exactly. It means nothing.

If activity means extra players play once a month 
 while total number of games played overall whent down. Its a negative trend disguised as a possitive trend.

“More players engaged in RBG combat”

Meanwhile the activity, the actual number of games played drop.

This is the exact way Blizzard reported active subs and why they stopped making it public. Since ppl critiqued those numbers.

What does active subs mean if they dont play
or only play once a month.