Add in people using trade to advertise guilds and those who use it as LFG instead of joining /join lookingforgroup
I’m Swedish and I think they’re idiots. They should speak English.
Vamos a seguir hablando en nuestro idioma hasta que hagan caso de una puñetera vez y pongan SERVIDORES ESPAÑOLES! NO SOMOS MENOS QUE NADIE!
Had to go through google translate but basically this guys saying he’s doing it out of protest.
Because thats the best way to get what you want, make the rest of the playerbase hate you…
It worked with German and French realms though…
Then you don’t know what racism is.
If you are purposefully being a pain to everyone around you then you ARE a lesser person and you deserve nothing… be compassionate and hope or be ridiculed, spat out, ignored and hated until you change your tune (which you will in due time)!
Rude, bad English, basically just ruin everything for other because you keep crying over wanting to have an own server, wich Blizzard wont give you and now you destroy other people’s experiences as well. The main reason for this is, that it will become toxic pretty quickly. Just look at the forums, im just summing things up.
Stop moaning, behave and try to learn English Ow and you really should search for the meaning of the word ‘rascism’. Another thing you dont understand. Someone with a different opinion is not a racist. You just keep shouting and offending others, and when someone says something back, he is a racist.
Sorry but this is self inflicted pain my friends. Just quit moaning over something wich isnt goin to happen. Making 10 new topics every day about this is not goin to change anything.
Blizzard should ban you one by one by breaking the realm policy -> English.
Depends on how technical you want to be it if you want to call having non-English in public chat channels on an English realm as “harassment”.
- The Platform
C. License Limitations
xi. Disruption / Harassment
- Harassment, “griefing,” abusive behavior or chat, conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others, deliberate inactivity or disconnecting, and/or any other activity which violates Blizzard’s Code of Conduct or In-Game Policies.
Unlike other spaniards I want tell you to not report people for talking in spansih. I encourage you to report anyone for doing it, I encourage you to even report me, do all the false accusations that you can, because eventually you will be banned for making false reports. So, keep doing in, good job, report anyone, report me, your ban will mean one people less to wait in the queue.
Again It’s not racist. Prejudice maybe. Discriminatory? Quite possibly. But regardless, it doesn’t matter. It’s making the spanish look bad, it’s annoying the target population, and it’s not helping anything. Spamming chat isn’t the solution.
What these people are doing, through their own admission of doing it to protest, is harming the experience for other players. And surely against TOS.
No, you don’t.
noun: racism
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Speaking spanish is not a race.
Those little ‘Hitlers’ are the reason your pathetic little country is still alive You probably dont have a clue what im talking about. Thats ok, I did not expect anything from you
Sorry my irony detector is broken.
Some people thrive on victimhood out of entitlement to gain social immunity.
I am an immigrant originally from Russia who had abided the country rules and learnt their language.
My father always taught me that those people crying “racist!” do not have pride for their own people, only find ways to make trouble out of personal insecurity.
And my father comes from a line thats dying out in East Russia due to emmigrating to other lands.
Before the spanish began ruining the english servers, I was in favor of them having their own server, because it would be the neat thing to do for blizzard.
Now seeing how childish they are, and how they flat out refuse to fit in, I just want them to get their own server so they can ruin that instead. It’s gone from wanting them to be happy, to wanting rid of them. And it’s entirely their doing.
did i ever changed opinions about spanish in this thread… thought they were decent people… i thought wrong. Enjoy you silence… as far as i know they are incremental so have fun with that…